2. Probabilities and distribution laws

2.1 Binomial distribution (download)

Plot the graphic of a Binomial distribution.

Variables to customize:

prob <- 0.1# probabilityn <- 10 # number of independent experiments barthickness <- 20 # thickness of the graphical barscolour <- rgb (1,0,0,0.5) # colour of the bars and line
2.2 Poisson distribution (download)

Plot the graphic of a Poisson distribution.

Variables to customize:

lambda <- 3 # lambda parameter (mean and variance)
n <- 20 # number of independent experiments
ndecimals <- 5 # number of decimal places
barthickness <- 15 # thickness of the graphical bars
colour <- rgb (1,0,0,0.5) # colour of the bars and line
2.3 Uniform distribution (download)

Plot the graphic of an Uniform distribution and draw a set of values from the distribution.

Variables to customize:

xmin <- 0.0 # minimum value
xmax <- 1000.0 # maximum value
ndecimals <- 2 # number of decimals
nvalores <- 10 # number of values to generate by Monte Carlo simulation
discretizacao <- 20 # number of points for graphical aproximation
colour <- rgb (1,0,0,0.5) # colour of the lines
2.4 Triangular distribution (download)

Plot the graphic of a Triangular distribution and draw a set of values from the distribution.

Variables to customize:

xmin <- 14.5 # minimum value
xmax <- 32.5 # maximum value
xmoda <- 30.0 # most likely value
ndecimals <- 2 # number of decimals
nvalores <- 100 # number of values to generate by Monte Carlo simulation
discretizacao <- 200 # number of points for graphical aproximation
colour <- rgb(1,0,0,0.5) # colour of the lines
2.5 Normal distribution (download)

Plot the graphic of a Normal distribution and draw a set of values from the distribution.

Variables to customize:

media <- 5.0 # mean of the normal distribution
desvp <- 2.0 # standard deviation of the normal distribution
ndecimals <- 2 # number of decimal places
nvalores <- 10000 # number of values to generate by Monte Carlo simulation
discretizacao <- 200 # number of points for graphical aproximation
colour <- rgb (1,0,0,0.5) # colour of the lines
2.6 Lognormal distribution (download)

Plot the graphic of a Lognormal distribution and draw a set of values from the distribution.

Variables to customize:

option <- 1 # can be (1) mean and standard deviation are of the normal distribution, or (2) mean and standard deviation are of the lognormal values
media <- 5.0 # mean of the normal or lognormal distribution
desvp <- 2.0 # standard deviation of the normal or lognormal distribution
ndecimals <- 2 # number of decimal places
nvalores <- 10000 # number of values to generate by Monte Carlo simulation
discretizacao <- 200 # number of points for graphical aproximation
colour <- rgb (1,0,0,0.5) # colour of the lines
2.7 Normal distributions comparison (download)

Compare several Normal distributions, with different means and variances, in the same graph.

Variables to customize:

media <- c(2,2,2,2,2) # mean of several normal distributions to compare
desvp <- c(1,2,3,4,5) # standard deviation of several normal distributions to compare
discretizacao <- 100 # number of points for graphical aproximation
colours <- c("red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "magenta")# list of colours of the several normal distributions to draw
2.8 Lognormal distribution comparison (download)

Compare several Lognormal distributions, with different means and variances, in the same graph.

Variables to customize:

media <- c(2,2,2,2,2) # mean of several lognormal distributions to compare
desvp <- c(1,2,3,4,5) # standard deviation of several lognormal distributions to compare
discretizacao <- 100 # number of points for graphical aproximation
colours <- c("red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "magenta") # list of colours of the several normal distributions to draw
2.9 Power distribution (download)

Plot the graphic of a Power distribution.

Variables to customize:

xmin <- 1 # minimum value of the distribution
xmax <- 25 # maximum value of the distribution
alfa <- 2 # power value of the distribution
nclasses <- 25 # number of classes of the histogram
discretizacao <- 1000 # number of points for graphical aproximation
colour <- rgb (1,0,0,0.5) # colour of the bars and lines
2.10 Quantitative empirical distribution (download)

Plot the empirical distribution of a quantitative variable (simple histogram and cumulative histogram) and add the normal or lognormal distribution curve with the same mean and variance of the data.

Variables to customize:

varlistindex <- 5 # index of the GD frame quantitative variable
varunit <- "(ppm)" # units of the selected variable
nclasses <- 15 # number of classes of the histogram
fitmodel <- TRUE #fit a model (TRUE) or nor (FALSE)
modeltype <- "lognormal" # type of model, normal or lognormal only
maxY <- 1.0 # maximum value for Y axis in the left graphic
discretizacao <- 40 # number of points for graphical aproximation
colourbar <- rgb(0,0,1,0.5) # colour of the histogram bars 
colourline <- rgb(1,0,0,0.5) # colour of the histogram lines
2.11 Qualitative empirical distribution (download)

Plot the empirical distribution of a qualitative variable (simple histogram and pseudo-cumulative histogram).

Variables to customize:

varlistindex <- 4 # index of the GTD frame variable
sortbyfreq <- TRUE # (TRUE) rank histogram by frequency in decreasing order or (FALSE) present histogram by alfabetic order
colourbar <- rgb(1,0,0,0.5) # colour of the histogram bars
colourline <- rgb(1,0,0,0.5)# colour of the histogram lines
2.12 Mix normal distributions (download)

Use the Monte Carlo simulation to build a composite distribution mixing several normal distributions with different means and variances.

Variables to customize:

nsims <- 500 # number of simulations (values to generate)
probs <- c(0.25,0.25,0.5) # proportions of each normal distribution, values must sum one.
media <- c(12,15,18) # means of several normal distributions to mix
desviop <- c(1,1,1) # standard variations of several normal distributions to mix
nclasses <- 25 # number of classes in the mixure histogram
valoravalia <- 15 # evaluate the probability of being below this value 
colour <- rgb(0,0,1,0.5) # colour of the histogram bars and lines
2.13 Mix uniform distributions (download)

Use the Monte Carlo simulation to build a composite distribution mixing several uniform distributions with different intervals (means and variances). The composite distribution is based on a simplified formula of Benefits B = PV x Q – CE x Q – CF

Variables to customize:

nsims <- 500 # number of simulations (values to generate)
Q <- 10000 # value for parameter
minPV <- 4 # minimum value for PV variable uniformly distributed
maxPV <- 6 # maximum value for PV variable uniformly distributed
minCE <- 1.5 # minimum value for CE variable uniformly distributed
maxCE <- 3.5 # maximum value for CE variable uniformly distributed
minCF <- 13000 # minimum value for CF variable uniformly distributed
maxCF <- 15000 # maximum value for CF variable uniformly distributed
valoravalia <- 15 # evaluate the probability of being below this value
avalianclasses <- 10 # number of classes in the mixure
histogramcolour <- rgb (0,0,1,0.5) # colour of the histogram bars and lines