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Roma-Rodrigues, C, Rivas-Garcia L, Baptista PV, Fernandes AR.  2020.  Gene Therapy in Cancer Treatment: Why Go Nano?, 2020 Pharmaceutics. 12(3) AbstractWebsite

The proposal of gene therapy to tackle cancer development has been instrumental for the development of novel approaches and strategies to fight this disease, but the efficacy of the proposed strategies has still fallen short of delivering the full potential of gene therapy in the clinic. Despite the plethora of gene modulation approaches, e.g., gene silencing, antisense therapy, RNA interference, gene and genome editing, finding a way to efficiently deliver these effectors to the desired cell and tissue has been a challenge. Nanomedicine has put forward several innovative platforms to overcome this obstacle. Most of these platforms rely on the application of nanoscale structures, with particular focus on nanoparticles. Herein, we review the current trends on the use of nanoparticles designed for cancer gene therapy, including inorganic, organic, or biological (e.g., exosomes) variants, in clinical development and their progress towards clinical applications.

Ferreira, D, Fontinha D, Martins C, Pires D, Fernandes AR, Baptista PV.  2020.  Gold Nanoparticles for Vectorization of Nucleic Acids for Cancer Therapeutics, 2020. Molecules. 25(15) AbstractWebsite

Cancer remains a complex medical challenge and one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Nanomedicines have been proposed as innovative platforms to tackle these complex diseases, where the combination of several treatment strategies might enhance therapy success. Among these nanomedicines, nanoparticle mediated delivery of nucleic acids has been put forward as key instrument to modulate gene expression, be it targeted gene silencing, interference RNA mechanisms and/or gene edition. These novel delivery systems have strongly relied on nanoparticles and, in particular, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have paved the way for efficient delivery systems due to the possibility to fine-tune their size, shape and surface properties, coupled to the ease of functionalization with different biomolecules. Herein, we shall address the different molecular tools for modulation of expression of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes and discuss the state-of-the-art of AuNP functionalization for nucleic acid delivery both in vitro and in vivo models. Furthermore, we shall highlight the clinical applications of these spherical AuNP based conjugates for gene delivery, current challenges, and future perspectives in nanomedicine.

Roma-Rodrigues, C, Pombo I, Fernandes AR, Baptista PV.  2020.  Hyperthermia Induced by Gold Nanoparticles and Visible Light Photothermy Combined with Chemotherapy to Tackle Doxorubicin Sensitive and Resistant Colorectal Tumor 3D Spheroids, 2020. Int J Mol Sci. 21(21) AbstractWebsite

Current cancer therapies are frequently ineffective and associated with severe side effects and with acquired cancer drug resistance. The development of effective therapies has been hampered by poor correlations between pre-clinical and clinical outcomes. Cancer cell-derived spheroids are three-dimensional (3D) structures that mimic layers of tumors in terms of oxygen and nutrient and drug resistance gradients. Gold nanoparticles (AuNP) are promising therapeutic agents which permit diminishing the emergence of secondary effects and increase therapeutic efficacy. In this work, 3D spheroids of Doxorubicin (Dox)-sensitive and -resistant colorectal carcinoma cell lines (HCT116 and HCT116-DoxR, respectively) were used to infer the potential of the combination of chemotherapy and Au-nanoparticle photothermy in the visible (green laser of 532 nm) to tackle drug resistance in cancer cells. Cell viability analysis of 3D tumor spheroids suggested that AuNPs induce cell death in the deeper layers of spheroids, further potentiated by laser irradiation. The penetration of Dox and earlier spheroid disaggregation is potentiated in combinatorial therapy with Dox, AuNP functionalized with polyethylene glycol (AuNP@PEG) and irradiation. The time point of Dox administration and irradiation showed to be important for spheroids destabilization. In HCT116-sensitive spheroids, pre-irradiation induced earlier disintegration of the 3D structure, while in HCT116 Dox-resistant spheroids, the loss of spheroid stability occurred almost instantly in post-irradiated spheroids, even with lower Dox concentrations. These results point towards the application of new strategies for cancer therapeutics, reducing side effects and resistance acquisition.

