O Portal de sites destina-se ao alojamento das páginas web das várias iniciativas e projectos desenvolvidos pela FCT NOVA ou que, de alguma forma, estão associados à Faculdade.
NOVA's Table Tennis Website
testelink's web site
privado's web site
main_group_organometallic_organic_synthesis's web site
inbloom's web site
tecteachers's web site
This project addresses the growing demand for sustainable nanostructured materials fabricated at low temperatures for various applications. Oxide nano
igi2025's web site
molmicro's web site
agri-plast's web site
fct_mais_ciencia's web site
Postgraduate Study in Rehabilitation of Railway Infrastructures
Project funded by FCT/MCTES with the reference 2022/05483/PTDC
gbt's web site
pgmocambique's web site