
Well done, Viviana!

Congratulations to our PhD student Viviana Correia for her 2nd Best Poster Award at the UCIBIO annual meeting! The poster title is "Assessing human microbiota systems for glycan recognition in the gut". Well done, Viviana!

Well done, Francisco!

Francisco Leisico, estudante de doutoramento, apresenta o seu trabalho “Peptidoglycan amidation in Staphylococcus aureus - structure-function studies”

New paper online!

S. Santarsia, A. S. Grosso, F. Trovão, J. Jiménez-Barbero, A. L. Carvalho, C. Nativi, F. Marcelo, ChemMedChem 2018 13 , 2030.

At PCISBIO meeting

XTAL members were attending the meeting of the Portuguese Centre for Integrated Structural Biology. Today, at ITQB.

Great words, Maria João!

Maria João's interview at Encontro CIÊNCIA 2018

At the International Iberian Biophysics Congress, in Castelló de la Plana, Spain

Xtal member Ana Luisa Carvalho has just presented her work in the International Iberian Biophysics Congress!