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Mirante, F, Gomes N, Branco LC, Cunha-Silva L, Almeida PL, Pillinger M, Gago S, Granadeiro CM, Balula SS.  2019.  Mesoporous nanosilica-supported polyoxomolybdate as catalysts for sustainable desulfurization, {FEB}. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 275:163-171. AbstractWebsite

Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) strategically functionalized were used to immobilize a homogeneous polyoxomolybdate catalyst {[}PMo12O40](3-) (PMo12), active but unstable. The PMo12@TBA-MSN composite (where TBA refers to surface-tethered tributylammonium groups) conferred high stability to the polyoxomolybdate catalytic center and displayed an increase in efficiency for the oxidative desulfurization (ECODS) of a diesel simulant under sustainable conditions (using H2O2 as oxidant and an ionic liquid, {[}BMIM]PF6, as solvent). Continuous reuse of the catalyst and ionic liquid solvent in consecutive ECODS cycles was successfully performed, avoiding the production of residual wastes. The performance of the PMo12@TBA-MSN catalyst improved upon its reuse, leading to complete desulfurization of a multicomponent model diesel containing benzothiophene derivatives after just 1 h of the catalytic stage of the process. The robust nature of the supported catalyst was indicated by characterization of the recovered solid which showed retention of the structural and chemical integrities.

Ribeiro, SO, Granadeiro CM, Almeida PL, Pires J, Capel-Sanchez MC, Campos-Martin JM, Gago S, de Castro B, Balula SS.  2019.  Oxidative desulfurization strategies using Keggin-type polyoxometalate catalysts: Biphasic versus solvent-free systems, {AUG 1}. Catalysis Today. 333:226-236., Number {SI} AbstractWebsite

Strategic polyoxometalate Keggin-type structural modification was performed to increase the oxidative catalytic performance to desulfurize model and real diesels. The most active lacunar structure {[}PW11O39](7-) (PW11) showed to complete desulfurize a simulated diesel after 60 min at 70 degrees C. Its application as homogeneous catalyst using a biphasic system 1: 1 diesel/acetonitrile needed to use an excess of oxidant (ratio H2O2/S = 8). The immobilization of the PW11 on amine-functionalized SBA-15 supports originated two heterogeneous catalysts PW11@aptesSBA-15 and PW11@tbaSBA-15. The best results were attained with the PW11@aptesSBA-15 catalyst showing identical oxidative desulfurization performance as the homogeneous analogue. As advantage, this heterogeneous catalyst promotes the complete desulfurization of simulated diesel using a solvent-free system, i.e. without the need of acetonitrile use. On the other hand, the same desulfurization efficiency could be achieved using half the amount of oxidant (H2O2/S = 4). The oxidative desulfurization of the real diesel achieved a remarkable 83.4% of efficiency after just 2 h. The recycling capacity of PW11@aptesSBA-15 catalyst was confirmed for eight consecutive cycles using the biphasic and the solvent-free systems. Its stability investigation demonstrates to be higher under the solvent-free system than the biphasic system, without practically any occurrence of PW11 leaching in the first case. On the other hand, the Venturello peroxocomplex {[}PO4\{W(O-2)(2)\}(4)](3-), recognized as active intermediate in the homogeneous biphasic system, was not identified in the heterogeneous catalytic systems.

Almeida, APC, Querciagrossa L, Silva PES, Goncalves F, Canejo JP, Almeida PL, Godinho MH, Zannoni C.  2019.  Reversible water driven chirality inversion in cellulose-based helices isolated from Erodium awns, {APR 7}. Soft Matter. 15:2838-2847., Number {13} AbstractWebsite

Among the movements observed in some cellulosic structures produced by plants are those that involve the dispersion and burial of seeds, as for example in Erodium from the Geraniaceae plant family. Here we report on a simple and efficient strategy to isolate and tune cellulose-based hygroscopic responsive materials from Erodium awns' dead tissues. The stimuli-responsive material isolated forms left-handed (L) or right-handed (R) helical birefringent transparent ribbons in the wet state that reversibly change to R helices when the material dries. The humidity-driven motion of dead tissues is most likely due to a composite material made of cellulose networks of fibrils imprinted by the plant at the nanoscale, which reinforces a soft wall polysaccharide matrix. The inversion of the handedness is explained using computational simulations considering filaments that contract and expand asymmetrically. The awns of Erodium are known to present hygroscopic movements, forming R helices in the dry state, but the possibility of actuating chirality via humidity suggests that these cellulose-based skeletons, which do not require complicated lithography and intricate deposition techniques, provide a diverse range of applications from intelligent textiles to micro-machines.

