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Simoes, SG, Halstead M, Selosse S, Assoumou E.  2017.  Enhancement of the ETSAP E-Techs Database with water consumption and withdrawal data, 13 December. ETSAP Workshop on modelling the water-energy nexus. , Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zurich
Simoes, SG, Barbosa J, Fazendeiro L, Seixas J.  2017.  The Return of H2 – Challenges of Modelling H2 in TIMES, 11-12 December . 72nd Semi-annual ETSAP meeting. , Zurich, Switzerland: ETH Zurich
Palma, P, Gouveia JP, Seixas J, Simões S.  2017.  Thermal Comfort in the Portuguese Households: Mapping Energy Needs at Civil Parish Level, . 21-22 Sep.. ME3 Conference - Meeting on Energy and Environmental Economics. , Aveiro
Fortes, P, Proença S, Simoes SG, Seixas J.  2017.  Can green power lead to green growth? A study for Portugal 15th IAEE European Conference "Heading towards sustainable energy systems: Evolution or Revolution?". , Vienna, Austria. 3-6 September, Hofburg Congress Center
Simoes, S, Nijs W, Ruiz P, Sgobbi A, Thiel C.  2017.  Comparing policy routes for low-carbon power technology deployment in EU – an energy system analysis. Energy Policy. 101:353–365.
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Mestre A.  2017.  Daily Electricity Profiles from Smart Meters - Proxies of Active Behaviour for Space Heating and Cooling. Energy. 141:108-122. AbstractWebsite

Daily electricity consumption profiles from smart meters are explored as proxies of active behavior regarding space heating and cooling. The influence of the environment air temperature (multiple maximum and minimum daily thresholds) on electricity consumption was explored for a final sample of 19 households located in southwestern Europe (characterized by hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters), taking the full year of 2014. Statistical analysis of the deviations from hourly average electricity consumptions for each temperature thresholds was performed for each household. Firstly, these deviations could act as proxies highlighting possible lack of thermal comfort on space cooling, and partially on space heating, supported by door-to-door survey data, on socio-economic details of occupants, buildings bearing structure and equipment's ownership and use. Secondly, meaningful differences of consumers' behavior on electricity consumption pattern were identified as a response for space heating and cooling to the environment air temperatures thresholds. Additionally, statistical clusters of active and non-active behavior groups of households were assessed, showing the electricity use for space heating. This paper illustrates the importance of the widespread use of smart-meters data on the increasingly electrified buildings sector, to understand whether and how thermal comfort could be achieved through active climatization behavior of its occupants. This is particularly important in regions where automatic HVAC systems are almost absent.

Gregório, V, Seixas J.  2017.  Energy Savings Potential in Urban Rehabilitation: A Spatial-Based Methodology Applied to Historic Centres. Energy and Buildings. 152:11-23.
Sebastian, R, Simoes SG.  2017.  Evaluating and mapping the energy efficiency potential in the Building sector of the Almada Municipality. Annual APEEN Conference. , Lisbon, Portugal. 9 May. ISCTE
Simões, S, Zeyringer M, Mayr D, Schmidt J.  2017.  Impact of modelling geographical disaggregation of wind and PV electricity generation in large energy system models: a case study for Austria. Renewable Energy Journal. 105:183-198.
Gargiulo, M, Chiodi A, De Miglio R, Simoes S, Long G, Pollard M, Gouveia JP, Giannakidis G.  2017.  An Integrated Planning Framework for the Development of Sustainable and Resilient Cities - The Case of the InSMART Project. Procedia Engineering. 198:444-453.
Costa, E, Seixas J, Costa G, Turrentine T.  2017.  Interplay between ethanol and electric vehicles as low carbon mobility options for passengers in the municipality of São Paulo. JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION. 7(11):518-525.
Dias, L, Simões S, Gouveia JP, Seixas J.  2017.  Local Sustainable energy systems - the role of Times model. ETSAP Workshop on Sustainability Performance of the Energy Systems. , Madrid, Spain, 29th and 30th of May: CIEMAT
Gouveia, JP, Palma P, Seixas J, Simoes S.  2017.  Mapping Residential Thermal Comfort Gap at very high resolution spatial scale: Implications for Energy Policy Design. 40th International Association of Energy Economics International Conference, Meeting the Energy Demand of Emerging Economies. Implications for Energy and Environmental Markets. , Singapore, 18-21 June
Chávez-Rodriguéz, M, Dias L, Simoes S, Seixas J, Hawkes A, Szklo A, Lucena A.  2017.  Modelling the role of natural gas in the Southern Cone of Latin America. Applied Energy. 201(1):219-239.
Palma, P, Gouveia JP, Seixas J, Simões S.  2017.  Thermal Comfort in the Portuguese Households: Mapping Energy Needs at Civil Parish Level. ME3 Conference - Meeting on Energy and Environmental Economics. , Aveiro, Portugal. 21-22 September,
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Giannakidis G.  2016.  Smart City Energy Planning: Integrating Data and Tools, April 11-15. AW4City - International World Wide Web Conference. , Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Mestre A.  2016.  Daily Electricity Profiles from Smart Meters - Proxies of Active Behaviour for Space Heating and Cooling, 8-9 September. BEHAVE 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency. , Coimbra, Portugal
Simões, S, Gregório V, Seixas J.  2016.  Mapping fuel poverty in Portugal, 4-5 February. Energy Economics Iberian Conference. , ISEL, Lisbon: APEEN
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J.  2016.  Tracking fuel poverty with smart meters: the case of Évora, 4-5 February. Energy Economics Iberian Conference. , ISEL, Lisbon
Dias, L, Simões S.  2016.  ) Integrative Smart City Planning – Energy system modelling for the city of Évora, 30-31 May . ETSAP Workshop . , Cork, Ireland
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J.  2016.  Energy Use Equity: analysis from smart meters, surveys and energy simulations, 3-15 July. 22nd Annual Conference of the International Sustainable Development Research Society. , Lisbon, Portugal
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J.  2016.  Fuel Poverty and Fuel Obesity: what smart meters tell us, 26-29 June . International Society for Ecological Economics Conference. , Washington D.C., USA
Gouveia, JP, Simões S, Dias L, Seixas J.  2016.  The InSmart integrated approach towards modelling smart low carbon cities, 25 November . EERA Conference 2016. , UK: University of Birmingham
Barbosa, J, Brás T, Seixas J.  2016.  The Sustainable Development Goals in a NEXUS perspective among the food trade market – focus on the EU agri-food import dependency, 21-22 Sep.. Fourth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development. , New York, USA: Columbia University
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Mestre A, Miguel L.  2016.   Intertwining sectoral electricity consumption profiles at city level, 19-22 June . 39th International Association for Energy Economics. , Bergen. Norway: Norwegian School of Economics