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Gomes, F, Maia L, Cordas C, Moura I, Delerue-Matos C, Moura JJG, Morais S.  2019.  Electroanalytical characterization of the direct Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus nitric oxide reductase-catalysed nitric oxide and dioxygen reduction. Bioelectrochem. 125:8-14.Website
Vieira, T, Silva JC, do Rego BAM, Borges JB, Henriques C.  2019.  Electrospun biodegradable chitosan based-poly(urethane urea) scaffolds for soft tissue engineering. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 103:109819. AbstractWebsite

The composition and architecture of a scaffold determine its supportive role in tissue regeneration. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining a porous electrospun fibrous structure from biodegradable polyurethanes (Pus) synthesized using polycaprolactone-diol as soft segment and, as chain extenders, chitosan (CS) and/or dimethylol propionic acid. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and proton nuclear magnetic resonance confirmed the syntheses. Fibre mats' properties were analysed and compared with those of solvent cast films. Scanning electron microscopy images of the electrospun scaffolds revealed fibres with diameters around 1 μm. From tensile tests, we found that Young's modulus increases with CS content and is higher for films (2.5 MPa to 6.5 MPa) than for the corresponding fibre mats (0.8 MPa to 3.2 MPa). The use of CS as the only chain extender improves recovery ratio and resilience. From X-ray diffraction, a higher crystalline degree was identified in fibre mats than in the corresponding films. Films' wettability was enhanced by the presence of CS as shown by the decrease of water contact angle. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that while ester groups are predominant at the films' surface, ester and urethanes are present in similar concentrations at fibres' surface, favouring the interaction with water molecules. Both films and fibres undergo hydrolytic degradation. In vitro evaluation was performed with human dermal fibroblasts. No PU sample revealed cytotoxicity. Cells adhered to fibre mats better than to films and proliferation was observed only for samples of CS-containing PUs. Results suggest that electrospun fibres of CS-based polyurethanes are good candidate scaffolds for soft tissue engineering.

Kyprianou, I, Serghides D, Varo A, Gouveia JP, Kopeva D, Murauskaite L.  2019.  Energy Poverty Policies and Measures in 5 EU Countries: A Comparative Study.. Energy and Buildings. 196:46-60.
Gouveia, JP, Palma P, Simoes S.  2019.  Energy poverty vulnerability index: A multidimensional tool to identify hotspots for local action. . Energy Reports. 5:187-201.
Antin, K-N, Machado MA, Santos TG, Vilaça P.  2019.  Evaluation of Different Non-destructive Testing Methods to Detect Imperfections in Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Composite Ropes. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 38(23) AbstractWebsite

Online monitoring of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) ropes requires non-destructive testing (NDT) methods capable of detecting multiple damage types at high inspection speeds. Three NDT methods are evaluated on artificial and realistic imperfections in order to assess their suitability for online monitoring of CFRP ropes. To support testing, the microstructure and electrical conductivity of a carbon fiber rope is characterized. The compared methods are thermography via thermoelastic stress analysis, ultrasonic testing with commercial phased array transducers, and eddy current testing, supported by tailor-made probes. While thermoelastic stress analysis and ultrasonics proved to be accurate methods for detecting damage size and the shape of defects, they were found to be unsuitable for high-speed inspection of a CFRP rope. Instead, contactless inspection using eddy currents is a promising solution for real-time online monitoring of CFRP ropes at high inspection speeds.

Vale, T.  2019.  Executing requests concurrently in state machine replication. FCT–NOVA. (João Lourenço, Ricardo Dias, Eds.).val19.pdf
Khili, F, Borges J, Almeida PL, Boukherroub R, Omrani AD.  2019.  Extraction of Cellulose Nanocrystals with Structure I and II and Their Applications for Reduction of Graphene Oxide and Nanocomposite Elaboration. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 10:1913–1927. AbstractWebsite

