
Energiser chose to highlight our ACS Catalysis paper!

Very important reaction to our research work!

New paper online!

Another great collaboration with the Biomolecular Engineering Lab
Santos, R.d., Iria, I., Manuel, A.M.,

Congratulations, Doctor Raquel!

Congratulations to our most recent PhD, Doctor Raquel Santos, that successfully defended her Thesis, today!
Her thesis is entitled "Developing non-chromatographic strategies for biopharmaceuticals purifica

New review online!

Evolution, expression, and substrate specificities of aldehyde oxidase enzymes in eukaryotes

JBC Reviews - Enzymology:
Mineko Terao, Enrico Garattini, Maria João Romão, and Silke Leimkühler
Evolution, expression, and substrate specificities of aldehyde oxidase enzymes in eukaryotes
J. Biol. Chem. jbc.REV119.007741. doi:10.1074/jbc.REV119.007741

10th PhD Students' Meeting

Our PhD student Raquel Costa is attending the 10th PhD Students' Meeting and will be presenting her work.

The XTAL in the UCIBIO BioSeminars

Today, our Post-Doctoral researcher Cristiano Mota did the kick-off session of the BioSeminars@UCIBIO initiative, with his presentation entitled:
"Greenhouse gas (CO2) fixation by the formate dehydrogenase (Fdh) enzyme"

New paper online!

Visit us!

Waiting for visitors to our spot in the European Researchers' Night!

Our activity is called “the bacterial machines that produce fuel for our machines"!