Almeida, J, Roma-Rodrigues C, Mahmoud {AG }, {Guedes da Silva} F{MC }, Pombeiro {AJL }, Martins {LMDRS }, Baptista {PV}, Fernandes {AR}.  2019.  Structural characterization and biological properties of silver(I) tris(pyrazolyl)methane sulfonate, oct. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 199: Elsevier Abstract

The water-soluble 1D helical coordination polymer [Ag(Tpms)]n (1) [Tpms = tris(pyrazolyl)methane sulfonate, −O3SC(pz)3; pz = pyrazolyl] was synthesized and fully characterized, its single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis revealing the ligand acting as a bridging chelate N3-donor ligand. The antiproliferative potential of 1 was performed on two human tumour cell lines, A2780 and HCT116, and in normal fibroblasts, with a much higher effect in the former cell line (IC50 of 0.04 μM) as compared to the latter cell line and to normal fibroblasts. Compound 1 does not alter cell cycle progression but interferes with the adherence of A2780 cells triggering cell apoptosis. Apoptosis appears to occur via the extrinsic pathway (no changes in mitochondria membrane potential, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and pro-apoptotic (B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2) associated protein (BAX))/anti-apoptotic (BCL-2) ratio) being this hypothesis also supported by the presence of silver mainly in the supernatants of A2780 cells. Results also indicated that cell death via autophagy was triggered. Proteomic analysis allowed us to confirm that compound 1 is able to induce a stress response in A2780 cells that is related with its antiproliferative activity and the trigger of apoptosis.

Sutradhar, M, Alegria {ECBA }, Ferretti F, Raposo {LR }, {Guedes da Silva} F{MC }, Baptista {PV}, Fernandes {AR}, Pombeiro {AJL }.  2019.  Antiproliferative activity of heterometallic sodium and potassium-dioxidovanadium(V) polymers, nov. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 200: Elsevier Abstract

The syntheses of the heterometallic sodium and potassium-dioxidovanadium 2D polymers, [NaVO2(1κNOO’;2κO”-L)(H2O)]n (1) and [KVO2(1κNOO’;2κO’;3κO”-L)(EtOH)]n (2) (where the κ notation indicates the coordinating atoms of the polydentate ligand L) derived from (3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2-hydroxybenzohydrazide (H2L) are reported. The polymers were characterized by IR, NMR, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The antiproliferative potential of 1 and 2 was examined towards four human cancer cell lines (ovarian carcinoma, A2780, colorectal carcinoma, HCT116, prostate carcinoma, PC3 and breast adenocarcinoma, MCF-7cell lines) and normal human fibroblasts. Complex 1 and 2 showed the highest cytotoxic activity against A2780 cell line (IC50 8.2 and 11.3 μM, respectively) with 1 > 2 and an IC50 in the same range as cisplatin (IC50 3.4 μM; obtained in the same experimental conditions) but, interestingly, with no cytotoxicity to healthy human fibroblasts for concentrations up to 75 μM. This high cytotoxicity of 1 in ovarian cancer cells and its low cytotoxicity in healthy cells demonstrates its potential for further biological studies. Our results suggest that both complexes induce ovarian carcinoma cell death via apoptosis and autophagy, but autophagy is the main biological cause of the reduction of viability observed and that ROS (reactive oxygen species) may play an important role in triggering cell death.

