By Type: Journal Article

Carlos, F. F., J. Silva-Nunes, O. Flores, M. Brito, G. Doria, L. Veiga, and P. V. Baptista. "Association of FTO and PPARG polymorphisms with obesity in Portuguese women." Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes 6 (2013): 241-5. AbstractWebsite


Fernandes, Alexandra R., and Pedro Viana Baptista. "Nanotechnology for Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy – An Update on Novel Molecular Players." Current Cancer Therapy Reviews 9 (2013): 164-172. AbstractWebsite

Nanotechnology has emerged as a "disruptive technology" that may provide researchers with new and innovative ways to diagnose, treat and monitor cancer. In fact, nanomedicine approaches have delivered several strategies, such as new imaging agents, real-time assessments of therapeutic and surgical efficacy, multifunctional, targeted devices capable of bypassing biological barriers to target and silence specific pathways in tumours. Of particular interest, has been the increased capability to deliver multiple therapeutic agents directly to bulk cancer cells and cancer stem cells that play a critical role in cancer growth and metastasis. These multifunctional targeted nanoconjugates are also capable of avoiding cancer resistance and monitor predictive molecular changes that open the path for preventive action against pre-cancerous cells, minimizing costs and incidence of relapses. A myriad of nanoconjugates with effective silencing and site-targeting moieties can be developed by incorporating a diverse selection of targeting, diagnostic, and therapeutic components. A discussion of the integrative effort of nanotechnology systems with recent developments of biomolecular interactions in cancer progression is clearly required. Here, we will update the state of the art related to the development and applications of nanoscale platforms and novel biomolecular players in cancer diagnosis, imaging and treatment.

Carlos, Fabio Ferreira, Jose Silva-Nunes, Orfeu Flores, Miguel Brito, Goncalo Doria, Luisa Veiga, and Pedro Viana Baptista. "Association of FTO and PPARG polymorphisms with obesity in Portuguese women." Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy 6 (2013): 241-5. Abstract


Veigas, B., P. Pedrosa, I. Couto, M. Viveiros, and P. V. Baptista. "Isothermal DNA amplification coupled to Au-nanoprobes for detection of mutations associated to Rifampicin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis." J Nanobiotechnology 11 (2013): 38. AbstractWebsite


Conde, J., A. Ambrosone, Y. Hernandez, V. Marchesano, F. Tian, M. Ricardo Ibarra, P. V. Baptista, C. Tortiglione, and J. M. de la Fuente. "Designing gold nanoparticles for in vivo gene silencing as a new therapeutic tool." Human Gene Therapy 24 (2013): A24. Abstract


Conde, Joao, Jesus M. de la Fuente, and Pedro V. Baptista. "Nanomaterials for reversion of multidrug resistance in cancer: a new hope for an old idea?" Frontiers in Pharmacology 4 (2013). Abstract


Veigas, Bruno, Pedro Pedrosa, Isabel Couto, Miguel Viveiros, and Pedro V. Baptista. "Isothermal DNA amplification coupled to Aunanoprobes for detection of mutations associated to Rifampicin resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis." Journal of Nanobiotechnology 11 (2013). Abstract


Conde, Joao, Alfredo Ambrosone, Vanesa Sanz, Yulan Hernandez, Valentina Marchesano, Furong Tian, Hannah Child, Catherine C. Berry, Ricardo M. Ibarra, Pedro V. Baptista, Claudia Tortiglione, and Jesus M. de la Fuente. "Design of Multifunctional Gold Nanoparticles for In Vitro and In Vivo Gene Silencing." Acs Nano 6 (2012): 8316-8324. Abstract


Sanz, Vanesa, Joao Conde, Alfredo Ambrosone, Yulan Hernandez, Valentina Marchesasno, Giovani G. Estrada, Manuel R. Ibarra, Pedro V. Baptista, Furong Tian, Claudia Tortiglione, and Jesus M. de la Fuente. "Multifunctional gold nanoparticles for gene silencing." Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 243 (2012). Abstract


Guirgis, Bassem S. S., Claudia Sa e Cunha, Ines Gomes, Miguel Cavadas, Isabel Silva, Goncalo Doria, Gregory L. Blatch, Pedro V. Baptista, Eulalia Pereira, Hassan M. E. Azzazy, Maria M. Mota, Miguel Prudencio, and Ricardo Franco. "Gold nanoparticle-based fluorescence immunoassay for malaria antigen detection." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 402 (2012): 1019-1027. Abstract


Conde, João, João Rosa, João C. Lima, and Pedro V. Baptista. "Nanophotonics for Molecular Diagnostics and Therapy Applications." Int. J. Photoenergy 619530 (2012).
Doria, G., J. Conde, B. Veigas, L. Giestas, C. Almeida, M. Assunção, J. Rosa, and P. V. Baptista. "Noble metal nanoparticles for biosensing applications." Sensors (Basel) 12 (2012): 1657-87. AbstractWebsite


Larguinho, Miguel, and Pedro V. Baptista. "Gold and silver nanoparticles for clinical diagnostics - from genomics to proteomics." J. Proteomics 75 (2012): 2811-2823.
Baptista, Pedro V. "RNA quantification with gold nanoprobes for cancer diagnostics." Clinics in Laboratory Medicine 32 (2012): 1-13.
Conde, J., J. Rosa, J. C. Lima, and P. V. Baptista. "Nanophotonics for Molecular Diagnostics and Therapy Applications." International Journal of Photoenergy (2012). Abstract


Machado, Diana, Isabel Couto, João Perdigão, Liliana Rodrigues, Isabel Portugal, Pedro Baptista, Bruno Veigas, Leonard Amaral, and Miguel Viveiros. "Contribution of efflux to the emergence of isoniazid and multidrug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis." PLoS ONE 7 (2012): e34538.
Veigas, Bruno, Jorge M. Jacob, Mafalda N. Costa, David S. Santos, Miguel Viveiros, Joao Inacio, Rodrigo Martins, Pedro Barquinha, Elvira Fortunato, and Pedro Viana Baptista. "Gold on paper-paper platform for Au-nanoprobe TB detection." Lab on a Chip 12 (2012): 4802-4808. Abstract


Conde, João, Pedro V. Baptista, Yulan Hernández, Vanesa Sanz, and Jesus M. de la Fuente. "Modification of plasmid DNA topology by ‘histone-mimetic’ gold nanoparticles." Nanomedicine (2012).
Baptista, Pedro Viana. "Could gold nanoprobes be an important tool in cancer diagnostics?" Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics 12 (2012): 541-543. Abstract


dos Santos, Margarida Moreira, Margarida João Queiroz, and Pedro V. Baptista. "Enhancement of antibiotic effect via gold:silver alloy nanoparticles." J. Nanopar. Res. 14 (2012): 859.
Rosa, J., J. Conde, J. M. de la Fuente, J. C. Lima, and P. V. Baptista. "Gold-nanobeacons for real-time monitoring of RNA synthesis." Biosens Bioelectron 36 (2012): 161-7. AbstractWebsite


Sanz, Vanesa, João Conde, Yulán Hernández, Pedro V. Baptista, M. R. Ibarra, and Jesús M. de la Fuente. "Effect of PEG biofunctional spacers and TAT peptide on dsRNA loading on gold nanoparticles." J. Nanoparticles Res. 14 (2012): 917.
Conde, Joao, Goncalo Doria, and Pedro Baptista. "Noble metal nanoparticles applications in cancer." Journal of drug delivery 2012 (2012): 751075. Abstract
