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Samhan-Arias, AK, Cordas CM, Carepo MS, Maia LB, Gutierrez-Merino C, Moura I, Moura JJG.  2019.  Ligand accessibility to heme cytochrome b5 coordinating sphere and enzymatic activity enhancement upon tyrosine ionization. J Biol Inorg Chem. 24:317-330.
Sanchez-Sobrado, O, Mendes MJ, Haque S, Mateus T, Aguas H, Fortunato E, Martins R.  2019.  Lightwave trapping in thin film solar cells with improved photonic-structured front contacts. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 7(21):6456-6464.
Rodrigues, B, Santos Â, Melo MJ, Otero V, Vilarigues M.  2019.  Magic Lantern Glass Slides Materials and Techniques: The First Multi-Analytical Study. Heritage. 2(3):2513-2530.Rodrigues et al (2019) Heritage.pdf
Ribeiro, SO, Granadeiro CM, Corvo MC, Pires J, Campos-Martin JM, de Castro B, Balula SS.  2019.  Mesoporous Silica vs. Organosilica Composites to Desulfurize Diesel. Frontiers in Chemistry. 7:756.: Frontiers AbstractWebsite

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Front. Chem., 14 November 2019 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fchem.2019.00756
Mesoporous Silica vs. Organosilica Composites to Desulfurize Diesel
Susana O. Ribeiro1, Carlos M. Granadeiro1, Marta C. Corvo2, João Pires3, José M. Campos-Martin4, Baltazar de Castro1 and Salete S. Balula1*
1LAQV-REQUIMTE, Departamento de Química e Bioquímica, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade Do Porto, Porto, Portugal
2CENIMAT/I3N, Departamento de Ciência dos Materiais, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica, Portugal
3Faculdade de Ciências, Centro de Química e Bioquímica and CQE, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
4Grupo de Energía y Química Sostenibles (EQS), Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
The monolacunary Keggin-type [PW11O39]7− (PW11) heteropolyanion was immobilized on porous framework of mesoporous silicas, namely SBA-15 and an ethylene-bridged periodic mesoporous organosilica (PMOE). The supports were functionalized with a cationic group (N-trimethoxysilypropyl-N, N, N-trimethylammonium, TMA) for the successful anchoring of the anionic polyoxometalate. The PW11@TMA-SBA-15 and PW11@TMA-PMOE composites were evaluated as heterogeneous catalysts in the oxidative desulfurization of a model diesel. The PW11@TMA-SBA-15 catalyst showed a remarkable desulfurization performance by reaching ultra-low sulfur levels (<10 ppm) after only 60 min using either a biphasic extractive and catalytic oxidative desulfurization (ECODS) system (1:1 MeCN/diesel) or a solvent-free catalytic oxidative desulfurization (CODS) system. Furthermore, the mesoporous silica composite was able to be recycled for six consecutive cycles without any apparent loss of activity. The promising results have led to the application of the catalyst in the desulfurization of an untreated real diesel supplied by CEPSA (1,335 ppm S) using the biphasic system. The system has proved to be a highly efficient process by reaching desulfurization values higher than 90% for real diesel during three consecutive cycles.

Lopes, MM, Barrulas RV, Paiva TG, Ferreira ASD, Zanatta M, Corvo MC.  2019.  Molecular Interactions in Ionic Liquids: The NMR Contribution towards Tailored Solvents. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. : IntechOpen Abstract

Ionic liquids have been on the spotlight of chemical research field in the last decades. Their physical properties (low vapor pressure, thermal stability, and conductivity) and the possibility of fine tuning make them a versatile class of compounds for a wide range of applications, such as catalysis, energy, and material sciences. Ionic liquids can establish multiple intermolecular interactions with solutes such as electrostatic, van der Waals, or hydrogen bonds. The prospect of designing ionic liquid structures toward specific applications has attracted the attention to these alternative solvents. However, their rational design demands a molecular detailed view, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is a unique and privileged technique for this purpose, as it provides atomic resolution and at the same time enables the study of dynamic information. In this chapter, we provide an overview about the application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy techniques as a methodology for the rational design of ionic liquids as solvents for small organic compounds, CO2 capture, and polymers such as cellulose focusing mainly in the last 10 years.