Pedrosa, P, Corvo L}{M, Ferreira-Silva M, Martins P, Carvalheiro {MC}, Costa {PM }, Martins C, Martins {LMDRS, Baptista {PV}, Fernandes {AR}.  2019.  Targeting cancer resistance via multifunctional gold nanoparticles, nov. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20, Number 21: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Abstract

Resistance to chemotherapy is a major problem facing current cancer therapy, which is continuously aiming at the development of new compounds that are capable of tackling tumors that developed resistance toward common chemotherapeutic agents, such as doxorubicin (DOX). Alongside the development of new generations of compounds, nanotechnology-based delivery strategies can significantly improve the in vivo drug stability and target specificity for overcoming drug resistance. In this study, multifunctional gold nanoparticles (AuNP) have been used as a nanoplatform for the targeted delivery of an original anticancer agent, a Zn(II) coordination compound [Zn(DION)2]Cl2 (ZnD), toward better efficacy against DOX-resistant colorectal carcinoma cells (HCT116 DR). Selective delivery of the ZnD nanosystem to cancer cells was achieved by active targeting via cetuximab, NanoZnD, which significantly inhibited cell proliferation and triggered the death of resistant tumor cells, thus improving efficacy. In vivo studies in a colorectal DOX-resistant model corroborated the capability of NanoZnD for the selective targeting of cancer cells, leading to a reduction of tumor growth without systemic toxicity. This approach highlights the potential of gold nanoformulations for the targeting of drug-resistant cancer cells.

Palma, SICJ, Esteves C, Pádua AC, Alves CM, Santos GMC, Costa HMA, Dionisio M, Gamboa H, Gruber J, Roque ACA.  2019.  Enhanced gas sensing with soft functional materials, May 2019. ISOEN 2019 - 18th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose, Proceedings. , Fukuoka, Japan: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. AbstractPDF

The materials described in this work result from the selfassembly of liquid crystals and ionic liquids into droplets,
stabilized within a biopolymeric matrix. These systems are
extremely versatile gels, in terms of composition, and offer
potential for fine tuning of both structure and function, as
each individual component can be varied. Here, the
characterization and application of these gels as sensing thin
films in gas sensor devices is presented. The unique
supramolecular structure of the gels is explored for molecular
recognition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by
employing gels with distinct formulations to yield
combinatorial optical and electrical responses used in the
distinction and identification of VOCs.

Santos, {MM }, Raposo {LR }, c}alo Carrera {G{\cVSM }, Costa A, Dionísio M, Baptista {PV}, Fernandes {AR}, Branco {LC }.  2019.  Ionic Liquids and Salts from Ibuprofen as Promising Innovative Formulations of an Old Drug, may. Chemmedchem. 14, Number 9: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Abstract

Herein we report the synthesis of novel ionic liquids (ILs) and organic salts by combining ibuprofen as anion with ammonium, imidazolium, or pyridinium cations. The methodology consists of an acid–base reaction of neutral ibuprofen with cation hydroxides, which were previously prepared by anion exchange from the corresponding halide salts with Amberlyst A-26(OH). In comparison with the parent drug, these organic salts display higher solubility in water and biological fluids and a smaller degree of polymorphism, which in some cases was completely eliminated. With the exception of [C 16 Pyr][Ibu] and [N 1,1,2,2OH1 ][Ibu], the prepared salts did not affect the viability of normal human dermal fibroblasts or ovarian carcinoma (A2780) cells. Therefore, these ibuprofen-based ionic liquids may be very promising lead candidates for the development of effective formulations of this drug.