Fernandes, AR, Mendonça-Martins I, Santos MFA, Raposo LR, Mendes R, Marques J, Romão CC, Romão MJ, Santos-Silva T, Baptista PV.  2020.  Improving the Anti-inflammatory Response via Gold Nanoparticle Vectorization of CO-Releasing Molecules, 2020. ACS Biomaterials Science & EngineeringACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 6(2):1090-1101.: American Chemical Society AbstractWebsite

CO-releasing molecules (CORMs) have been widely studied for their anti-inflammatory, antiapoptotic, and antiproliferative effects. CORM-3 is a water-soluble Ru-based metal carbonyl complex, which metallates serum proteins and readily releases CO in biological media. In this work, we evaluated the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects of gold nanoparticles–CORM-3 conjugates, AuNPs@PEG@BSA·Ru(CO)x, exploring its use as an efficient CO carrier. Our results suggest that the nanoformulation was capable of inducing a more pronounced cell effect, at the anti-inflammatory level and a faster tissue repair, probably derived from a rapid cell uptake of the nanoformulation that results in the increase of CO inside the cell.CO-releasing molecules (CORMs) have been widely studied for their anti-inflammatory, antiapoptotic, and antiproliferative effects. CORM-3 is a water-soluble Ru-based metal carbonyl complex, which metallates serum proteins and readily releases CO in biological media. In this work, we evaluated the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects of gold nanoparticles–CORM-3 conjugates, AuNPs@PEG@BSA·Ru(CO)x, exploring its use as an efficient CO carrier. Our results suggest that the nanoformulation was capable of inducing a more pronounced cell effect, at the anti-inflammatory level and a faster tissue repair, probably derived from a rapid cell uptake of the nanoformulation that results in the increase of CO inside the cell.

Fernandes, AR, Mendonça-Martins I, Santos MFA, Raposo LR, Mendes R, Marques J, Romão CC, Romão MJ, Santos-Silva T, Baptista PV.  2020.  Improving the Anti-inflammatory Response via Gold Nanoparticle Vectorization of CO-Releasing Molecules, 2020. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 6(2):1090-1101. AbstractWebsite
Choroba, K, Raposo LR, Palion-Gazda J, Malicka E, Erfurt K, Machura B, Fernandes AR.  2020.  In vitro antiproliferative effect of vanadium complexes bearing 8-hydroxyquinoline-based ligands - the substituent effect, 2020. Dalton Trans. 49(20):6596-6606. AbstractWebsite

This is the first comprehensive study demonstrating the antiproliferative effect of vanadium complexes bearing 8-hydroxyquinoline (quinH) ligands, including the parent and -CH3 (Me), -NO2, -Cl and -I substituted ligands, on HCT116 and A2780 cancer cell lines. To determine the structure-cytotoxicity relationships seven six-coordinate oxovanadium(v) complexes [VO(OMe)(5,7-(Me)2-quin)2] (1), [VO(OMe)(5,7-Cl2-quin)2] (2), [VO(OMe)(5,7-Cl,I-quin)2] (3), [VO(OMe)(5,7-I2-quin)2] (4), [VO(OMe)(5-NO2-quin)2] (5), [VO(OMe)(5-Cl-quin)2] (6), and [VO(OMe)(quin)2] (7) were investigated. The cytotoxicity of 8-hydroxyquinoline oxovanadium(v) complexes is higher in the A2780 cell line (lower IC50) than that observed for the widely used chemotherapeutic agent, cisplatin, while displaying low cytotoxicity for normal human primary fibroblasts. Substituents introduced into the 8-hydroxyquinoline backbone reduced the antiproliferative effect of the vanadium complexes, and the complexes with the ligand substituted only in the 5 position (5 and 6) were more cytotoxic than those with substituents in the 5,7 positions of the quin backbone (1-4). Depending on the substituent type, the cytotoxicity of 1-4 followed the trend: -Cl > -CH3 > -I. Incubation of A2780 cancer cells with IC50 concentrations of complexes 5, 6 and 7 promoted cellular detachment, possibly through membrane destabilization, and triggered apoptosis and necrosis. ROS production might be responsible for the cell death mechanism observed particularly in the A2780 cells exposed to complexes 5 and 6.