Cordas, CM, Moura JJG.  2019.  Molybdenum and tungsten enzymes: a brief overview. Coord Chem Rev. 394:53-64.
Maiti, BK, Maia LB, Moura I, Moura JJG.  2019.  NiII -ATCUN-catalyzed tyrosine nitration in the presence of nitrite and sulfite. Chem Eur J. 25:4309-4314.Website
Barrulas, RV, Paiva TG, Corvo M.  2019.  NMR Methodology for a Rational Selection of Ionic Liquids: Extracting Polyphenols. Separation and Purification Technology. : Elsevier AbstractWebsite

Extracts from plants have considerable significance as bioactive compounds with several pharmacological applications. Polyphenols have attracted the attention as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative materials. Nonetheless, the amount of these compounds in the extracts is typically very low. Consequently, green extraction techniques with higher efficiency for phenolic compounds are of paramount importance. Ionic liquids (ILs), which are also known as designer solvents can be used to extract polyphenols, however the search for ideal solvents is mostly done by trial and error. In this work, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is used to study the profile of ILs molecular interactions with model compounds that mimic polyphenols. The ILs that exhibit the strongest molecular interactions were proven to have the highest efficiency when extracting polyphenols from matcha Japanese green tea, known to be extremely rich in these compounds. Both the IL cation and anion have an influence on the solvent behaviour. The best IL solvents for matcha polyphenols were imidazolium derivatives with shorter alkyl side chains and weakly basic anions such as tricyanomethanide, dicyanamide and triflate. Thus, the NMR approach avoids an exhaustive testing and allows the rational selection of the best ILs for the extraction.

Sorger, GL, Oliveira JP, Inácio PL, Enzinger N, Vilaça P, Miranda RM, Santos TG.  2019.  Non-destructive microstructural analysis by electrical conductivity: Comparison with hardness measurements in different materials. Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 35:360-368. AbstractWebsite

The use of non-destructive evaluation (NDE) techniques for assessing microstructural changes in processed materials is of particular importance as it can be used to assess, qualitatively, the integrity of any material/structure. Among the several NDE techniques available, electrical conductivity measurements using eddy currents attract great attention owing to its simplicity and reliability. In this work, the electrical conductivity profiles of friction stir processed Ti6Al4V, Cu, Pb, S355 steel and gas tungsten arc welded AISI 304 stainless steel were determined through eddy currents and four-point probe. In parallel, hardness measurements were also performed. The profiles matched well with the optical macrographs of the materials: while entering in the processed region a variation in both profiles was always observed. One particular advantage of electrical conductivity profiles over hardness was evident: it provides a better resolution of the microstructural alterations in the processed materials. Moreover, when thermomechanical processing induces microstructural changes that modify the magnetic properties of a material, eddy currents testing can be used to qualitatively determine the phase fraction in a given region of the material. A qualitative relation between electrical conductivity measurements and hardness is observed.

Gavinho, SR, Prezas PR, Ramos DJ, Sá-Nogueira I, Borges JB, Lança CM, Silva JC, Henriques C, Pires E, Kumar JS, Graça MP.  2019.  Nontoxic glasses: Preparation, structural, electrical and biological properties. Applied Ceramics Technology. 16(5):1885-1894. AbstractWebsite

Bacterial infections affect about 1 in 5 patients who receive a dental implant within 5 years of surgery. To avoid the implant rejection it is necessary for the development of innovative biomaterials, with addition or substitution of the ions, for implant coatings that promote a strong bond with the new host bone and antibacterial action. The objective of this work was to synthesize a bioactive glass with different silver concentrations to evaluate their antibacterial performance. The glasses were synthesized with up to 2% silver content by melt-quenching. Structural, morphological, biological, and electrical properties of all samples were studied. The biological behavior was evaluated through cytotoxicity tests and antibacterial activity. The structural analysis shows that the introduction of silver do not promote significant changes, not altering the advantageous properties of the bioglass of the bioglass. It was verified that the glasses with a silver content from 0.5% to 2%, completely prevented the growth of both Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli while being nontoxic toward mammalian cells. Therefore, these bioglasses are promising materials to be used in the production of dental implants with antimicrobial activity.

Kourmentza, C, Araujo D, Sevrinc C, Roma-Rodriques C, Ferreira LJ, Freitas F, Dionísio M, Baptista PV, Fernandes AR, Grandfils C, Reis MAM.  2019.  Occurrence of non-toxic bioemulsifiers during polyhydroxyalkanoate production by Pseudomonas strains valorizing crude glycerol by-product. Bioresource Technology . 281:31-40.Website
Paiva, T, Echeverria C, Godinho MH, Almeida PL, Corvo M.  2019.  On the influence of imidazolium ionic liquids on cellulose derived polymers. European Polymer Journal. : Elsevier AbstractWebsite

The demand for better cellulose solvents has driven the search for new and improved materials to enable the processing of this polysaccharide. Ionic liquids have been debated for a long time as interesting alternatives, but the molecular details on the solubilization mechanism have been a matter of controversy. Herein, for the first time, the structure and dynamics of hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) liquid crystal solutions were probed in the presence of imidazolium ionic liquids (ILs), conjugating rheological measurements with magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This study provides a characterization of the solutions macroscopic behaviour, where the liquid crystalline (LC) properties were maintained. Using ILs with different side chain lengths, the influence of the hydrophobic IL domain in the solvation abilities of ILs towards a cellulose derived polymer was accessed, providing experimental evidence on these interactions.

