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Gregório, V, Seixas J, Robinson D, Long G, Gouveia JP.  2014.  Energy Efficiency Challenges: The Linkage between the Past and the Future, for Low Carbon Historic Centres in Portugal. Urban Futures Squaring Circles: Proceedings, International Conference on Urban Futures Squaring Circles 2050. , Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Gouveia, JP, Bilo N, Gargiulo M, Giannakidis G, Gregório V, Duncan I, Nunes V, Robinson D, Seixas J, Valentim A.  2014.  InSMART - Integrative Smart City Planning - The case of Households in Évora. Urban Futures Squaring Circles: Proceedings, International Conference on Urban Futures Squaring Circles 2050,. , Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation: Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Abstract

European policy has acknowledged the significance of local and regional communities for the
deployment of new low carbon technologies and their potential for sustainable energy production and use.
Several initiatives and programmes (e.g. Covenant of Mayors) have been set up to engage European cities in the
effort towards a low carbon future. At the same time, there is a critical need to improve comprehensive city
planning driven by an integrated approach and focused on cost benefit assessment towards sustainable energy
use. Hence, innovative tools and models to assess and perform in-depth analysis of the alternative measures
towards efficient energy use, will help pave the way to fully capture the potential of each city in the most
efficient (economically, socially and technically) way.
The InSMART concept brings together four European cities: Évora (Portugal), Cesena (Italy), Nottingham (UK)
and Trikala (Greece), and scientific organizations of these countries, to establish a methodology for enhancing
sustainable planning for city needs through an integrative and multidisciplinary planning approach, aiming to
developing detailed sustainable energy action plans. Such an approach will identify the optimum mix of short,
medium and long term projects and investments, addressing the efficiency of energy flows across various city
sectors with regards to economic, environmental and social criteria and will highlight priority actions.
Tools and models, like Geographic Information System, buildings models (CitySim and EnergyPlus) and
transport-based energy and carbon model, as well as a technological partial equilibrium energy model (TIMES),
are used to analyse, all the relevant sectors (buildings, industries, transports, waste and water management).
Furthermore, the cities buildings stocks are being characterized through an extensive 110-question survey
(around 410 door-to-door interviews) and will be modelled through a typology approach. Four hundred 20-
question surveys are also being carried out to evaluate transport and mobility patterns, supported on travel diaries and fulfilling different quotas for several variables (geographic location, days of the week, age and working
status) in order to assure representativeness of the data collected.
The main differences between rural and urban areas results from the building surveys and high-resolution
electricity consumption from smart meters for the Portuguese city of Évora are highlighted.

Fortes, P, Pereira R, Pereira A, Seixas J.  2014.  Integrated technological-economic modeling platform for energy and climate policy analysis. Energy. 73:716–730.: Elsevier Ltd AbstractWebsite

CGE (computable general equilibrium) and bottom-up models each have unique strengths and weakness in evaluating energy and climate policies. This paper describes the development of an integrated technological, economic modeling platform (HYBTEP), built through the soft-link between the bottom-up TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM system) and the CGE GEM-E3 models. HYBTEP combines cost minimizing energy technology choices with macroeconomic responses, which is essential for energy-climate policy assessment. HYBTEP advances on other hybrid tools by assuming 'full-form' models, integrating detailed and extensive technology data with disaggregated economic structure, and 'full-link', i.e., covering all economic sectors. Using Portugal as a case study, we examine three scenarios: (i) the current energy-climate policy, (ii) a CO2 tax, and (iii) renewable energy subsidy, with the objective of assessing the advantages of HYBTEP vis-à-vis bottom-up approach. Results show that the economic framework in HYBTEP partially offsets the increase or decrease in energy costs from the policy scenarios, while TIMES is very sensitive to energy services-price elasticities, setting a wide range of results. HYBTEP allows the computation of the economic impacts of policies in a technological detailed environment. The hybrid platform increases transparency of policy analysis by making explicit the mechanisms through which energy demand evolves, resulting in high confidence for decision-making. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Bilo N, Valentim A, Nunes V, Giannakidis G, Robinson D, Irons D, Gargiulo M.  2014.  Integrative Smart City Planning - Buildings and Mobility in Évora. 4th IAEE European Energy Conference - Sustainable Energy Policy and Strategies for Europe. , LUISS University, Rome, Italy.
Simoes, S, Seixas J, Fortes P, Huppes G.  2014.  The savings of energy saving: Interactions between energy supply and demand-side options-quantification for Portugal. Energy Efficiency. 7:179–201. Abstract


