
Abdurrahman Mete Yazan

Abdurrahman Mete Yazan


Ana Clara Cândido

Ana Clara Cândido

Research collaborator/Professor at UFSC (Brazil)

PhD thesis on Technology Assessment

Ana Paula Casaca

Ana Paula Casaca

PhD student/FCT-UNL, GALP

Ana  Ferreira

Ana Ferreira

Integrated member CICS.NOVA

My pluridisciplinary academic and scientific trajectory starts with a PhD in Health Sciences at the Harvard Medical School where I was 4 years, and focused on physiological and pathological mechanisms.

António Brandão Moniz

António Brandão Moniz

Integrated member, coordinator of Doctoral Programme on Technology Assessment

Associate Professor (since 1999) of the Industrial Sociology in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (UNL), with habilitation for Full Professorship since 2001.  Is coordinator of the PhD Programme on "Technology Assessment" (UNL) from 2009.

Babak  Farham

Babak Farham

PhD student/FCT-UNL

Bettina Johanna Krings

Bettina Johanna Krings

Research collaborator, ITAS-KIT

Head of research area Research area Knowledge society and knowledge policy at ITAS-KIT

PhD thesis on "Individualisation as a life strategy", supervised by Prof. Dr. Birgit Blättel-Mink and Prof. Dr. Tilla Siegel, University of Frankfurt on the Main (2015)

Studies of political science, sociology, and anthropology (M.A.) at the Karl-Ruprecht University of Heidelberg (1994).

Carolina Hevelin Moura

Carolina Hevelin Moura

PhD student/FCT-UNL

Débora Campos Freire

Débora Campos Freire

PhD on TA/CICS.NOVA, Nokia

Elisabete Gonçalves Semedo

PhD student/FCT-UNL

Gabriel T. Velloso

Gabriel T. Velloso



Isabel Marques Rosa

Collaborator researcher/Hospital Central Lisboa

João Farinha

Collaborator researcher/DCEA FCT Nova

Doutor em Engenharia do Ambiente, especialidade Ordenamento do Território, equivalência pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa (1990).
O Doutoramento (Dr.-Ing.) foi realizado na Universidade de Darmstadt (1989), Alemanha, no Instituto de Ordenamento do Território e Desenvolvimento.
Possui também Mestrado em Planeamento Urbano (1983) pela Universidade de Manitoba, Canadá, e Licenciatura em Engenharia Civil (Ramo Urbanismo e Transportes) pelo Instituto Superior Técnico (1978). Foi Assistente de Investigação no LNEC (1984 -87).

José Maria Albuquerque

Collaborator researcher/Ordem dos Engenheiros

  • Formação académica:

Programa de Alta Direção de Instituições de Saúde, AESE Business School, 2011 (Lisboa, Portugal);
Doutorado em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais pela Lehigh University, PA (EUA), 1998;
Equivalência do grau concedida pela Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 1998;
Licenciado em Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materiais no Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 1991.

Manuel  Baumann

Manuel Baumann

Collaborator researcher/ITAS-KIT

Since Jan. 2012 Researcher and deputy research group leader (full time) at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analyses (ITAS) / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Research area: Electrochemical energy storage, techno-economic modeling and life cycle assessment.
Current project at ITAS: Research affiliate in frame of the DFG project "POLiS - Post Lithium Storage Cluster of Excellence", KIT, Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW), University of Giessen and University of Ulm