Beola, L, Asin L, Roma-Rodrigues C, Fernandez-Afonso Y, Fratila RM, Serantes D, Ruta S, Chantrell RW, Fernandes AR, Baptista PV, de la Fuente JM, Grazu V, Gutierrez L.  2020.  The Intracellular Number of Magnetic Nanoparticles Modulates the Apoptotic Death Pathway after Magnetic Hyperthermia Treatment, 2020. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 12(39):43474-43487. AbstractWebsite

Magnetic hyperthermia is a cancer treatment based on the exposure of magnetic nanoparticles to an alternating magnetic field in order to generate local heat. In this work, 3D cell culture models were prepared to observe the effect that a different number of internalized particles had on the mechanisms of cell death triggered upon the magnetic hyperthermia treatment. Macrophages were selected by their high capacity to uptake nanoparticles. Intracellular nanoparticle concentrations up to 7.5 pg Fe/cell were measured both by elemental analysis and magnetic characterization techniques. Cell viability after the magnetic hyperthermia treatment was decreased to <25% for intracellular iron contents above 1 pg per cell. Theoretical calculations of the intracellular thermal effects that occurred during the alternating magnetic field application indicated a very low increase in the global cell temperature. Different apoptotic routes were triggered depending on the number of internalized particles. At low intracellular magnetic nanoparticle amounts (below 1 pg Fe/cell), the intrinsic route was the main mechanism to induce apoptosis, as observed by the high Bax/Bcl-2 mRNA ratio and low caspase-8 activity. In contrast, at higher concentrations of internalized magnetic nanoparticles (1-7.5 pg Fe/cell), the extrinsic route was observed through the increased activity of caspase-8. Nevertheless, both mechanisms may coexist at intermediate iron concentrations. Knowledge on the different mechanisms of cell death triggered after the magnetic hyperthermia treatment is fundamental to understand the biological events activated by this procedure and their role in its effectiveness.

Grey, P, Fernandes SN, Gaspar D, Deuermeier J, Martins R, Fortunato E, Godinho MH, Pereira L.  2020.  Ionically Modified Cellulose Nanocrystal Self-Assembled Films with a Mesoporous Twisted Superstructure: Polarizability and Application in Ion-Gated Transistors, 2020. ACS Applied Electronic MaterialsACS Applied Electronic Materials. 2(2):426-436.: American Chemical Society AbstractWebsite
Vale, TM, Leitão J, Preguiça N, Rodrigues R, Dias RJ, Lourenço JM.  2020.  Lazy State Determination: More Concurrency for Contending Linearizable Transactions, 2020. , Lisboa: FCT-NOVAvl20_-_lsd.pdf
Amendoeira, A, García LR, Fernandes AR, Baptista PV.  2020.  Light Irradiation of Gold Nanoparticles Toward Advanced Cancer Therapeutics, 2020. 3(1):1900153. AbstractWebsite

Abstract Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. To challenge this epidemic, there are growing demands for the development of new advanced and targeted therapeutics capable of effectively tackling cancer cells with improved selectivity. Nanomedicine has put forward several innovative therapeutics toward improving therapeutic efficacy while decreasing the deleterious side effects of current chemotherapy. Multifunctional gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been at the core of a plethora of advanced therapeutic strategies that provide selective targeting with their unique optical properties, capable to interact with the light of specific wavelength to deliver therapy with tremendous spatiotemporal precision. AuNPs have been exploited as photodynamic and photothermal therapeutic agents alone or in combination with other cancer treatment modalities with other cancer applications. Due to their exceptional physicochemical properties, they have been proven efficacious allies for photodynamic therapy and for photothermal therapy regimens. Herein, the rapidly progressing literature related to the use of these promising strategies against cancer is discussed, highlighting their possible future clinical translation.

