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Barbosa, JP, Dias L.  2016.  Solar Power Deployment In Brazil – Testing Electric Vehicles As The Wheel To Promote Solar Power, 11-14 October . 11th ISES EuroSun Conference . , Palma Mallorca, Spain
Barbosa, J, Brás T, Seixas J.  2016.  The Sustainable Development Goals in a NEXUS perspective among the food trade market – focus on the EU agri-food import dependency, 21-22 Sep.. Fourth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development. , New York, USA: Columbia University
Brás, T, Seixas J.  2017.  Assessing the impact of climate extremes and energy use in crop production – EU28 agri-food suppliers, 18-20 Sep.. Fifth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development. , New York, USA: Columbia University
van den Broek, M, Mesquita P, Carneiro J, Silva J, Berghout N, Ramirez A, Gouveia JP, Seixas J, Cabal H, Martinez R, Rimi A, Boavida D, Tosato GC.  2012.  Region specific challenges of a CO2 pipeline infrastructure in the West Mediterranean area - Model results versus stakeholder views., 18-22 November. GHGT_11, on “CCS technology assessment and system integration”. , Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan.
Chávez-Rodríguez, M, Dias L, Simoes S, Seixas J, Szklo A, Lucena FPA, Hawkes A.  2016.  Natural Gas Outlook for the Southern Cone: outcomes from an hourly basis TIMES natural gas & power model, 1-3 June. 35th International Energy Workshop. , Cork, Ireland
Chávez-Rodriguéz, M, Dias L, Simoes S, Seixas J, Hawkes A, Szklo A, Lucena A.  2017.  Modelling the role of natural gas in the Southern Cone of Latin America. Applied Energy. 201(1):219-239.
Chiodi, A, Taylor PG, Seixas J, Simões S, Fortes P, Gouveia JP, Dias L, ÓGallachóir B.  2015.  Energy Policies Influenced by Energy Systems Modelling—Case Studies in UK, Ireland, Portugal and G8. Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models. 30(George Giannakidis, Labriet, Maryse, Brian ÓGallachóir, GianCarlo Tosato, Eds.).:15-41.: Springer International Publishing Abstract
Cleto, J, Simões S, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2008.  Renewable Energy Sources Availability under Climate Change Scenarios – impacts on the Portuguese Energy System, 28-30 May. 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market. , Lisbon, Portugal
Cleto, J, Simões S, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2007.  Marginal CO2 abatement costs for the Portuguese energy system - scenarios analysis for 2030, 2-4 July. 9th International Conference Energy for a Clean Environment. , Povoa de Varzim, Portugal
Collaço, F, Simoes SG, Dias L, Duic N, Seixas J, Bermann C.  2019.  The dawn of urban energy planning – synergies between energy and urban planning for São Paulo (Brazil) megacity. Journal of Cleaner Production. 215:458-479,doi:
Costa, E, Seixas J, Costa G, Turrentine T.  2017.  Interplay between ethanol and electric vehicles as low carbon mobility options for passengers in the municipality of São Paulo. JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION. 7(11):518-525.
De Miglio, R, Chiodi A, Simoes S, Long G, Pollard M, Gouveia JP, Gargiulo M, Giannakidis G.  2016.  New methodological approach for planning cities sustainable and resilient energy futures – the case of the InSMART project, 1-3 June. International Energy Workshop. , Ireland: University College Cork
Dias, L, Gouveia JP, Lourenço P, Seixas J.  2019.  Interplay between the potential of photovoltaic systems and agricultural land use. Land Use Policy . 81:725-735,doi:
Dias, L., Simões S, Gouveia JP, Seixas J.  2017.  Integrative Energy Planning For Cities Low Carbon Futures: Modelling and Scenarios results, 8th February. 3rd Energy for Sustainability Conference. , Funchal, Portugal
Dias, L, Gouveia J, Maurício B, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2010.  The impact of Climate Change Mitigation Options on Air Pollutant Emissions in Portugal, 24 June. Semiannual ETSAP Meeting 2010. , Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Dias, L, Simões S.  2016.  ) Integrative Smart City Planning – Energy system modelling for the city of Évora, 30-31 May . ETSAP Workshop . , Cork, Ireland
Dias, L, Fortes P, Gouveia J, Seixas J.  2012.   Potencial de Eficiência Energética em Portugal para cenários de Longo Prazo, 22 June. PCEEE – Portugal em Conferência para uma Ecónomia Energéticamente Eficiente. , Coimbra, Portugal: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Dias, L, Seixas J, Gouveia JP, Simões S.  2016.  Integrative Smart City Planning – Energy system modelling at city scale, 13-15 July . 22nd Annual International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference . , Lisbon, Portugal
Dias, L, Simões S, Gouveia JP, Seixas J.  2017.  Local Sustainable energy systems - the role of Times model. ETSAP Workshop on Sustainability Performance of the Energy Systems. , Madrid, Spain, 29th and 30th of May: CIEMAT
Flores, M, Seixas J.  2017.   How the European Directive cost-effectiveness model to nZEB fails widely 2050 decarbonisation goals., 29-30 Oct. XIII Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia Mecânica. , Lisboa, Portugal
Fortes, P, Pereira R, Pereira A, Seixas J.  2014.  Integrated technological-economic modeling platform for energy and climate policy analysis. Energy. 73:716–730.: Elsevier Ltd AbstractWebsite

CGE (computable general equilibrium) and bottom-up models each have unique strengths and weakness in evaluating energy and climate policies. This paper describes the development of an integrated technological, economic modeling platform (HYBTEP), built through the soft-link between the bottom-up TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM system) and the CGE GEM-E3 models. HYBTEP combines cost minimizing energy technology choices with macroeconomic responses, which is essential for energy-climate policy assessment. HYBTEP advances on other hybrid tools by assuming 'full-form' models, integrating detailed and extensive technology data with disaggregated economic structure, and 'full-link', i.e., covering all economic sectors. Using Portugal as a case study, we examine three scenarios: (i) the current energy-climate policy, (ii) a CO2 tax, and (iii) renewable energy subsidy, with the objective of assessing the advantages of HYBTEP vis-à-vis bottom-up approach. Results show that the economic framework in HYBTEP partially offsets the increase or decrease in energy costs from the policy scenarios, while TIMES is very sensitive to energy services-price elasticities, setting a wide range of results. HYBTEP allows the computation of the economic impacts of policies in a technological detailed environment. The hybrid platform increases transparency of policy analysis by making explicit the mechanisms through which energy demand evolves, resulting in high confidence for decision-making. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.

Fortes, P, Dias L, Seixas J.  2016.  The sustainability of future scenarios of the Portuguese power system, 13-15 July . 22nd Annual International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference . , Lisbon, Portugal
Fortes, P, Proença S, Simoes SG, Seixas J.  2017.  Can green power lead to green growth? A study for Portugal 15th IAEE European Conference "Heading towards sustainable energy systems: Evolution or Revolution?". , Vienna, Austria. 3-6 September, Hofburg Congress Center
Fortes, P, Seixas J, Dias L, Gouveia JP.  2012.  Low Carbon Roadmap for Portugal: Technology Analysis, 9-12 September. 2th IAEE European Conference, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability. , Venice, Italy: International Association of Energy Economics
Fortes, P, Simões S, Cleto J, Seixas J.  2008.  Long-term Energy Scenarios Under Uncertainty, 28-30 May. 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market. , Lisbon, Portugal