Rodrigo, {AP }, Martins C, Tanoeiro L, Casaca M, Lopes {AR }, Parola {AJ }, Matos {AP }, Baptista {PV }, Fernandes {AR }, Costa {PM }.  2019.  New lessons from ancient life: marine invertebrates as a source of new drugs, mar. Annals of Medicine. 51:S45–S46., Number Suppl.1: Taylor & Francis Abstract
Sorger, GL, Oliveira JP, Inácio PL, Enzinger N, Vilaça P, Miranda RM, Santos TG.  2019.  Non-destructive microstructural analysis by electrical conductivity: Comparison with hardness measurements in different materials, mar. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 35:360–368., Number 3 AbstractWebsite


Veigas, B, Matias A, Calmeiro T, Fortunato E, Fernandes {AR}, Baptista {PV}.  2019.  Antibody modified gold nanoparticles for fast colorimetric screening of rheumatoid arthritis, jun. Analyst. 144:3613–3619., Number 11: RSC - Royal Society of Chemistry Abstract

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by chronic joint inflammation and one of the main causes of chronic disability worldwide with high prevalence in the ageing population. RA is characterized by autoantibody production, synovial inflammation and bone destruction, and the most accepted biomarker is rheumatoid factor (RF) autoantibodies. In this work, we developed a low-cost approach for the detection and quantification of the RF marker. This colorimetric immunosensor is based on gold nanoprobe crosslinking that results in extensive aggregation in the presence of the pentameric IgM RF. Aggregation of the nanoconjugates yields a color change from red to purple that can be easily observed by the naked eye. The interaction between nanoconjugates and the specific target was confirmed via dynamic light scattering (DLS), Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging. This conceptual system shows a LOD of 4.15 UA mL-1 IgM RF (clinical threshold is set for 20 IU mL-1). The one-step biosensor strategy herein proposed is much faster than conventional detection techniques, without the need for secondary antibodies, additional complex washing or signal amplification protocols. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report on target induced aggregation of gold nanoprobes for quantitative colorimetric autoantibody detection.

Kourmentza, C, Araújo D, Sevrin C, Roma-Rodriques C, Ferreira {JL}, Freitas F, Dionisio M, Baptista {PV}, Fernandes {AR}, Grandfils C, Reis {MAM }.  2019.  Occurrence of non-toxic bioemulsifiers during polyhydroxyalkanoate production by Pseudomonas strains valorizing crude glycerol by-product, jun. Bioresource Technology. 281:31–40.: Elsevier Abstract

While screening for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) producing strains, using glycerol rich by-product as carbon source, it was observed that extracellular polymers were also secreted into the culture broth. The scope of this study was to characterize both intracellular and extracellular polymers, produced by Pseudomonas putida NRRL B-14875 and Pseudomonas chlororaphis DSM 50083, mostly focusing on those novel extracellular polymers. It was found that they fall into the class of bioemulsifiers (BE), as they showed excellent emulsion stability against different hydrocarbons/oils at various pH conditions, temperature and salinity concentrations. Cytotoxicity tests revealed that BE produced by P. chlororaphis inhibited the growth of highly pigmented human melanoma cells (MNT-1) by 50% at concentrations between 150 and 200 μg/mL, while no effect was observed on normal skin primary keratinocytes and melanocytes. This is the first study reporting mcl-PHA production by P. putida NRRL B-14785 and bioemulsifier production from both P. putida and P. chlororaphis strains.

Roque, ACA, Fred A, Gamboa H.  2019.  Foreword, January 2019. BIODEVICES 2019 - 12th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, Proceedings; Part of 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2019. , Prague: SciTePress
Carvalho, LCR, Lourenco A, Ferreira LM, Branco PS.  2019.  Tofacitinib Synthesis - An Asymmetric Challenge, JAN 31. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2019:615-624., Number 4 Abstract

Tofacitinib is a Janus activated kinase (JAK) inhibitor approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and active psoriatic arthritis. Its synthesis normally involves long synthetic sequences due to the chirality associated to the piperidine ring. This review is a comprehensive analysis of the different synthetic methods used to prepare this active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), covering the related journal and patent literature.

