Gold nanoprobe-based non-crosslinking hybridization for molecular diagnostics

Gold nanoprobe-based non-crosslinking hybridization for molecular diagnostics, Larguinho, Miguel, Canto Rafaela, Cordeiro Milton, Pedrosa Pedro, Fortuna Andreia, Vinhas Raquel, and Baptista {Pedro Miguel Ribeiro Viana} , Expert Review Of Molecular Diagnostics, oct, Volume 15, Number 10, p.1355–1368, (2015)


Non-crosslinking (NCL) approaches using DNA-modified gold nanoparticles for molecular detection constitute powerful tools with potential implications in clinical diagnostics and tailored medicine. From detection of pathogenic agents to identification of specific point mutations associated with health conditions, these methods have shown remarkable versatility and simplicity. Herein, the NCL hybridization assay is broken down to the fundamentals behind its assembly and detection principle. Gold nanoparticle synthesis and derivatization is addressed, emphasizing optimal size homogeneity and conditions for maximum surface coverage, with direct implications in downstream detection. The detection principle is discussed and the advantages and drawbacks of different NCL approaches are discussed. Finally, NCL-based applications for molecular detection of clinically relevant loci and potential integration into more complex biosensing platforms, projecting miniaturization and portability are addressed.


Sem PDF. This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT-MEC), grant numbers PTDC/BBB-NAN/1812/2012 and SFRH/BD/87836/2012 to M Cordeiro; and SFRH/BD/52211/2013 to R Vinhas. The authors have no other relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript apart from those disclosed.