The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of the hydrolysis process on the properties of nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) isolated from different precursors and the subsequent use of the extracted NCC for the reduction of graphene oxide (GO). The raw materials (almond and peanut shells) chosen for the isolation of cellulose were selected on the basis of their abundance and their poorly investigation in the production of NCC. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was firstly extracted by alkali and bleaching treatments, then hydrolyzed under different processes to produce NCC polymorphs with structure I (NCC-I) and NCC structure II (NCC-II). The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the 13C NMR studies of the alkali and bleached products confirmed the formation of cellulose type I with high purity and good crystallinity, while scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed micrometric fibers with lengths reaching 80 µm. Sulfuric acid treatment of these microfibers results in NCC type I or II, depending on the hydrolysis process. SEM of the NCC samples exhibited nanorods with diameter and aspect ratio in the range of 20–40 and 20–25 nm, respectively. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the MCC and NCC products indicated stable materials with a degradation temperature reaching 240 and 200 °C for MCC and NCC, respectively. The other part of our work concerns the use of the obtained cellulose nanocrystals (type II) for the preparation of reduced graphene oxide composite (NCC/RGO), to demonstrate the reducing properties of the isolated NCCII.

Khili, F, Borges JB, Almeida PL, Boukherroub R, Omrani AD.  2019.  Extraction of Cellulose Nanocrystals with Structure I and II and Their Applications for Reduction of Graphene Oxide and Nanocomposite Elaboration. Waste and Biomass Valorization. 10:1913-1927. AbstractWebsite

The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of the hydrolysis process on the properties of nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) isolated from different precursors and the subsequent use of the extracted NCC for the reduction of graphene oxide (GO). The raw materials (almond and peanut shells) chosen for the isolation of cellulose were selected on the basis of their abundance and their poorly investigation in the production of NCC. Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was firstly extracted by alkali and bleaching treatments, then hydrolyzed under different processes to produce NCC polymorphs with structure I (NCC-I) and NCC structure II (NCC-II). The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the 13C NMR studies of the alkali and bleached products confirmed the formation of cellulose type I with high purity and good crystallinity, while scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed micrometric fibers with lengths reaching 80 µm. Sulfuric acid treatment of these microfibers results in NCC type I or II, depending on the hydrolysis process. SEM of the NCC samples exhibited nanorods with diameter and aspect ratio in the range of 20–40 and 20–25 nm, respectively. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the MCC and NCC products indicated stable materials with a degradation temperature reaching 240 and 200 °C for MCC and NCC, respectively. The other part of our work concerns the use of the obtained cellulose nanocrystals (type II) for the preparation of reduced graphene oxide composite (NCC/RGO), to demonstrate the reducing properties of the isolated NCCII.

Kiazadeh, A, Deueurmeier J.  2019.  Flexible and transparent ReRAM devices for system on panel (SOP) application. Advances in Non-Volatile Memory and Storage Technology (Second Edition). (https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-102584-0.00014-0, Ed.).:519-538., Cambridge: Woodhead-Elsevier
Castro, NSS, Laia CAT, Moura I, Carepo MS.  2019.  Fluorescence anisotropy of fluorescein varies according to pH: lessons for binding studies. J Photochem Photobiol A: Chemistry. 372:59-62.
Barbosa, AJM, Roque ACA.  2019.  Free Marine natural products databases for biotechnology and bioengineering. Biotechnology Journal. -(-):-. AbstractWebsite

Marine organisms and microorganisms are a source of natural compounds with unique chemical features. These chemical properties are useful for the discovery of new functions and applications of Marine Natural Products (MNP). To extensively exploit the potential implementations of MNPs, they are gathered in chemical databases consenting their study and screening for applications of biotechnological interest. However, classification of MNPs is currently poor in generic chemical databases. The present availability of free‐access focused MNPs databases is scarce and the molecular diversity of these databases is still very low when compared to paid‐access ones. In this review paper, the current scenario of free‐access MNP databases is presented as well as the hindrances involved in their development, mainly compound dereplication. Examples and opportunities on using freely accessible MNP databases in several important areas of biotechnology are also assessed. The scope of this paper is as well to notify the latent potential of these information sources for the discovery and development of new MNPs in biotechnology, and push future efforts to develop a public domain MNP database freely available for the scientific community.