dos Santos, R, Iria I, Manuel AM, Leandro AP, Madeira CAC, Goncalves J, Carvalho AL, Roque AC.  2020.  Magnetic Precipitation: A New Platform for Protein Purification, 2020. Biotechnology JournalBiotechnology Journal. n/a(n/a):2000151.: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd AbstractWebsite

One of the trends in downstream processing comprises the use of ?anything-but-chromatography? methods to overcome the current downfalls of standard packed-bed chromatography. Precipitation and magnetic separation are two techniques already proven to accomplish protein purification from complex media, yet never used in synergy. With the aim to capture antibodies directly from crude extracts, a new approach combining precipitation and magnetic separation was developed and named as affinity magnetic precipitation. A precipitation screening, based on the Hofmeister series, and a commercial precipitation kit were tested with affinity magnetic particles to assess the best condition for antibody capture from human serum plasma and clarified cell supernatant. The best conditions were obtained when using PEG3350 as precipitant at 4°C for 1h, reaching 80% purity and 50% recovery of polyclonal antibodies from plasma, and 99% purity with 97% recovery yield of anti-TNFα mAb from cell supernatants. These results show that the synergetic use of precipitation and magnetic separation can represent an alternative for the efficient capture of antibodies. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

Leisico, F, Godinho LM, Gonçalves IC, Silva SP, Carneiro B, Romão MJ, Santos-Silva T, de Sá-Nogueira I.  2020.  Multitask ATPases (NBDs) of bacterial ABC importers type I and their interspecies exchangeability, 2020. 10(1):19564. AbstractWebsite

ATP-binding cassette (ABC) type I importers are widespread in bacteria and play a crucial role in its survival and pathogenesis. They share the same modular architecture comprising two intracellular nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs), two transmembrane domains (TMDs) and a substrate-binding protein. The NBDs bind and hydrolyze ATP, thereby generating conformational changes that are coupled to the TMDs and lead to substrate translocation. A group of multitask NBDs that are able to serve as the cellular motor for multiple sugar importers was recently discovered. To understand why some ABC importers share energy-coupling components, we used the MsmX ATPase from Bacillus subtilis as a model for biological and structural studies. Here we report the first examples of functional hybrid interspecies ABC type I importers in which the NBDs could be exchanged. Furthermore, the first crystal structure of an assigned multitask NBD provides a framework to understand the molecular basis of the broader specificity of interaction with the TMDs.

Restani, RB, Pires RF, Baptista PV, Fernandes AR, Casimiro T, Bonifácio VDB, Aguiar-Ricardo A.  2020.  Nano-in-Micro Sildenafil Dry Powder Formulations for the Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Disorders: The Synergic Effect of POxylated Polyurea Dendrimers, PLGA, and Cholesterol, 2020. 37(6):1900447. AbstractWebsite

Abstract POXylated polyurea dendrimer nanoparticles (PUREG4OOx48) are loaded with sildenafil (SDF) by a supercritical carbon dioxide–assisted (scCO2) impregnation. Further supercritical CO2-assisted spray drying (SASD) leads to hybrid nano-in-micro dry powder formulations that are investigated aiming at efficient pulmonary delivery of SDF in pulmonary arterial hypertension treatment. This is the first report of the production of poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)-cholesterol (PLGA-Chol) microparticles processed by SASD. The optimized formulation of nano-in-microparticles is composed of PLGA, Chol, and PUREG4OOx48, loaded with SDF solutions in a 77:23 ratio (PLGA-Chol:dendrimer, w/w). The dry powders are fully characterized and found to be highly biodegradable and biocompatible, and the SDF release profile evaluates under different pH values. The median mass average diameter (MMAD) of the nano-in-micro systems varies between 2.57 and 5 µm and the fine particle fraction (FPF) between 36% and 29% for PUREG4OMeOx48[PLGA-Chol] and PUREG4OEtOx48[PLGA-Chol], respectively. The data validate the potential use of these new formulations in inhalation therapy. In vitro studies are also carried out in order to evaluate the effect of the free drug in cell viability and formulations cytotoxicity.