Santos, G, Alves C, Pádua AC, Palma S, Gamboa H, Roque ACA.  2019.  An Optimized E-nose for Efficient Volatile Sensing and Discrimination. Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 1: BIODEVICES. , Prague, Czech Republic AbstractPDF

Electronic noses (E-noses), are usually composed by an array of sensors with different selectivities towards classes of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). These devices have been applied to a variety of fields, including environmental protection, public safety, food and beverage industries, cosmetics, and clinical diagnostics. This work demonstrates that it is possible to classify eleven VOCs from different chemical classes using a single gas sensing biomaterial that changes its optical properties in the presence of VOCs. To accomplish this, an in-house built E-nose, tailor-made for the novel class of gas sensing biomaterials, was improved and combined with powerful machine learning techniques. The device comprises a delivery system, a detection system and a data acquisition and control system. It was designed to be stable, miniaturized and easy-to-handle. The data collected was pre-processed and features and curve fitting parameters were extracted from the original response. A recursive feature selection method was applied to select the best features, and then a Support Vector Machine classifier was implemented to distinguish the eleven distinct VOCs. The results show that the followed methodology allowed the classification of all the VOCs tested with 94.6% (± 0.9%) accuracy.

Alexandre, M, Chapa M, Haque S, Mendes MJ, Águas H, Fortunato E, Martins R.  2019.  Optimum Luminescent Down-Shifting Properties for High Efficiency and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2(4):2930–2938.
Monteiro, JM, Covas G, Rausch D, Filipe SR, Schneider T, Sahl HG, Pinho MG.  2019.  The pentaglycine bridges of Staphylococcus aureus peptidoglycan are essential for cell integrity. Scientific Reports. 9(1):5010.
Laia, C, Ruivo A.  2019.  Photoluminescent Glasses and Their Applications. Fluorescence in Industry. , Basel: Springer Series on Fluorescence, Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Haque, S, Mendes MJ, Sanchez-Sobrado O, Águas H, Fortunato E, Martins R.  2019.  Photonic-structured TiO2 for high-efficiency, flexible and stable Perovskite solar cells. Nano Energy. 59:91-101.
Mirante, F, Gomes N, Corvo MC, Gago S, Balula SS.  2019.  Polyoxomolybdate based ionic-liquids as active catalysts for oxidative desulfurization of simulated diesel. Polyhedron. 170:762–770.: Pergamon AbstractWebsite

This work compares the stability and the catalytic efficiency of different ionic liquid phosphomolybdates ([BPy]3[PMo12O40] and [BMIM]3[PMo12O40]) with a cationic (propylpyridinium) functionalized mesoporous silica nanoparticle composite (PMo12O40@PPy-MSN). These were used as solid catalysts for the oxidative desulfurization of a multicomponent model diesel using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant and a polar immiscible extraction solvent. Ionic liquid ([BMIM][PF6] was successfully used as solvent to extract sulfur compounds from model diesel. The ionic liquid phosphomolybdates showed partial solubility in the ionic liquid phase, occurring some decomposition of their Keggin structure in the soluble reaction media, probably caused by their interaction with oxidant. On the other hand, the phosphomolybdate composite PMo12O40@PPy-MSN presented high structural stability and only negligible leaching occurrence after various consecutive reaction cycles. The model diesel was near complete desulfurized after 3 h and consecutive desulfurization cycles were performed without loss of activity. Therefore, the immobilization of Keggin phosphomolybdate structure [PMo12O40]3− using cationic propylpyridinium silica nanoparticle is an assertive strategy to produce stable and active heterogeneous catalysts.

  2019.  A Process Engineering Approach to Improve Production of P(3HB) by Cupriavidus necator from Used Cooking Oil. International Journal of Polymer Science. 2019(ID 2191650):7pages.Website
Fernandes, SN, Lopes LF, Godinho MH.  2019.  Recent advances in the manipulation of circularly polarised light with cellulose nanocrystal films. Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science. 23:63-73.Website
Catalão, MJ, Filipe SR, Pimentel M.  2019.  Revisiting anti-tuberculosis therapeutic strategies that target the peptidoglycan structure and synthesis. Front. Microbiol. 10:190.
Pauleta, SR, Carepo MS, Moura I.  2019.  Source and reduction of nitrous oxide. Coord Chem Rev. 387:436-449.
Marques, AC, Faria J, Perdigão P, Faustino BMM, Ritasalo R, Costabello K, da Silva RC, Ferreira I.  2019.  Stability under humidity, UV-light and bending of AZO films deposited by ALD on Kapton. Scientific Reports. 9:17919.
Pardo-García, N, Simoes SG, Dias L, Sandgren A, Suna D, Krook-Riekkola A.  2019.  Sustainable and Resource Efficient Cities Platform – SureCity holistic simulation and optimization for smart cities. Journal of Cleaner Production. 215:701-711,doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.01.070.