By Type: Conference Paper

Simoes, SG, Mesnier C.  2018.  An overview of the Covenant of Mayors application in Portugal (in Portuguese).. Cities leading the Way to a Sustainable Future, , Torres Vedras, Portugal: Centro Pastoral de Torres Vedras
Palma, P, Gouveia JP, Seixas J, Simões S.  2017.  Thermal Comfort in the Portuguese Households: Mapping Energy Needs at Civil Parish Level, . 21-22 Sep.. ME3 Conference - Meeting on Energy and Environmental Economics. , Aveiro
Brás, T, Seixas J.  2017.  Assessing the impact of climate extremes and energy use in crop production – EU28 agri-food suppliers, 18-20 Sep.. Fifth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development. , New York, USA: Columbia University
Simoes, SG, Halstead M, Selosse S, Assoumou E.  2017.  Enhancement of the ETSAP E-Techs Database with water consumption and withdrawal data, 13 December. ETSAP Workshop on modelling the water-energy nexus. , Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zurich
Simoes, SG, Marogna N, Fortes P.  2017.  Assessing water needs for power production in Iberian Peninsula at watershed level, 13 December. ETSAP Workshop on modelling the water-energy nexus. , Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zurich
Simoes, SG, Barbosa J, Fazendeiro L, Seixas J.  2017.  The Return of H2 – Challenges of Modelling H2 in TIMES, 11-12 December . 72nd Semi-annual ETSAP meeting. , Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zurich
Fortes, P, Simões S, Gouveia JP, Seixas J.  2017.  O papel inevitável das renováveis na descarbonização do sistema energético nacional [The Inevitable Role of Renewable Energy for the decarbonisation of the Portuguese economy], October 25th. Conferência APREN [Conference of the APREN]. , Fundação Champalimaud, Lisboa, Portugal: APREN - Portuguese Association of Renewable Energy Companies
Seixas, J, Fortes P, Simões S, Gouveia JP.  2017.  Trajetórias de descarbonização e impactos na matriz energética [Pathways for the decarbonisation and impact in the energy matrix] , 14 December. Conferência A transição energética na Península Ibérica - Associação Portuguesa de Economia da Energia [Conference on the energy transition in the Iberian Peninsula of the APEEN – Portuguese Association for Energy Economy]. , ISCTE. Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal: APEEN
Dias, L., Simões S, Gouveia JP, Seixas J.  2017.  Integrative Energy Planning For Cities Low Carbon Futures: Modelling and Scenarios results, 8th February. 3rd Energy for Sustainability Conference. , Funchal, Portugal
Gouveia, J.P., Dias L, Seixas J, Simões S.  2017.  INSMART – Integrative Energy Planning For Cities Low Carbon Futures: Analytical Framework, 8th February. 3rd Energy for Sustainability Conference. , Funchal, Portugal
Seixas, J, Simões S, Fortes P, Gouveia JP.  2017.  The pivotal role of electricity to the deep decarbonization of energy system: cost-effectiveness options for Portugal, 29-30 June. 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environment. , Porto, Portugal: Faculty of Economics, University of Porto
Gouveia, JP, Palma P, Seixas J, Simões S.  2017.  MAPPING RESIDENTIAL THERMAL COMFORT GAP AT VERY HIGH RESOLUTION SPATIAL SCALE: IMPLICATIONS FOR ENERGY POLICY DESIGN, 18-21 June . 40th International Association of Energy Economics International Conference, Meeting the Energy Demand of Emerging Economies. Implications for Energy and Environmental Markets. , Singapore
Nunes, V, Gouveia JP, Rodrigues AM, T. S.  2017.  InSmart: Towards the New DSO Potential Roles in Low Carbon Future and Integrated Frameworks for Smart Cities. Poster , 12-15 June. CIRED 2017 Conference. , Glasgow, Scotland
Flores, M, Seixas J.  2017.   How the European Directive cost-effectiveness model to nZEB fails widely 2050 decarbonisation goals., 29-30 Oct. XIII Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia Mecânica. , Lisboa, Portugal
Dias, L, Seixas J, Gouveia JP, Simões S.  2016.  Integrative Smart City Planning – Energy system modelling at city scale, 13-15 July . 22nd Annual International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference . , Lisbon, Portugal
Barbosa, J, Brás T, Seixas J.  2016.  The Sustainable Development Goals in a NEXUS perspective among the food trade market – focus on the EU agri-food import dependency, 21-22 Sep.. Fourth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development. , New York, USA: Columbia University
Fortes, P, Dias L, Seixas J.  2016.  The sustainability of future scenarios of the Portuguese power system, 13-15 July . 22nd Annual International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference . , Lisbon, Portugal
Dias, L, Simões S.  2016.  ) Integrative Smart City Planning – Energy system modelling for the city of Évora, 30-31 May . ETSAP Workshop . , Cork, Ireland
Barbosa, JP, Dias L.  2016.  Solar Power Deployment In Brazil – Testing Electric Vehicles As The Wheel To Promote Solar Power, 11-14 October . 11th ISES EuroSun Conference . , Palma Mallorca, Spain
Chávez-Rodríguez, M, Dias L, Simoes S, Seixas J, Szklo A, Lucena FPA, Hawkes A.  2016.  Natural Gas Outlook for the Southern Cone: outcomes from an hourly basis TIMES natural gas & power model, 1-3 June. 35th International Energy Workshop. , Cork, Ireland
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Giannakidis G.  2016.  Smart City Energy Planning: Integrating Data and Tools, April 11-15. AW4City - International World Wide Web Conference. , Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J.  2016.  Tracking fuel poverty with smart meters: the case of Évora, 4-5 February. Energy Economics Iberian Conference. , ISEL, Lisbon
Simões, S, Gregório V, Seixas J.  2016.  Mapping fuel poverty in Portugal, 4-5 February. Energy Economics Iberian Conference. , ISEL, Lisbon: APEEN
Gouveia, JP, Simões S, Dias L, Seixas J.  2016.  The InSmart integrated approach towards modelling smart low carbon cities, 25 November . EERA Conference 2016. , UK: University of Birmingham
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Mestre A.  2016.  Daily Electricity Profiles from Smart Meters - Proxies of Active Behaviour for Space Heating and Cooling, 8-9 September. BEHAVE 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency. , Coimbra, Portugal