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Simões, S, Seixas J, Huppes G.  2005.   tangled web: assessing overlaps between energy and environmental policy instruments in place along electricity systems, 30 May - 3 June. ECEEE - European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2005 Summer Study. , Mandelieu, France
Cleto, J, Simões S, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2007.  Marginal CO2 abatement costs for the Portuguese energy system - scenarios analysis for 2030, 2-4 July. 9th International Conference Energy for a Clean Environment. , Povoa de Varzim, Portugal
Simões, S, Cleto J, Fortes P, Seixas J, Huppes G.  2008.  Cost of energy and environmental policy in Portuguese CO2 abatement—scenario analysis to 2020. Energy Policy. 36:3598–3611., Number 9 AbstractWebsite


Fortes, P, Simões S, Cleto J, Seixas J.  2008.  Long-term Energy Scenarios Under Uncertainty, 28-30 May. 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market. , Lisbon, Portugal
Cleto, J, Simões S, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2008.  Renewable Energy Sources Availability under Climate Change Scenarios – impacts on the Portuguese Energy System, 28-30 May. 5th International Conference on the European Electricity Market. , Lisbon, Portugal
Simões, S, Cleto J, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2009.  The Savings of Energy Saving: Quantifying interactions between energy supply and demand side policies for Portugal, 1-6 June. ECEEE - European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2009 Summer Study. , La Colle sur Loup. France
Fortes, P, Simões S, Seixas J, van Regemorter D.  2009.  Top-down vs. Bottom-up modeling to support climate policy - Comparative analysis for the Portuguese economy. , 7-10 September. 10th IAEE European Conference. Energy, Policies and Technologies for Sustainable Economies.. , Viena, Austria: International Association of Energy Economics
Dias, L, Gouveia J, Maurício B, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2010.  The impact of Climate Change Mitigation Options on Air Pollutant Emissions in Portugal, 24 June. Semiannual ETSAP Meeting 2010. , Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Gouveia, JP, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2010.  Forecasting of Residential Energy Services Demand: The Portuguese Case for 2030, 25-28 August. International Conference IAEE - 11th IAEE European Conference Energy Economy, Policies and Supply Security: Surviving the Global Economic Crisis.. , Vilnius, Lithuania: International Association of Energy Economics
Seixas, J, Fortes P, Simões S, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Mauricio B.  2011.  Greenhouse gas emissions cap: a new paradigm for energy dependence in the long term?, 19-23 June 34th IAEE International Conference - Institutions, Efficiency and Evolving Energy Technologies.. , Stockholm
Seixas, J, Simões S, Kanudia A, Gargiulo M, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Fortes P.  2011.  Electric Vehicles in the European Union: Conditions for Success, Impacts on the Power System and on CO2 Emissions, 6-8 July. IEW - International Energy Workshop 2011,. , Standford, USA.
Simões, S, Seixas J, Fortes P, Dias L, Gouveia JP, Mauricio B.  2011.  The medium-term role of renewable energy sources in climate change mitigation in Portugal, 9-13 May. WREC 2011 - World Renewable Energy Congress 2011. , Linkoping, Sweded
Gouveia, JP, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2012.  Projections of energy services demand for residential buildings: Insights from a bottom-up methodology. Energy. 47:430–442., Number 1: Elsevier Ltd AbstractWebsite


Gouveia, JP, Dias L, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2012.  TIMES_PT: Integrated Energy System Modeling. 1st Int'l Workshop on Information Technology for Energy Applications (IT4ENERGY'2012). , Lisbon, Portugal: Vol. 923 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073
Kanudia, A, Boavida D, van den Broek M, Cabal H, Gargiulo M, Gouveia JP, Labriet M, Seixas J, Tosato GC.  2012.  CCS infrastructure development scenarios for the integrated Iberian Peninsula and Morocco energy system, 18-22 November. GHGT_11, Conference session #9 on “CCS technology assessment and system integration”. , Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan
van den Broek, M, Mesquita P, Carneiro J, Silva J, Berghout N, Ramirez A, Gouveia JP, Seixas J, Cabal H, Martinez R, Rimi A, Boavida D, Tosato GC.  2012.  Region specific challenges of a CO2 pipeline infrastructure in the West Mediterranean area - Model results versus stakeholder views., 18-22 November. GHGT_11, on “CCS technology assessment and system integration”. , Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan.
Dias, L, Fortes P, Gouveia J, Seixas J.  2012.   Potencial de Eficiência Energética em Portugal para cenários de Longo Prazo, 22 June. PCEEE – Portugal em Conferência para uma Ecónomia Energéticamente Eficiente. , Coimbra, Portugal: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Gouveia, JP.  2012.  Forecasting energy for residential buildings: contributions from a bottom-up methodology of energy services demand, 22-24 March. Workshop on Energy and Society. , Lisbon, Portugal: Institute of Social Sciences (ICS-UL)
Fortes, P, Seixas J, Dias L, Gouveia JP.  2012.  Low Carbon Roadmap for Portugal: Technology Analysis, 9-12 September. 2th IAEE European Conference, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability. , Venice, Italy: International Association of Energy Economics
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Labriet M, Fortes P, Gargiulo M.  2012.  The Role of CCS in the Iberian Peninsula: Contribution for a regional roadmap, 9-12 September. 12th IAEE European Conference, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability. , Venice, Italy: International Association of Energy Economics
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Labriet M, Fortes P, Gargiulo M.  2013.  Prospective scenarios for the adoption of CCS technologies in the Iberian Peninsula. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2:31–41. AbstractWebsite


Fortes, P, Simões S, Seixas J, Regemorter DV, Ferreira F.  2013.  Top-down and bottom-up modelling to support low-carbon scenarios: climate policy implications. Climate Policy. 13:285–304., Number 3 AbstractWebsite


Seixas, J, Fortes P, Dias L.  2013.   Renewable power cost supply curves (AIC) TIMES_PT: Portugal, 17 June. IRENA-ETSAP joint Session. , Paris, France
Fortes, P, Seixas J.  2013.  HYBTEP- Hybrid technological economic platform, 17 June. Regular ETSAP Energy Workshop. , Paris, France: The Technology Systems Analysis Program from International Energy Agency
Seixas, J, Fortes P, Dias L.  2013.  Renewable Power Cost Supply Curves - TIMES_PT: Portugal, 17 June. IRENA-ETSAP Joint Session. , Paris, France: International Renewable Energy Agency – The Technology Systems Analysis Program