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Araújo, Nuno. A reindustrialização de Portugal num contexto de crise e hegemonia industrial dos países emergentes. Monte de Caparica: IET Working Papers Series, 2015. Abstract

This working paper aimed to understand the importance and the role of Industry for the Portuguese' economic recovery, integrated in a context of progressive deindustrialisation over the last few years, and simultaneously an impressive growth and domain over some production sectors by emergent countries, associated with the 2008 crisis. We intended to analyse this problematic in both national and European levels, bringing into context the national industry, identifying the causes for the progressive abandon of the industry and its consequences. To identify the main stakeholders and their role on the reindustrialization process. To identify policies and instruments contributing to the promotion of this reindustrialisation and main conclusions.

Grunwald, Armin. "Responsible innovation: bringing together technology assessment, applied ethics, and STS research." Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies 7 (2011): 9-31. AbstractWebsite

The ideas of ‘responsible development’ in the scientific-technological advance and of ‘responsible innovation’ in the field of new products, services and systems have been discussed for some years now with increasing intensity (Siune et al. 2009) and led to the phrase of ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’ (RRI). The postulate of responsible innovation adds explicit ethical reflection to Technology Assessment (TA) and science, technology and society (STS) studies and includes all of them into integrative approaches to shaping technology and innovation. Responsible innovation brings together TA with its experiences on assessment procedures, actor involvement, foresight and evaluation with ethics, in particular under the framework of responsibility, and also builds on the body of knowledge about R&D and innovation processes provided by STS and STIS studies (science, technology, innovation and society). Ethical reflection and technology assessment are increasingly taken up as integrative part of R&Dprogrammes (Siune et al. 2009). Science institutions, including research funding agencies, have started taking a pro-active role in promoting integrative research and development. Thus, the governance of science and of R&D processes is changing which opens up new possibilities and opportunities for involving new actors and new types of reflection. In this paper I want to demonstrate at a more conceptual level that Responsible Innovation can build on experiences and knowledge provided by the three mentioned fields of research: ethics, technology assessment, and STS respective STIS studies. To this end I will start by a brief analysis of the thematic dimensions included in the notion of responsibility and the respective disciplinary approaches to explore and investigate them (Sec. 2). The field of technology assessment is then introduced as a major origin of the Responsible Innovation movement including already some of the main ideas behind Responsible Innovation (Sec. 3). Based on the TA tradition Responsible Innovation may be characterized as a broadened extension of technology assessment complemented by ethics and STS (Sec. 4). As an illustration, the field of Synthetic Biology is introduced (Sec. 5).

Hahn, Julia, and Miltos Ladikas. "Responsible Research and Innovation: a Global Perspective." Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies 10 (2014): 9-27. AbstractWebsite

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is a normative concept that has captured considerable attention on the Science and Technology (S&T) policy level, but also in academic discourses. It represents a new approach to how science, innovation and research can be shaped in accordance with societal values that builds directly on the concepts and methodologies of Technology Assessment (TA). The definition and operationalization aspects of RRI remain still unclear although key ingredients such as ethical acceptability are well established in S&T debates and embrace a spectrum of standard methodological approaches. In this paper we review the conceptual debate on RRI with a focus on its constituent parts. We then present a functional comparison between RRI and TA that proves the considerable conceptual overlap in the two approaches. We argue that TA methodologies and precepts should be employed as key operationalisational features in RRI. Finally we argue for a global perspective on RRI by describing a case study on global ethics in S&T that introduces an analytical framework for ethics debates.

Moniz, António Brandão. Robótica e Trabalho: o futuro hoje. Lisboa: Glaciar/FLAD, 2018.
Moniz, António B., and Michael Decker. "Robotics Technology Assessment: New challenges, implications and risks. A session summary." In The Next Horizon of Technology Assessment, 249-252. Prague: Technology Centre ASCR, 2015.
Moniz, António B., and Armin Grunwald. "Recent Experiences and Emerging Cooperation Schemes on TA and Education An Insight into Cases in Portugal and Germany." Technikfolgenabschätzung – Theorie und Praxis 18 (2011): 17-24. AbstractWebsite

At the beginning of the 21st century there are new expectations and challenges towards Technology Assessment (TA). Among these there is a new awareness on TA issues in education, in particular at universities. While TA was mainly an activity at extra-universitarian research institutions for a long time now there are new developments and initiative towards integrating TA issues in university courses. We will first give an insight into the international development. Secondly we will focus on the “TA and education” landscape in Germany and Portugal in more detail, followed by a description of new and emerging forms of cooperation between Portugal and Germany in this field which might serve as a model or an example for further cooperation between other partners.