Blog do Covid

CICS.NOVA.UÉvora promove novo espaço de reflexão sobre COVID-19

CICS.NOVA.UÉvora cria espaço de debate e reflexões críticas em torno de diversas facetas inerentes ao surto da pandemia COVID-19, intitulado "Momentos-Covid-19: Reflexões críticas em tempos de Pandemia".

O primeiro momento de reflexão conjunta deu-se a 29 de Abril, em formato digital. Neste momento, o ponto de partida consistiu em analisar criticamente cenários sobre futuros prováveis, os quais podem emergir a médio prazo, partindo de uma visão de conjunto das respectivas dimensões política, económica, tecnológico científica, ambiental e sociocultural.

Vigilância digital em tempo de pandemia

Nos últimos dois meses temos ouvido muitos debates acerca de como será o mundo pós-pandemia. E em muitos deles a tecnologia assume um papel preponderante nesse futuro.
Tema particularmente atual e polémico com um dossier organizado por Luís Branco para a página
O telemóvel é que nos salvará? Olhe que não - Francisco Louçã
Screen New Deal: uma distopia tecnológica à boleia da pandemia - Naomi Klein
Covid e tecnologia: a vigilância é uma condição pré-existente - Sarah Chander é o site que faz pensar antes de instalar - Ricardo Lafuente

The impact of COVID-19 for people living and working in Europe

The impact of COVID-19 for people living and working in Europe: How can policymakers respond?

The first findings from Eurofound’s survey Living, working and COVID-19 launched on 9 April paint a stark picture, with people across the EU experiencing a deterioration in their economic situation and concerns for their financial future. EU citizens are generally reporting a decrease in their well-being but young people in particular are reporting much lower levels of mental well-being and higher levels of loneliness than other age groups.

COVID-19: do laboratório médico ao laboratório sociológico

Por Helena Serra (CICS.NOVA) in COVID-19 360 by NOVA (

Global sociology and the coronavirus (ISA)

The coronavirus has brought science back to the centre, including in countries where populist leaders used to delegitimize it. Epidemiologists, medical doctors and biologists bring us hard facts: the pandemic progresses every day; it is far worse than a “strong flu” and takes thousands of lives on all continents. Social scientists have come up with facts that are as hard and as unquestionable: while the virus itself is a biological agent that may infect each of us, we are deeply unequal when confronted to it.

Coronavirus Knowledge Hub

Organizado pela Frontiers, este "hub" de conhecimento integra muitas disciplinas científicas diferentes.
A global challenge like the current COVID-19 pandemic can only be defeated when research results are rapidly and openly shared and all stakeholders work together – scientists, health workers, publishers, funders, policymakers, and government officials.

Workers who started teleworking as a result of COVID-19

There is a significant difference between Spain and Italy in terms of the proportion of workers who started teleworking as a result of COVID-19 by country (%). 

COVID-19: Insights from Innovation Economists (EPFL)

A report from a collective of scholars primarily associated to the College of Management of Technology at Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne leaded by Gaétan de Rassenfosse and Dominique Foray.
It provides a reading of current real-world developments using economic reasoning and relying on existing economic research.

Living, working and COVID-19: First Eurofound findings

The aim of the survey is to investigate the impact on well-being, work and telework and on the financial situation of people living in Europe.
It includes a range of questions relevant to people across various age groups and life situations.
Most of the questions are based on Eurofound’s European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) and European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), while other questions are new or were adapted from other sources, such as the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC).

Covid-19 contact-tracing apps (ETUI report)

Contact-tracing apps to combat the Covid-19 pandemic have increasingly been mentioned as useful tools to accompany and contribute to a return to normality despite the many ethical and legal questions they raise. The pressure exerted by business circles and lobbies to restart and ‘save the economy’ has been intense.