Seixas, J, Fortes P, Dias L.  2013.   Renewable power cost supply curves (AIC) TIMES_PT: Portugal, 17 June. IRENA-ETSAP joint Session. , Paris, France
Fortes, P, Seixas J.  2013.  HYBTEP- Hybrid technological economic platform, 17 June. Regular ETSAP Energy Workshop. , Paris, France: The Technology Systems Analysis Program from International Energy Agency
Seixas, J, Fortes P, Dias L.  2013.  Renewable Power Cost Supply Curves - TIMES_PT: Portugal, 17 June. IRENA-ETSAP Joint Session. , Paris, France: International Renewable Energy Agency – The Technology Systems Analysis Program
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Labriet M, Fortes P, Gargiulo M.  2013.  Prospective scenarios for the adoption of CCS technologies in the Iberian Peninsula. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2:31–41. AbstractWebsite


Fortes, P, Simões S, Seixas J, Regemorter DV, Ferreira F.  2013.  Top-down and bottom-up modelling to support low-carbon scenarios: climate policy implications. Climate Policy. 13:285–304., Number 3 AbstractWebsite


Fortes, P, Seixas J, Dias L, Gouveia JP.  2012.  Low Carbon Roadmap for Portugal: Technology Analysis, 9-12 September. 2th IAEE European Conference, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability. , Venice, Italy: International Association of Energy Economics
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Labriet M, Fortes P, Gargiulo M.  2012.  The Role of CCS in the Iberian Peninsula: Contribution for a regional roadmap, 9-12 September. 12th IAEE European Conference, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability. , Venice, Italy: International Association of Energy Economics
Dias, L, Fortes P, Gouveia J, Seixas J.  2012.   Potencial de Eficiência Energética em Portugal para cenários de Longo Prazo, 22 June. PCEEE – Portugal em Conferência para uma Ecónomia Energéticamente Eficiente. , Coimbra, Portugal: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Kanudia, A, Boavida D, van den Broek M, Cabal H, Gargiulo M, Gouveia JP, Labriet M, Seixas J, Tosato GC.  2012.  CCS infrastructure development scenarios for the integrated Iberian Peninsula and Morocco energy system, 18-22 November. GHGT_11, Conference session #9 on “CCS technology assessment and system integration”. , Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan
van den Broek, M, Mesquita P, Carneiro J, Silva J, Berghout N, Ramirez A, Gouveia JP, Seixas J, Cabal H, Martinez R, Rimi A, Boavida D, Tosato GC.  2012.  Region specific challenges of a CO2 pipeline infrastructure in the West Mediterranean area - Model results versus stakeholder views., 18-22 November. GHGT_11, on “CCS technology assessment and system integration”. , Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan.
Gouveia, JP, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2012.  Projections of energy services demand for residential buildings: Insights from a bottom-up methodology. Energy. 47:430–442., Number 1: Elsevier Ltd AbstractWebsite


Gouveia, JP, Dias L, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2012.  TIMES_PT: Integrated Energy System Modeling. 1st Int'l Workshop on Information Technology for Energy Applications (IT4ENERGY'2012). , Lisbon, Portugal: Vol. 923 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073
Simões, S, Seixas J, Fortes P, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Mauricio B.  2011.  The medium-term role of renewable energy sources in climate change mitigation in Portugal, 9-13 May. WREC 2011 - World Renewable Energy Congress 2011. , Linkoping, Sweded
Seixas, J, Simões S, Kanudia A, Gargiulo M, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Fortes P.  2011.  Electric Vehicles in the European Union: Conditions for Success, Impacts on the Power System and on CO2 Emissions, 6-8 July. IEW - International Energy Workshop 2011,. , Standford, USA.
Seixas, J, Fortes P, Simões S, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Mauricio B.  2011.  Greenhouse gas emissions cap: a new paradigm for energy dependence in the long term?, 19-23 June 34th IAEE International Conference - Institutions, Efficiency and Evolving Energy Technologies.. , Stockholm
Gouveia, JP, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2010.  Forecasting of Residential Energy Services Demand: The Portuguese Case for 2030, 25-28 August. International Conference IAEE - 11th IAEE European Conference Energy Economy, Policies and Supply Security: Surviving the Global Economic Crisis.. , Vilnius, Lithuania: International Association of Energy Economics
Dias, L, Gouveia J, Maurício B, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2010.  The impact of Climate Change Mitigation Options on Air Pollutant Emissions in Portugal, 24 June. Semiannual ETSAP Meeting 2010. , Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Fortes, P, Simões S, Seixas J, van Regemorter D.  2009.  Top-down vs. Bottom-up modeling to support climate policy - Comparative analysis for the Portuguese economy. , 7-10 September. 10th IAEE European Conference. Energy, Policies and Technologies for Sustainable Economies.. , Viena, Austria: International Association of Energy Economics
Simões, S, Cleto J, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2009.  The Savings of Energy Saving: Quantifying interactions between energy supply and demand side policies for Portugal, 1-6 June. ECEEE - European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2009 Summer Study. , La Colle sur Loup. France
Fortes, P, Simões S, Cleto J, Seixas J.  2008.  Long-term Energy Scenarios Under Uncertainty, 28-30 May. 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market. , Lisbon, Portugal