Roma-Rodrigues, C, Mendes R, Baptista {PV}, Fernandes {AR}.  2019.  Targeting Tumor Microenvironment for Cancer Therapy, feb. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20, Number 4: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Abstract

Cancer development is highly associated to the physiological state of the tumor microenvironment (TME). Despite the existing heterogeneity of tumors from the same or from different anatomical locations, common features can be found in the TME maturation of epithelial-derived tumors. Genetic alterations in tumor cells result in hyperplasia, uncontrolled growth, resistance to apoptosis, and metabolic shift towards anaerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect). These events create hypoxia, oxidative stress and acidosis within the TME triggering an adjustment of the extracellular matrix (ECM), a response from neighbor stromal cells (e.g., fibroblasts) and immune cells (lymphocytes and macrophages), inducing angiogenesis and, ultimately, resulting in metastasis. Exosomes secreted by TME cells are central players in all these events. The TME profile is preponderant on prognosis and impacts efficacy of anti-cancer therapies. Hence, a big effort has been made to develop new therapeutic strategies towards a more efficient targeting of TME. These efforts focus on: (i) therapeutic strategies targeting TME components, extending from conventional therapeutics, to combined therapies and nanomedicines; and (ii) the development of models that accurately resemble the TME for bench investigations, including tumor-tissue explants, {"}tumor on a chip{"} or multicellular tumor-spheroids.

Oliveira, H, Roma-Rodrigues C, Santos A, Veigas B, Brás N, Faria A, c}ão Calhau C{\c, {de Freitas} V, Baptista {PV}, Mateus N, Fernandes {AR}, Fernandes I.  2019.  GLUT1 and GLUT3 involvement in anthocyanin gastric transport- Nanobased targeted approach, dec. Scientific Reports. 9, Number 1: Nature Publishing Group Abstract

Anthocyanins may protect against a myriad of human diseases. However few studies have been conducted to evaluate their bioavailability so their absorption mechanism remains unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the role of two glucose transporters (GLUT1 and GLUT3) in anthocyanins absorption in the human gastric epithelial cells (MKN-28) by using gold nanoparticles to silence these transporters. Anthocyanins were purified from purple fleshed sweet potatoes and grape skin. Silencing of GLUT1 and/or GLUT3 mRNA was performed by adding AuNP@GLUT1 and/or AuNP@GLUT3 to MKN-28 cells. Downregulation of mRNA expression occurred concomitantly with the reduction in protein expression. Malvidin-3-O-glucoside (Mv3glc) transport was reduced in the presence of either AuNP@GLUT1 and AuNP@GLUT3, and when both transporters were blocked simultaneously. Peonidin-3-(6′-hydroxybenzoyl)-sophoroside-5-glucoside (Pn3HBsoph5glc) and Peonidin-3-(6′-hydroxybenzoyl-6″-caffeoyl)-sophoroside-5-glucoside (Pn3HBCsoph5glc) were assayed to verify the effect of the sugar moiety esterification at glucose B in transporter binding. Both pigments were transported with a lower transport efficiency compared to Mv3glc, probably due to steric hindrance of the more complex structures. Interestingly, for Pn3HBCsoph5glc although the only free glucose is at C5 and the inhibitory effect of the nanoparticles was also observed, reinforcing the importance of glucose on the transport regardless of its position or substitution pattern. The results support the involvement of GLUT1 and GLUT3 in the gastric absorption of anthocyanins.

Braz Fernandes, FM, Camacho E, Rodrigues PF, Inácio P, Santos TG, Schell N.  2019.  In Situ Structural Characterization of Functionally Graded Ni–Ti Shape Memory Alloy During Tensile Loading, dec. Shape Memory and Superelasticity. 5:457–467., Number 4 AbstractWebsite


Marques, A, Veigas B, Araújo A, Pagará B, Baptista {PV}, Águas H, Martins R, Fortunato E.  2019.  Paper-Based SERS Platform for One-Step Screening of Tetracycline in Milk, dec. Scientific Reports. 9, Number 1: Nature Publishing Group Abstract

