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Meil, P, Stratigaki M, Linardos P, Tengblad P, Docherty P, Bannink D, Moniz A, Paulos M, Krings B, Nierling L.  2009.  {Challenges for Europe under value chain restructuring: Contributions to policy debates}. , Number Abstract


Meil, P, Trommel W, Bannink D, Hoogenboom M, Moniz A, Woll T, Makó C, Csizmadia P, Illessy M, Balkmar D, Linardos P.  2006.  {Comparative report - WORKS WP5 Policy pillar}, May. , Number 67056: ZBW - German National Library of Economics Abstract

This report begins with some general information and analysis of policy and regulation that were the subjects of discussion and exchange in the policy pillar in the first phase of WORKS. The second section is a synthesis of country information on general principles and trends of policy and policy enforcement. This is followed by a summary of sector information for the sectors chosen by the qualitative pillar to be the objects of empirical analysis. The last summarises research questions and dimensions to be guidelines for carrying out case studies and capturing the relevance and effects of policy and institutions at the workplace.

Meil, P, Trommel W, Bannink D, Hoogenboom M, Moniz A, Woll T, Makó C, Csizmadia P, Illessy M, Balkmar D, Linardos P.  2006.  {Comparative report - WORKS WP5 Policy pillar}. , Number 67056: ZBW - German National Library of Economics Abstract

This report begins with some general information and analysis of policy and regulation that were the subjects of discussion and exchange in the policy pillar in the first phase of WORKS. The second section is a synthesis of country information on general principles and trends of policy and policy enforcement. This is followed by a summary of sector information for the sectors chosen by the qualitative pillar to be the objects of empirical analysis. The last summarises research questions and dimensions to be guidelines for carrying out case studies and capturing the relevance and effects of policy and institutions at the workplace.

Moniz, A, Oliveira P, Bento S.  1996.  {Hibridação de um sistema flexível de produção: possibilidades de aplicação do conceito de antropocentrismo[Hybridation of a flexible production system: possibilities for an application of the anth}, Feb. , Number 7193: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

Today one can understand the wider use of the anthropocentrism concept applied to the production architectures, emerging a new value of the intuitive capacities and human knowledge in the optimization and flexibilization of the manufacturing processes. Having a flexible production and assembly system architecture that exists at UNINOVA-CRI, we will try to develop some exploratory hypothesis on the applicability of the hybridizing concept and its repercussions in the definition of working places, in their organization and formation of working teams. We will underline some aspects that should be taken into consideration when are design such systems, including some ergonomical aspects.

Boavida, N.  2011.  {How composite indicators of innovation can influence technology policy decision?}, Feb , Number 03/2011: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

This working paper is based on the development of the Thesis Plan presented for the Units Project II and Project III at the 1st Winter School of PhD programme on Technology Assessment at FCT/UNL. It focuses the methodology analysis and includes empirical information elements, in order to understand how composite indicators of innovation can influence technology policy decisions. In order to test the hypotheses raised in the Thesis Plan, two separate phases were designed. On the first part, the work tests hypotheses 1 and partially 2, identifying the quality, depth and limitations of three famous complex indicator-based systems, namely the Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard, the European Innovation Scoreboard 2008 and Innovation Union Scoreboard 2010. On the second phase, the remaining hypotheses are tested adding media databases analysis, which will provide complementary information to a set of interviews to policy makers, in order to understand the role of the composite indicators on technology decisions.

Moniz, A, Casaca S, Bairrada M, Moreno C.  2000.  {I&D, inovação e fomento de emprego: ideias chave de uma relação[R&D, innovation and job creation: key-ideas of a relation]}, Sep. , Number 9667: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The increasing degree of inter-dependency and integration of economy at a global scale motivated the globalization of scientific and technological knowledge from manufacturing, to the marketing and the strategic management of companies that act as protagonists of these processes. Globalization of markets is inter-connected with intensive incorporation of knowledge in economy. In this sense the continuous evolution of the manufacturing industry structure for an increased high intensity technology elements, namely information and communication technologies, implies that these industrial sub-sectors are conditioning the global performance of economy, the productivity gains and as a consequence the levels of economical and employment growth. This study on “R&D, Innovation and Employment Creation” for the Portuguese Observatory of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP-MQE) is updating information on the articulation between Job creation, innovation, technology, and R&D. A diagnosis of the state of national S&T research and of processes of technological and organizational innovation was made, as well of the interfacing structures between the knowledge sector and the economical activities. Were made 12 case studies at companies with some innovation activities, interviews to unionists and to Professional associations, and public offices. Was made also a survey to a selected sample of technological infrastructures.