Vilarigues, M, Coutinho I, Medici T, Alves LC, Gratuze B, Machado A.  2019.  From beams to glass: determining compositions to study provenance and production techniques. Physical Sciences Reviews. :1-24.
Ferreira, F, Ferreira I, Camacho E, Lopes F, Marques AC, Velhinho A.  2019.  Graphene oxide reinforced aluminium matrix nanostructured composited fabricated by accumulative roll bonding. Composites Part B: Engineering. 164:265-271.
Machado, C, Machado A, Palomar T, Vilarigues M.  2019.  Grisaille in Historical Written Sources. Journal of Glass Studies. 61:71-86.
Machado, MA, Antin KN, Rosado LS, Vilaça P, Santos TG.  2019.  High speed inspection of UD CFRP composites. 58th Annual Conference of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, NDT 2019. , Telford, UK Abstract

Online monitoring of carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) components requires a Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) method capable of contactless sensing of damage, while enabling high inspection speeds needed for monitoring large components. Eddy current testing (ECT) of CFRP components has great potential for two reasons. First, ECT probes are capable of operating without contact, although minimizing the lift-off is preferred. Second, impedance analysers with high sample rates make high-speed inspection possible. This research assesses the damage detection capabilities of eddy current probes on CFRP samples with artificial and realistic damage. To support the aptitude of the ECT method for these needs, the CFRP material is characterized and numerical simulations are performed in order to develop optimized and tailored ECT probes for the detection of defects with different morphologies, namely fibre breakage and delaminations, and to take into consideration the highly anisotropic electrical bulk resistivity of the CFRP material. Different ECT probes were designed, produced and experimentally validated. The experiments were performed at a high inspection speed (4 m/s) and the high sensitivity of the probes was demonstrated.

Coroa, J, Morais Faustino BM, Marques AC, Bianchi C, Koskinen T, Juntunen T, Tittonen I, Ferreira I.  2019.  Highly transparent copper iodide thin film thermoelectric generator on a flexible substrate. RSC Advances. 9:35384.
Carvalho, H, Branco R, Leite F, Matzapetakis M, Roque ACA, Iranzo O.  2019.  Hydrolytic zinc metallopeptides using a computational multi-state design approach. Catalysis Science Technology. 9(23):6723-6736. AbstractWebsite

Hydrolytic zinc enzymes are common targets for protein design. The versatility of the zinc chemistry can be combined with the usage of small protein scaffolds for biocatalytic applications. Despite this, the computational design of metal-containing proteins remains challenging due to the need to properly model protein–metal interactions. We addressed these issues by developing a computational multi-state design approach of artificial zinc hydrolases based on small protein scaffolds. The zinc-finger peptide Sp1f2 was redesigned to accommodate a catalytic zinc centre and the villin headpiece C-terminal subdomain HP35 was de novo designed for metal-binding and catalytic activity. Both metallopeptides exhibited metal-induced folding (KZnP,app ≈ 2 × 105 M−1) and hydrolytic activity (k2 ≈ 0.1 M−1 s−1) towards an ester substrate. By focusing on the inherent flexibility of small proteins and their interactions with the metal ion by molecular dynamics simulations and spectroscopic studies, we identified current limitations on computational design of metalloenzymes and propose how these can be overcome by integrating information of protein–metal interactions in long time scale simulations.

Maugeri, G, Lychko I, Sobral R, Roque ACA.  2019.  Identification and Antibiotic-Susceptibility Profiling of Infectious Bacterial Agents: A Review of Current and FutureTrends. Biotechnology Journal. 14(1700750) AbstractPDFWebsite

Antimicrobial resistance is one of the most worrying threats to humankind with extremely high healthcare costs associated. The current technologies used in clinical microbiology to identify the bacterial agent and profile antimicrobial susceptibility are time‐consuming and frequently expensive. As a result, physicians prescribe empirical antimicrobial therapies. This scenario is often the cause of therapeutic failures, causing higher mortality rates and healthcare costs, as well as the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria. As such, new technologies for rapid identification of the pathogen and antimicrobial susceptibility testing are needed. This review summarizes the current technologies, and the promising emerging and future alternatives for the identification and profiling of antimicrobial resistance bacterial agents, which are expected to revolutionize the field of clinical diagnostics.