Throughout the last decade, the expansion of food testing has been gradually moving towards ordinary high throughput screening methods performed on-site. The demand for point-of-care testing, able to distinguish molecular signatures with high accuracy, sensitivity and specificity has been significantly increasing. This new requirement relies on the on-site detection and monitorization of molecular signatures suitable for the surveillance of food production and processing. The widespread use of antibiotics has contributed to disease control of livestock but has also created problems for the dairy industry and consumers. Its therapeutic and subtherapeutic use has increased the risk of contamination in milk in enough concentrations to cause economic losses to the dairy industry and have a health impact in highly sensitive individuals. This study focuses on the development of a simple Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) method for fast high throughput screening of tetracycline (TET) in milk. For this, we integrate a paper-based low-cost, fully recyclable and highly stable SERS platform, with a minimal sample preparation protocol. A two-microliter sample of milk solutions spiked with TET (from 0.01 to 1000 ppm) is dried on a silver nanoparticle coated cardboard substrate and measured via a Raman spectrophotometer. The SERS substrate showed to be extremely stable with a shelf life of several months. A global spectrum principal component analysis approach was used to test all the detected vibrational modes and their correlation with TET concentration. Peak intensity ratios (455 cm−1/1280 cm−1 and 874 cm−1/1397 cm−1) were found to be correlated with TET concentrations in milk, achieving a sensitivity as low as 0.1 ppm. Results indicate that this SERS method combined with portable Raman spectrometer is a potential tool that can be used on-site for the monitoring of TET residues and other antibiotics.

Roma-Rodrigues, C, Pombo I, Raposo L, Pedrosa P, Fernandes {AR}, Baptista {PV}.  2019.  Nanotheranostics Targeting the Tumor Microenvironment, aug. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 7:197.: Frontiers Media Abstract

Cancer is considered the most aggressive malignancy to humans, and definitely the major cause of death worldwide. Despite the different and heterogenous presentation of the disease, there are pivotal cell elements involved in proliferation, differentiation, and immortalization, and ultimately the capability to evade treatment strategies. This is of utmost relevance when we are just beginning to grasp the complexity of the tumor environment and the molecular {"}evolution{"} within. The tumor micro-environment (TME) is thought to provide for differentiation niches for clonal development that results in tremendous cancer heterogeneity. To date, conventional cancer therapeutic strategies against cancer are failing to tackle the intricate interplay of actors within the TME. Nanomedicine has been proposing innovative strategies to tackle this TME and the cancer cells that simultaneously provide for biodistribution and/or assessment of action. These nanotheranostics systems are usually multi-functional nanosystems capable to carry and deliver active cargo to the site of interest and provide diagnostics capability, enabling early detection, and destruction of cancer cells in a more selective way. Some of the most promising multifunctional nanosystems are based on gold nanoparticles, whose physic-chemical properties have prompt for the development of multifunctional, responsive nanomedicines suitable for combinatory therapy and theranostics. Herein, we shall focus on the recent developments relying on the properties of gold nanoparticles as the basis for nanotheranostics systems against the heterogeneity within the TME.

Godinho, D, Nogueira M, Bernardo M, Dias D, Lapa N, Fonseca I, Pinto F.  2019.  Recovery of Cr(III) by using chars from the co-gasification of agriculture and forestry wastes, Aug. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 26:22723–22735., Number 22 AbstractWebsite

The aim of the present work was to assess the efficiency of biochars obtained from the co-gasification of blends of rice huskþinspace}+þinspace}corn cob (biochar 50CC) and rice huskþinspace}+þinspace}eucalyptus stumps (biochar 50ES), as potential renewable low-cost adsorbents for Cr(III) recovery from wastewaters. The two gasification biochars presented a weak porous structure (ABETþinspace}=þinspace}63–144 m2 g−1), but a strong alkaline character, promoted by a high content of mineral matter (59.8{%} w/w of ashes for 50CC biochar and 81.9{%} w/w for 50ES biochar). The biochars were used for Cr(III) recovery from synthetic solutions by varying the initial pH value (3, 4, and 5), liquid/solid (L/S) ratio (100–500 mL g−1), contact time (1–120 h), and initial Cr(III) concentration (10–150 mg L−1). High Cr(III) removal percentages (around 100{%}) were obtained for both biochars, due to Cr precipitation, at low L/S ratios (100 and 200 mL g−1), for the initial pH 5 and initial Cr concentration of 50 mg L−1. Under the experimental conditions in which other removal mechanisms rather than precipitation occurred, a higher removal percentage (49.9{%}) and the highest uptake capacity (6.87 mg g−1) were registered for 50CC biochar. In the equilibrium, 50ES biochar presented a Cr(III) removal percentage of 27{%} with a maximum uptake capacity of 2.58 mg g−1. The better performance on Cr(III) recovery for the biochar 50CC was attributed to its better textural properties, as well as its higher cation exchange capacity.

