
Projeto AddTech

Este projeto tem como objetivo aproximar as PME’s do setor Metalúrgico e Metalomecânico das tecnologias facilitadoras (Key Enabling Technologies) na área da manufatura aditiva. Serão fomentadas abordagens diferenciadoras dos processos industriais, de design de produtos, de cadeias de abastecimento e de mercados.

DEEP VIEW Decent and Productive Virtual Work

DEEP VIEW is an European project (DG EMP) and aims at favouring a deeper understanding on how social dialogue and collective bargaining at national, sectoral and company level is addressing the challenges of work transformation due to New ICTs with the view of promoting decent and productive virtual work.

ISA-RC23 Session on Technology and Work

Session of RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology (host committee) for the XIX World Congress of Sociology

  • Technology and Work: New Sociological Approaches?

Language: English and French

July 15 - 21, 2018 in Toronto, Canada

Nanotechnologies and their impact on society, environment and economy

The NanoMat (Institut for Nanotechnology of KIT) and the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS-KIT) launches an interdisciplinary seminar series in Karlsruhe Campus North (Germany).

The first seminar will be held on March 22, 2017 at KIT, Campus North by Prof. Alfred Nordmann about "Enhancing material nature: From dead matter to smart materials, from mental to computer models".

For more information, please follow

Encontro conjunto da Rede esCTS e da Secção CCT da APS

Traduções perdidas. Pessoas, tecnologias, práticas e conceitos através das fronteiras

Encontro conjunto da Rede esCTS e da Secção Temática Conhecimento Ciência e Tecnologia da APS
Lisboa 7-9 Junho de 2017

ICT Wearables & Healthcare

The study “wearables and healthcare” is supporting two MSc students (Koen Roorda & Roy de Laat) in Human-Technology Interaction (HTI) at Eindhoven University of Technology, and one PhD student (Elisabete Semedo) on Technology Assessment at Universidade Nova Lisboa.

More information at:

FCT-UNL researchers with STOA projects

Three researchers from the IET pole of CICS.NOVA at FCT-UNL are involved in two European Parliament Technology Assessment office (STOA) projects.

One is a project on "Assistive technologies for the inclusion of people with disabilities in society, education and jobs" and has Maria João Maia (PhD student of the UNL programme on TA) as project researcher. She is working in the ITAS-KIT team.

6th Winter School on Technology Assessment

The next 6th Winter School on Technology Assessment will take place at the Caparica Campus on December 9th from 9h30m until 17h30m. For more information, please see here.

ManuFuture 2015, Luxembourg City (LU) 23 & 24 November

The 2015 edition of Europe’s major manufacturing research and innovation conference, ManuFuture, will take place on 23 & 24 November in Luxembourg City.

Focusing on the topic ‘strategic investments in European manufacturing to rise to global challenges, ManuFuture 2015 explore following issues:

MESIC 2015, Barcelona (ES) 22 to 24 July 2015

The 6th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (MESIC 2015) will take place in Barcelona from 22 to 24 July 2015.

The conference offers a meeting point for professionals and researchers from industry, research centres and academia to present and discuss recent advances in the field of Manufacturing Engineering.

Topics which will be covered include:

Call for papers ISA RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology

Call for Abstracts

14 April 2015 - 30 September 2015 24:00 GMT

Anyone interested in presenting a paper should submit an abstract on-line to a chosen session of the RC 23

5th Doctoral Conference on Technology Assessment

5th Doctoral Conference on Technology Assessment

Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia

Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Programa Doutoral em Avaliação de Tecnologia

Local: Auditório da Biblioteca da FCT-UNL, Campus de Caparica

IET-CICS.NOVA com perfil Twitter

A partir de agora o IET - CICS.NOVA tem uma conta Twitter que poderá ser seguida em

Tokyo Workshop at RISTEX

Technology Assessment:

A Stable Solution or Only Relevant Under Pressure?
