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Candeias, Marta, António B. Moniz, and Nuno Boavida. "Digital Transformation in the Automotive Sector in Portugal: Data Analysis of Industrial R&D Projects." In Inclusive Futures for Eu- rope: Addressing the Digitalisation Challenges, Inclusive Futures for Europe, edited by V. Kirov and B. Malamin, 57-72. Sofia: Marin Drinov Publishing House of BAS, 2022.
Candeias, Marta, António B. Moniz, and Nuno Boavida. "Automation trends in Portugal: implications in productivity and employment." GEE Paper 165 (2022).Website
Candeias, Marta, and António B. Moniz. "Public policies for Industry 4.0: some lessons from the Portuguese case." International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 24 (2024): 144-168. AbstractWebsite

In Portugal, digital transition was structured with national public policies since 2003. In 2017, initiatives for the adoption of Industry 4.0 concepts are implemented in Portugal. We analysed the diffusion and implementation of these technologies, in Portugal. Some questions were raised: has the interplay between public policies, state agencies and industrial relations players in the process been articulated, as in Germany? What have been the effects of these technologies on workers and organisations? Are the public initiatives in place enough or more is needed? Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to collect evidence on the main features and constraints of a public policy for Industry 4.0, based on the case study of the automotive sector in Portugal. Findings suggest the need to balance regulatory policies on data related risks, and investment policies towards education, training and organisational innovation are needed to complement technology development and adoption support.

Cândido, Ana C. "Open Innovation and Social Network Analysis." Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies 8 (2012): 41-55. AbstractWebsite

In this work we propose the use of Social Network Analysis to understand the positioning of the concept of Open Innovation in the literature, offering thereby a complementary approach to existing literature review up to now. The main motivation of this network analysis is to contribute to the understanding of the concept of Open Innovation, with its spread to different areas of knowledge over the years and its relationship with other concepts in the literature. Some 403 articles published in the database of the Science Direct during the years 2003 to 2011 were analyzed. The data was collected separately by year, considering the following information: journals in which the articles were published; countries of origin of the articles’ authors, keywords of these articles and year of publication. The results reveal the intense growth of the use of the words "Open Innovation" in articles from different areas of knowledge, as well as its increasing interconnection with other concepts, allowing the understanding of its diffusion in the literature.

Compagna, Diego, Stefan Derpmann, and Kathrin Mauz. "The Operation of Autonomous Mobile Robot Assistants in the Environment of Care Facilities Adopting a User-Centered Development Design." Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies 5 (2009): 11-24. AbstractWebsite

The successful development of autonomous mobile robot assistants depends significantly on the well-balanced reconcilements of the technically possible and the socially desirable. Based on empirical research 2 substantiated conclusions can be established for the suitability of "scenario-based design" (Rosson/Carroll 2003) for the successful development of mobile robot assistants and automated guided vehicles to be applied for service functions in stationary care facilities for seniors.