Kuhlmann, S, Boekholt P, Georghiou L, Guy K, Heraud J-A, Laredo P, Lemola T, Loveridge D, Luukkonen T, Moniz A, Polt W, Rip.  1999.  {Improving Distributed Intelligence in Complex Innovation Systems}, Jun. , Number 6426: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

Science and technology (S&T) are considered to be a central source, or at least a basic medium, of societal and industrial innovation, while innovation is conceived to basically feed the regeneration of our welfare. The suppliers of S&T in Europe as well as the users of their „products“, are confronted with a number of challenges today. We want to stress here that it was not the primary goal of our Advanced Science & Technology Policy Planning (ASTPP) Network to come up with proposals how the strategic character of European S&T policies could be strengthened. The ASTPP-network instead focuses on one aspect: the provision of strategic intelligence necessary to identify and develop strategic choices. The underlying hypothesis is that the existing body of experiences with technology foresight, technology assessment and S/T policy evaluation provides a basis for the development of an advanced S&T policy „planning“ approach by trying to enhance, interlink or even integrate the growing, but still dispersed experience in these three areas of intelligence. By „intelligent“ we mean that the inter-relatedness of S&T, industrial efforts, societal needs and political interventions becomes more transparent so that interactive collaboration between them will be facilitated.

Boavida, N, Moretto SM.  2011.  {Innovation assessment in a local branch of a rail transport manufacture industry - A case study}. , Number 04/2011: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

In the context of the revitalization of the Portuguese railway sector with the construction of the high-speed railway network, the working paper proposes an analysis of the results found from the application of an innovation scoring to the Portuguese branch of a global multinational in the railway business. The aim of this exercise is to learn on the innovation management flow between the global corporation and the local branch in Portugal. It also aims to assess the degree of local innovation multinationals generate in view of such type of mega public investments. The working paper is structured in five chapters. In chapter one introduces the innovation scoring tool, instrument of work; chapter two covers the methodology used; the chapter tree presents the case study, subject of research; chapter four presents the findings; and chapter 5 closes with concluding remarks.

Boavida, N, Moretto SM.  2010.  {Innovation Assessment of a Portuguese Railway branch of a foreign multinational - A case study}. , Number 05/2010: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

This paper analyses the application of the Innovation Scoring model and its results to the railway business branch of a foreign multinational. Results confirm some enrolment in non-core Research & Development connected to the commercial activity of selling trains. Two main determinants were found to support this enrolment: the impact of a new Portuguese law imposing R&D investment for public contracts; and a certain degree of openness in the multinational’s innovation strategy based on predictable growth for the Portuguese market. The study also confirms the usefulness of the Innovation Scoring model, leaving some suggestions for improvement such as tailoring for multi-decision centres, implementing it through a third party, reducing the number of questions and introduction of a product evaluation methodology.

Boavida, N.  2008.  {Portugal e a economia do conhecimento: A despesa empresarial em Investigação e Desenvolvimento [Portugal and knowledge economy: the business R&D expenditures]}. , Number 02/2008: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

The objective of the paper is to contribute to the understanding of the knowledge economy in Portugal, presenting data and revealing specific characteristics of the Portuguese business R&D, using a framework of available tools such as international comparisons, technology intensity and sectors of the economy. This study concludes that Portuguese business R&D expenditures reveals strong elements of economic terciarization, and an important presence of foreign direct investment in knowledge intensive industries. Furthermore, the study revealed less significant determinants such as the existence of skill labour in pharmaceutical industries and the role of the state in some sectors (wealth and rail transportation).

