Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies

The journal "Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies" focuses on the research about enterprise and work innovation, and that is organised interdisciplinary with economics, sociology, managerial, ergonomics and S&T policy approaches. It aims to study innovative systems both at the company level (networks, management, mergers and competition frameworks, quality systems, strategy, policy framework), and at the labour systems level (organization, labour relations, ergonomics and safety, telework), as well the issues related with technology assessment, systems management and innovation policy.

The main fields covered by the journal are:

  • industrial sociology, 
  • ergonomics,
  • technology assessment
  • management systems,
  • foresight analysis,
  • innovation,
  • industrial economics, and
  • organizational studies.

IET that sponsors the journal is a research centre pole of CESNOVA which covers this inter-disciplinary field and has the financial support from the Portuguese Ministry of Science and Technology through the national Foundation for Science and Technology.