Peixoto, D, Malta G, Cruz H, Barroso S, Carvalho AL, Ferreira LM, Branco PS.  2019.  N-Heterocyclic Olefin Catalysis for the Ring Opening of Cyclic Amidine Compounds: A Pathway to the Synthesis of c-Caprolactamand -Lactam-Derived Amines, APR 5. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 84:3793-3800., Number 7 Abstract
Jesus, {AR }, Soromenho {MRC }, Raposo {LR }, Esperan{\c c}a {JMSS }, Baptista {PV}, Fernandes {AR}, Reis {PM }.  2019.  Enhancement of water solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs by new biocompatible N-acetyl amino acid N-alkyl cholinium-based ionic liquids, apr. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. 137:227–232.: Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. Abstract

The major challenge of the pharmaceutical industry is to find potential solvents for poorly water-soluble drug molecules. Ionic liquids (ILs) have attracted this industry as (co-) solvents due to their unique physicochemical and biological properties. Herein, a straightforward approach for the enhancement of water solubility of paracetamol and sodium diclofenac is presented, using new biocompatible N-acetyl amino acid N-alkyl cholinium-based ionic liquids as co-solvents (0.2 - 1 mol%). These new ionic liquids were able to increase water solubility of these drugs up to four times higher than in pure water or in an inorganic salt solution. In the presence of these ILs the drugs lipophilicity (log Kow) was not significantly changed for paracetamol, but for sodium diclofenac it was possible to decrease significantly its lipophilicity. Concerning cytotoxicity in human dermal fibroblasts it was observed that ILs did not show a significant toxicity, and were able to improve cell viability compared with the respective precursors.

Das, K, Datta A, Massera C, Roma-Rodrigues C, Barroso M, Baptista {PV}, Fernandes {AR}.  2019.  Structural aspects of a trimetallic Cu II derivative: cytotoxicity and anti-proliferative activity on human cancer cell lines, apr. Journal of Coordination Chemistry. 72:920–940., Number 5-7: Taylor & Francis Abstract

A trimetallic Cu II derivative, [Cu 3 (L) 2 (CF 3 COO) 2 ] (1) (where H 2 L = N,N′-bis(salicylidene)-1,3-propanediamine), was prepared and characterized. In 1, the two terminal Cu II ions are linked to the central Cu II by trifluoroacetato and doubly bridging phenoxido. Both the square-pyramidal and octahedral geometries are observed among two different Cu II centers in the linear arrangement of the trimetallic unit. Compound 1 is characterized by IR and UV-Vis spectra. Compound 1 has high cytotoxic activity in breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7), colorectal carcinoma (HCT116) and particularly, in ovarian carcinoma (A2780) cell line compared to a lung adenocarcinoma cell line. The IC 50 in A2780 cells is 25 times lower than the respective value for normal human primary fibroblasts demonstrating 1 has higher cytotoxicity towards cancer cells. Additionally, combination of DOX with 1 induces a higher loss of HCT116 cell viability compared with each drug alone.

Mendes, MJ.  2019.  Front Contact Light Trapping Structures by Design for Maximum Efficiency Enhancement of Thin Film Solar Cells, 4-9 Aug.. 28th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-crystalline Semiconductors (ICANS). , Palaiseau, France: Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Mendes, MJ.  2019.  Ultra-Thin Perovskite/c-Silicon Four-Terminal Tandems: Interlayer and Intermediate Contacts Optimization, 4-9 Aug.. 28th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-crystalline Semiconductors (ICANS). , Palaiseau, France: Institut Polytechnique de Paris