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Dias, L, Simões S, Gouveia JP, Seixas J.  2017.  Local Sustainable energy systems - the role of Times model. ETSAP Workshop on Sustainability Performance of the Energy Systems. , Madrid, Spain, 29th and 30th of May: CIEMAT
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Mendes L, Shiming L.  2015.  Looking Deeper into Residential Electricity Consumption Profiles: The Case of Évora, 19-22 May. EEM15. 12th International Conference on the European Energy market. , Lisbon
Fortes, P, Alvarenga A, Seixas J, Rodrigues S.  2015.  Long term energy scenarios: Bridging the gap between socio-economic storylines and energy Modeling. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 91:161-178.Website
Fortes, P, Seixas J, Dias L, Gouveia JP.  2012.  Low Carbon Roadmap for Portugal: Technology Analysis, 9-12 September. 2th IAEE European Conference, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability. , Venice, Italy: International Association of Energy Economics
Fortes, P, Simões S, Cleto J, Seixas J.  2008.  Long-term Energy Scenarios Under Uncertainty, 28-30 May. 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market. , Lisbon, Portugal