Machado, JF, Sequeira D, Marques F, Piedade MFM, Villa de Brito MJ, Helena Garcia M, Fernandes AR, Morais TS.  2020.  New copper(I) complexes selective for prostate cancer cells, 2020. Dalton Trans. 49(35):12273-12286. AbstractWebsite

A new family of eighteen Cu(i) complexes of the general formula [Cu(PP)(LL)][BF4], where PP is a phosphane ligand and LL represents an N,O-heteroaromatic bidentate ligand, has been synthesized and fully characterized by classical analytical and spectroscopic methods. Five complexes of this series were also characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. The cytotoxicity of all compounds was evaluated in breast (MCF7) and prostate (LNCap) human cancer cells and in a normal prostate cell line (RWPE). In general, all compounds showed higher cytotoxicity for the prostate cancer cells than for the breast cells, with IC50 values in the range 0.2-2 muM after 24 h of treatment. The most cytotoxic compound, [Cu(dppe)(2-ap)][BF4] (16), where dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphano) ethane and 2-ap = 2-acetylpyridine, showed a high level of cellular internalization, generation of intracellular ROS and activation of the cell death mechanism via apoptosis/necrosis. Owing to its high cytotoxic activity for LNCap cells, being 70-fold higher than that for normal prostate cells (RWPE), complex (16) was found to be the most promising for further research in prostate cancer models.

Trindade, AC, Carreto M, Helgesen G, Knudsen KD, Puchtler F, Breu J, Fernandes S, Godinho MH, Fossum JO.  2020.  Photonic composite materials from cellulose nanorods and clay nanolayers, 2020. 229(17):2741-2755. AbstractWebsite

Cellulose nano crystals (CNCs) are promising materials for energy efficient buildings related to the control of reflectivity and heat absorption/reflection of light. In this sense it is important to improve CNCs films fire retardant properties, which can be achieved by adding clays. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) and nanolayers obtained from Sodium Fluorohectorite (NaFh) synthetic clay are both known to form liquid crystalline phases in aqueous suspensions. CNCs form cholesteric phases, which structure is preserved after water evaporation, while dry NaFh nanolayers aligned films collapse. In this initial work, it is shown that CNCs are compatible with NaFh clay. We demonstrate that the liquid crystalline phase of CNCs in water is not destroyed by the presence of NaFh nanolayers. The NaFh nanolayers act as planar anchoring surfaces to the cellulose nanorods and, after evaporation of the water coloured films are obtained. The precursor solutions and the photonic films were investigated by Describe several techniques.

Chagas, R, Silva PES, Fernandes SN, Žumer S, Godinho MH.  2020.  Playing the blues, the greens and the reds with cellulose-based structural colours, 2020. Faraday Discussions. 223:247-260.: The Royal Society of Chemistry AbstractWebsite