Urze, P, Moniz A, Barroso S.  2003.  {Practices and trends of telework in the Portuguese industry: the results of surveys in the textile, metal and software sectors}. , Number 5628: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The aim of the TeleRisk Project on labour relations and professional risks within the context of teleworking in Portugal – supported by IDICT – Institute for Development and Inspection of Working Conditions (Ministry of Labour), is to study the practices and forms of teleworking in the manufacturing sectors in Portugal. The project chose also the software industry as a reference sector, even though it does not intend to exclude from the study any other sector of activity or the so-called “hybrid” forms of work. However, the latter must have some of the characteristics of telework. The project thus takes into account the so-called “traditional” sectors of activity, namely textile and machinery and metal engineering (machinery and equipment), not usually associated to this type of work. However, telework could include, in the so-called “traditional” sectors, other variations that are not found in technologically based sectors. One of the evaluation methods for the dynamics associated to telework consisted in carrying out surveys by means of questionnaires, aimed at employers in the sectors analysed. This paper presents some of the results of those surveys. It is important to mention that, being a preliminary analysis, it means that it does not pretend to have exhausted all the issues in the survey, but has meant that it shows the bigger tendencies, in terms of teleworking practices, of the Portuguese industry.

Schienstock, G, Bechmann G, Flecker J, Huws U, Van Hootegem G, Mirabile ML, Moniz A, Ò Siochru S.  1999.  {Technical Systems, Organisation Forms and Social Implications: Statistical Analysis of the Firm Survey (Second Interim Report)}. , Number 5883: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

This is the second interim report of the research project "Information Society, Work and the Generation of New Forms of Social Exclusion" (SOWING). It is based on a firm survey conducted in the eight regions participating in the research project — Flanders (Belgium), Lazio (Italy), Niederösterreich (Austria), Portugal, the Republic of Ireland, the Stuttgart area (Germany), the Tampere region (Finland) and the West London area (U.K.). The aim of this report is to present a broad overview of the collected data. In general, only simple statistical methods have been applied. The report focuses on a regional comparison; however, the data have also been analysed by firm size, measured by quantity of staff, and industrial sector. It should be seen as a first step in the data analysis; it may also give some hints for a more strategic analysis of the survey data.

Dusseldorp, M, Beecroft R, Moniz A.  2009.  {Technology Assessment and Education: Introduction}, Oct. , Number 19522: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

“Theory and Practice” of TA, which is referred to in the title of this journal “TATuP”, is usually addressed as a question of TA research. But science is more than research: the field of teaching requires just as much attention, both practically and theoretically. Therefore, a mere collection of individual teaching experiences and best practice examples does not provide a strong enough basis to discuss questions of TA teaching, these must also be embedded in a theoretical context and discussed in their relation to research. In this special issue, we aim to contribute to a combination of theoretical and practical approaches to the relation of TA and “Bildung”.

Boavida, N, Baumann M, Moniz AB, Schippl J, Reichenbach M, Weil M.  2013.  {Technology transition towards electric mobility - technology assessment as a tool for policy design}, Mar. , Number 04/2013: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

The paper aims to understand the degree of transition towards e-mobility. The assumption is that the degree of convergence between actors of each system (batteries, vehicles, grid, policies, business models and consumers) is an indicator of changes in the present socio-technical regime. After an introduction to the socio-technical transition towards e-mobility, the paper presents and discusses three technology assessment approaches to several projects related to technology, society and politics. There are several thematic crossovers between all projects presented leading to a synergetic technology assessment. This output results from the overlapping areas between the cases and can be used to first assess the extent of changes in the present socio-technical regime, as well as to extract standards and regulations, acceptance/risk analyses and behaviour changes that could be significant in the context of a transition towards electric mobility.

Laranja, M, Boavida N.  2012.  {The use of indicators and evidence in governance and policy development of Science, Technology and Innovation}. , Number 07/2012: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

In this paper we reflect upon how policy-makers look for, interpret and use evidence for reflection and policy development. We propose an exploratory framework that sets out two of the elements necessary to a conceptualization of what may explain the way in which evidence and indicators are used in STI policy development: the type of evaluative approach and the styles of governance.