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Pardo-García, N, Simoes SG, Dias L, Sandgren A, Suna D, Krook-Riekkola A.  2019.  Sustainable and Resource Efficient Cities Platform – SureCity holistic simulation and optimization for smart cities. Journal of Cleaner Production. 215:701-711,doi:
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Giannakidis G.  2016.  Smart City Energy Planning: Integrating Data and Tools, April 11-15. AW4City - International World Wide Web Conference. , Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Barbosa, J, Brás T, Seixas J.  2016.  The Sustainable Development Goals in a NEXUS perspective among the food trade market – focus on the EU agri-food import dependency, 21-22 Sep.. Fourth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development. , New York, USA: Columbia University
Fortes, P, Dias L, Seixas J.  2016.  The sustainability of future scenarios of the Portuguese power system, 13-15 July . 22nd Annual International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference . , Lisbon, Portugal
Barbosa, JP, Dias L.  2016.  Solar Power Deployment In Brazil – Testing Electric Vehicles As The Wheel To Promote Solar Power, 11-14 October . 11th ISES EuroSun Conference . , Palma Mallorca, Spain
Simoes, S, Seixas J, Fortes P, Huppes G.  2014.  The savings of energy saving: Interactions between energy supply and demand-side options-quantification for Portugal. Energy Efficiency. 7:179–201. Abstract


Simões, S, Cleto J, Fortes P, Seixas J.  2009.  The Savings of Energy Saving: Quantifying interactions between energy supply and demand side policies for Portugal, 1-6 June. ECEEE - European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2009 Summer Study. , La Colle sur Loup. France