
Best Poster Award at Diamond-CCP4 Workshop to Filipa Trovão!

Congratulations to our PhD student Filipa Trovão for winning the Best Poster Award at the Diamond-CCP4 Data Collection and Structure Solution Workshop (!

The workshop covered all aspects of 3D structure solution, from data collection through to phasing, refinement and validation, lectured by exp

Public presentation of the PhD Thesis Plan of Filipa Trovão

Today, Filipa Trovão, a joint PhD student of Angelina Palma (GlycoLab), Ana Luísa Carvalho (XTAL) and Yan Liu (Imperial College London), has publicly presented the Thesis Plan of her PhD work.

Well done, Filipa! Your presentation was very clear and the Thesis Advisory Committee members (Paula Videira and Pedro Bule) acknowledged that your work is on the right track!

In the European Researchers' Night 2021

As usual, we are part of this great celebration of all those that work and love science!

This year, the event is dedicated to Climate and 3 of our projects meet this subject perfectly.

Congratulations to the PDB for its 50th anniversary!

Our PhD students Filipa Trovão, Filipa Engrola and João Ferreira attended the virtual PDB50 meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Protein Data Bank. Have a look at their oral/poster presentations: 

Congratulations to Filipa Lopes!

Today, Filipa Lopes succe

Congratulations to Liliana Ringler!

Today, Liliana Ringler successfully presented and defended her research work to obtain the MSc in Biochemistry for Health.

Best Poster Award in the EMBL course to Filipa Engrola

Congratulations to Filipa Engrola for winning the Best Poster Award in the online EMBL course "In situ Structural Biology: From Cryo-EM to Integrative Modelling" (