Glynn, J, Fortes P, Krook-Riekkola A, Labriet M, Vielle M, Kypreos S, Lehtilä A, Mischke P, Dai H, Gargiulo M, Helgesen PI, Kober T, Summerton P, Merven B, Selosse S, Karlsson K, Strachan N, ÓGallachóir B.
Economic Impacts of Future Changes in the Energy System—Global Perspectives. Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models. 30(
George Giannakidis, Labriet, Maryse, Brian ÓGallachóir, GianCarlo Tosato, Eds.).:333-358.: Springer International Publishing
Glynn, J, Fortes P, Krook-Riekkola A, Labriet M, Vielle M, Kypreos S, Lehtilä A, Mischke P, Dai H, Gargiulo M, Helgesen PI, Kober T, Summerton P, Merven B, Selosse S, Karlsson K, Strachan N, ÓGallachóir B.
Economic Impacts of Future Changes in the Energy System—National Perspectives. Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models. 30(
George Giannakidis, Labriet, Maryse, Brian ÓGallachóir, GianCarlo Tosato, Eds.).:359-387.: Springer International Publishing
Chiodi, A, Taylor PG, Seixas J, Simões S, Fortes P, Gouveia JP, Dias L, ÓGallachóir B.
Energy Policies Influenced by Energy Systems Modelling—Case Studies in UK, Ireland, Portugal and G8. Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models. 30(
George Giannakidis, Labriet, Maryse, Brian ÓGallachóir, GianCarlo Tosato, Eds.).:15-41.: Springer International Publishing
Kempener, R, Assoumou E, Chiodi A, Ciorba U, Gaeta M, Gielen D, Hamasaki H, Kanudia A, Kober T, Labriet M, Maïzi N, ÓGallachóir B, Saygin D, Seixas J, Wagner N, Wright E.
A Global Renewable Energy Roadmap: Comparing Energy Systems Models with IRENA’s REmap 2030 Project. Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models. 30(
George Giannakidis, Labriet, Maryse, Brian ÓGallachóir, GianCarlo Tosato, Eds.).:43-67.: Springer International Publishing
Nijs, W, Simoes S, Sgobbi A, Ruiz-Castello P, Thiel C, Giannakidis G, Mantzaris J, Tigas K, Dimitroulas D, Georgilakis P, Vournas C.
Improved Representation of the European Power Grid in Long Term Energy System Models: Case Study of JRC-EU-TIMES. Informing Energy and Climate Policies Using Energy Systems Models. 30(
George Giannakidis, Labriet, Maryse, Brian ÓGallachóir, GianCarlo Tosato, Eds.).:201-222.: Springer International Publishing