Structural vivid colours can arise from the interference of light reflected from structures exhibiting periodicity on scales in the range of visible wavelengths. This effect is observed with light reflected from cell-walls of some plants and exoskeletons of certain insects. Sometimes the colour sequence observed for these structures consists of nearly circular concentric rings that vary in colour from Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan to Blue, from the periphery to the centre, similarly to the colour scheme sequence observed for the rainbow (ROYGB). The sequence of colours has been found for solid films obtained from droplets of aqueous cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) suspensions and attributed to a “coffee ring” effect. In this work, coloured lyotropic solutions and solid films obtained from a cellulose derivative in the presence of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), which acts as a “reactive solvent”, are revisited. The systems were investigated with spectroscopy, using circularly and linearly polarised light, coupled with a polarised optical microscope (POM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The lyotropic cholesteric liquid crystalline solutions were confined in capillaries to simplify 1D molecular diffusion along the capillary where an unexpected sequence of the structural colours was observed. The development and reappearance of the sequence of vivid colours seem consistent with the reaction–diffusion of the “reactive solvent” in the presence of the cellulosic chains. The strong TFA acts as an auto-catalyst for the chemical reaction between TFA and the hydroxyl groups, existing along the cellulosic chain, and diffuses to the top and bottom along the capillaries, carrying dissolved cellulosic chains. Uncovering the precise mechanism of colour sequence and evolution over time in cellulosic lyotropic solutions has important implications for future optical/sensors applications and for the understanding of the development of cellulose-based structures in nature.

Alves-Barroco, C, Paquete-Ferreira J, Santos-Silva T, Fernandes AR.  2020.  Singularities of Pyogenic Streptococcal Biofilms – From Formation to Health Implication, 2020. 11(3179) AbstractWebsite

Biofilms are generally defined as communities of cells involved in a self-produced extracellular matrix adhered to a surface. In biofilms, the bacteria are less sensitive to host defense mechanisms and antimicrobial agents, due to multiple strategies, that involve modulation of gene expression, controlled metabolic rate, intercellular communication, composition, and 3D architecture of the extracellular matrix. These factors play a key role in streptococci pathogenesis, contributing to therapy failure and promoting persistent infections. The species of the pyogenic group together with Streptococcus pneumoniae are the major pathogens belonging the genus Streptococcus, and its biofilm growth has been investigated, but insights in the genetic origin of biofilm formation are limited. This review summarizes pyogenic streptococci biofilms with details on constitution, formation, and virulence factors associated with formation.

Busila, M, Tabacaru A, Mussat V, Vasile BS, Neasu IA, Pinheiro T, Roma-Rodrigues C, Baptista PV, Fernandes AR, Matos AP, Marques F.  2020.  Size-Dependent Biological Activities of Fluorescent Organosilane-Modified Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles, 2020. J Biomed Nanotechnol. 16(2):137-152. AbstractWebsite

Surface modification of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) is a strategy to tune their biocompatibility. Herein we report on the synthesis of a series of fluorescent ZnO NPs modified with 2-10% (3-glycidyloxypropyl)trimethoxysilane (GPTMS) to investigate the fluorescence properties and to explore their applications in microbiology and biomedicine. The obtained ZnO NPs were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Size reduction occurred from ca. 13 nm in unmodified ZnO to 3-4 nm in silane-modified samples and fluorescence spectra showed size-dependent variation of the photoemission bands' intensity. The antibacterial and cytotoxic activities were investigated on Gram-negative (Escherichia coli) and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria, and in ovarian (A2780) and prostate (PC3) cancer cells by tetrazolium/formazan-based methods. The antibacterial effect was higher for E. coli than S. aureus, while the cytotoxic activity was similar for both cancer cells and varied with the particle size. Cell death by apoptosis, and/or necrosis versus autophagy, were explored by flow cytometry using an Annexin V based-method and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The main mechanism of ZnO NPs toxicity may involve the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the induction of apoptosis or autophagy. This work revealed the potential utility of GPTMS-modified ZnO NPs in the treatment of bacterial infection and cancer.

