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Gouveia, JP, Palma P, Simoes S.  2019.  Energy poverty vulnerability index: A multidimensional tool to identify hotspots for local action. . Energy Reports. 5:187-201.
Pardo-García, N, Simoes SG, Dias L, Sandgren A, Suna D, Krook-Riekkola A.  2019.  Sustainable and Resource Efficient Cities Platform – SureCity holistic simulation and optimization for smart cities. Journal of Cleaner Production. 215:701-711,doi:
Reckien, D, Heidrich O, Church J, Pietrapertos F, De Gregorio-Hurtado S, D'Alonzo V, Foley A, Simoes SG, Lorencová EK, Orruk H, Orrum K, Wejs A, Flacke J, Olazabal M, Geneletti D, Feliu E, Vasilier S, Nador C, Krook-Riekkola A, Matosović M, A. Fokaides P, I. Ioannou B, Flamos A, Spyridaki N.  2018.  How are cities planning to respond to climate change? Assessment of local climate plans from 885 cities in the EU-28 Journal of Cleaner Production. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.03.220. 191:207-219.
Salvia, M, Simoes S, Fueyo N, Cosmi C, Papadopoulou K, Gouveia JP, et al.  2018.  The PrioritEE Approach to Reinforce the Capacities of Local Administrations in the Energy Management of Public Buildings. New Metropolitan Perspectives. ISHT 2018. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer. 101
Gouveia, JP, Palma P, Seixas J, Simões S.  2017.  MAPPING RESIDENTIAL THERMAL COMFORT GAP AT VERY HIGH RESOLUTION SPATIAL SCALE: IMPLICATIONS FOR ENERGY POLICY DESIGN, 18-21 June . 40th International Association of Energy Economics International Conference, Meeting the Energy Demand of Emerging Economies. Implications for Energy and Environmental Markets. , Singapore
Palma, P, Gouveia JP, Seixas J, Simões S.  2017.  Thermal Comfort in the Portuguese Households: Mapping Energy Needs at Civil Parish Level, . 21-22 Sep.. ME3 Conference - Meeting on Energy and Environmental Economics. , Aveiro
Fortes, P, Proença S, Simoes SG, Seixas J.  2017.  Can green power lead to green growth? A study for Portugal 15th IAEE European Conference "Heading towards sustainable energy systems: Evolution or Revolution?". , Vienna, Austria. 3-6 September, Hofburg Congress Center
Gargiulo, M, Chiodi A, De Miglio R, Simoes S, Long G, Pollard M, Gouveia JP, Giannakidis G.  2017.  An Integrated Planning Framework for the Development of Sustainable and Resilient Cities - The Case of the InSMART Project. Procedia Engineering. 198:444-453.
Gouveia, JP, Palma P, Seixas J, Simoes S.  2017.  Mapping Residential Thermal Comfort Gap at very high resolution spatial scale: Implications for Energy Policy Design. 40th International Association of Energy Economics International Conference, Meeting the Energy Demand of Emerging Economies. Implications for Energy and Environmental Markets. , Singapore, 18-21 June
Palma, P, Gouveia JP, Seixas J, Simões S.  2017.  Thermal Comfort in the Portuguese Households: Mapping Energy Needs at Civil Parish Level. ME3 Conference - Meeting on Energy and Environmental Economics. , Aveiro, Portugal. 21-22 September,
De Miglio, R, Chiodi A, Simoes S, Long G, Pollard M, Gouveia JP, Gargiulo M, Giannakidis G.  2016.  New methodological approach for planning cities sustainable and resilient energy futures – the case of the InSMART project, 1-3 June. International Energy Workshop. , Ireland: University College Cork
Fortes, P, Proença S, Seixas J.  2015.  How renewable energy promotion impacts the Portuguese economy?, 19-22 May EEM15. 12the International Conference on the European Energy Market. , Lisbon, Portugal
Fortes, P, Pereira R, Pereira A, Seixas J.  2014.  Integrated technological-economic modeling platform for energy and climate policy analysis. Energy. 73:716–730.: Elsevier Ltd AbstractWebsite

CGE (computable general equilibrium) and bottom-up models each have unique strengths and weakness in evaluating energy and climate policies. This paper describes the development of an integrated technological, economic modeling platform (HYBTEP), built through the soft-link between the bottom-up TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM system) and the CGE GEM-E3 models. HYBTEP combines cost minimizing energy technology choices with macroeconomic responses, which is essential for energy-climate policy assessment. HYBTEP advances on other hybrid tools by assuming 'full-form' models, integrating detailed and extensive technology data with disaggregated economic structure, and 'full-link', i.e., covering all economic sectors. Using Portugal as a case study, we examine three scenarios: (i) the current energy-climate policy, (ii) a CO2 tax, and (iii) renewable energy subsidy, with the objective of assessing the advantages of HYBTEP vis-à-vis bottom-up approach. Results show that the economic framework in HYBTEP partially offsets the increase or decrease in energy costs from the policy scenarios, while TIMES is very sensitive to energy services-price elasticities, setting a wide range of results. HYBTEP allows the computation of the economic impacts of policies in a technological detailed environment. The hybrid platform increases transparency of policy analysis by making explicit the mechanisms through which energy demand evolves, resulting in high confidence for decision-making. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.