Padua, A, Gruber J, Gamboa H, Roque ACA.  2019.  Impact of Sensing Film’s Production Method on Classification Accuracy by Electronic Nose. Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 1: BIODEVICES. , Prague, Czech Republic AbstractPDF

The development of gas sensing materials is relevant in the field of non-invasive biodevices. In this work, we used an electronic nose (E-nose) developed by our research group, which possess versatile and unique sensing materials. These are gels that can be spread over the substrate by Film Coating or Spin Coating. This study aims to evaluate the influence of the sensing film spreading method selected on the classification capabilities of the E-nose. The methodology followed consisted of performing an experiment where the E-nose was exposed to 13 different pure volatile organic compounds. The sensor array had two sensing films produced by Film Coating, and other two produced by Spin Coating. After data collection, a set of features was extracted from the original signal curves, and the best were selected by Recursive Feature Elimination. Then, the classification performance of Multinomial Logistic regression, Decision Tree, and Naíve Bayes was evaluated. The results showed that both s preading methods for sensing film’s production are adequate since the estimated error of classification was inferior to 4 % for all the classification tools applied.

Ramos, DJ, Carrêlo H, Borges JP, Romero NC, Garcia JS, Cidade MT.  2019.  Injectable Hydrogels Based on Pluronic/Water Systems Filled with Alginate Microparticles for Biomedical Applications. Materials. 12(7):1-13. AbstractWebsite

A (model) composite system for drug delivery was developed based on a thermoresponsive hydrogel loaded with microparticles. We used Pluronic F127 hydrogel as the continuous phase and alginate microparticles as the dispersed phase of this composite system. It is well known that Pluronic F127 forms a gel when added to water in an appropriate concentration and in a certain temperature range. Pluronic F127 hydrogel may be loaded with drug and injected, in its sol state, to act as a drug delivery system in physiological environment. A rheological characterization allowed the most appropriate concentration of Pluronic F127 (15.5 wt%) and appropriate alginate microparticles contents (5 and 10 wt%) to be determined. Methylene blue (MB) was used as model drug to perform drug release studies in MB loaded Pluronic hydrogel and in MB loaded alginate microparticles/Pluronic hydrogel composite system. The latter showed a significantly slower MB release than the former (10 times), suggesting its potential in the development of dual cargo release systems either for drug delivery or tissue engineering.

Machado, MA, Inácio PL, Santos RA, Gomes AF, Martins AP, Carvalho MS, Santos TG.  2019.  Inspection of composite parts produced by additive manufacturing: Air-coupled ultrasound and thermography. 58th Annual Conference of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, NDT 2019. , Telford, UK Abstract

Polymeric parts produced by Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Additive Manufacturing (AM) has no special safety requirements, and therefore, NDT is not required. However, the use of AM to produce Fibre Reinforcement Thermoplastics (FRTP) parts means that structural applications with safety requirements are envisaged, demanding reliable NDT methods. This paper presents experimental results and numerical simulation by Finite Element Method (FEM) of the NDT inspection of different parts of polymeric and RFTP composite materials. The parts were produced by FDM Additive Manufacturing and different delamination defects were introduced at different positions and with different dimensions and morphologies. Two different NDT techniques were used, exploiting different inspection parameters: air-coupled ultrasound, using frequencies between 50 and 400 kHz and active transient thermography, in both reflection and transition modes. The influence of the curvature of the parts was analysed, from the experimental point of view, and the results were compared with different numerical simulation strategies. It was shown that, both NDT techniques can detect the defects, with good spatial resolution, being the thermography reflection mode the fastest and expedite for curvature parts. The numerical simulation corroborates the experimental results allowing a deeper insight on the physical phenomena involved.

Dias, L, Gouveia JP, Lourenço P, Seixas J.  2019.  Interplay between the potential of photovoltaic systems and agricultural land use. Land Use Policy . 81:725-735,doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.11.036.
Cruz, H, Jordão N, Dionísio M, Pina F, Branco LC.  2019.  Intrinsically Electrochromic Deep Eutectic Solvents. Chemistry Select. 4:1-6.Website
Santos, MM, Raposo LR, Carrera GVSM, Costa A, Dionisio M, Baptista PV, Fernandes AR, Branco LC.  2019.  Ionic Liquids and Salts from Ibuprofen as Promising Innovative Formulations of an Old Drug. ChemMedChem . 14:907–911.Website
Esperança Garcia, DM, Taborda Martins Pereira AS, Almeida AC, Santana Roma U, Ben Aissa Soler A, Lacharmoise PD, das Ferreira IMM, Simao CCD.  2019.  Large-Area Paper Batteries with Ag and Zn/Ag Screen-Printed Electrodes. ACS Omega. 4:16781−16788.acsomega.9b01545.pdf