Gomes, AS, Ramos H, Gomes S, Loureiro JB, Soares J, Barcherini V, Monti P, Fronza G, Oliveira C, Domingues L, Bastos M, Dourado DFAR, Carvalho AL, Romão MJ, Pinheiro B, Marcelo F, Carvalho A, Santos MMM, Saraiva L.  2020.  SLMP53-1 interacts with wild-type and mutant p53 DNA-binding domain and reactivates multiple hotspot mutations, 2020. 1864(1):129440. AbstractWebsite

BackgroundHalf of human cancers harbour TP53 mutations that render p53 inactive as a tumor suppressor. As such, reactivation of mutant (mut)p53 through restoration of wild-type (wt)-like function represents one of the most promising therapeutic strategies in cancer treatment. Recently, we have reported the (S)-tryptophanol-derived oxazoloisoindolinone SLMP53-1 as a new reactivator of wt and mutp53 R280K with in vitro and in vivo p53-dependent antitumor activity. The present work aimed a mechanistic elucidation of mutp53 reactivation by SLMP53-1.
Methods and results
By cellular thermal shift assay (CETSA), it is shown that SLMP53-1 induces wt and mutp53 R280K thermal stabilization, which is indicative of intermolecular interactions with these proteins. Accordingly, in silico studies of wt and mutp53 R280K DNA-binding domain with SLMP53-1 unveiled that the compound binds at the interface of the p53 homodimer with the DNA minor groove. Additionally, using yeast and p53-null tumor cells ectopically expressing distinct highly prevalent mutp53, the ability of SLMP53-1 to reactivate multiple mutp53 is evidenced.
SLMP53-1 is a p53-activating agent with the ability to directly target wt and a set of hotspot mutp53.
General Significance
This work reinforces the encouraging application of SLMP53-1 in the personalized treatment of cancer patients harboring distinct p53 status.

Roma-Rodrigues, C, Malta G, Peixoto D, Ferreira LM, Baptista PV, Fernandes AR, Branco PS.  2020.  Synthesis of new hetero-arylidene-9(10H)-anthrone derivatives and their biological evaluation, 2020. Bioorg Chem. 99:103849. AbstractWebsite

New hetero-arylidene-9(10H)-anthrone derivatives (1) were synthesized from reaction of 1,2-dimethyl-3-alkyl imidazolium salts (2) and 9-anthracenecarboxaldehyde. Ion exchange of the anion with dioctyl sulfosuccinate and lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide led to the preparation of other derivatives. The antiproliferative effect of the compounds was evaluated in human ovarian (A2780) and colorectal (HCT116) carcinoma cell lines and in normal primary human fibroblasts. Compound 1 presented an antiproliferative effect related to the imidazolium pattern of substitution with compounds having a decyl group at the R-position (1c and 3c) showing the highest cytotoxic activities in all cell lines independently of the counter ion. Compounds 1b and 1c internalize A2780 cancer cells via a passive or an active transport, respectively, inducing A2780 cell death via an extrinsic apoptosis (1b) or intrinsic apoptosis and oncosis (1c). The localization of both compounds in the cytoplasm coupled to the absence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) induction suggest that the mechanisms of toxicity might be different than those of other anthracyclines currently used in chemotherapy.

Alves-Barroco, C, Rivas-Garcia L, Fernandes AR, Baptista PV.  2020.  Tackling Multidrug Resistance in Streptococci - From Novel Biotherapeutic Strategies to Nanomedicines, 2020. Front Microbiol. 11:579916. AbstractWebsite

The pyogenic streptococci group includes pathogenic species for humans and other animals and has been associated with enduring morbidity and high mortality. The main reason for the treatment failure of streptococcal infections is the increased resistance to antibiotics. In recent years, infectious diseases caused by pyogenic streptococci resistant to multiple antibiotics have been raising with a significant impact to public health and veterinary industry. The rise of antibiotic-resistant streptococci has been associated to diverse mechanisms, such as efflux pumps and modifications of the antimicrobial target. Among streptococci, antibiotic resistance emerges from previously sensitive populations as result of horizontal gene transfer or chromosomal point mutations due to excessive use of antimicrobials. Streptococci strains are also recognized as biofilm producers. The increased resistance of biofilms to antibiotics among streptococci promote persistent infection, which comprise circa 80% of microbial infections in humans. Therefore, to overcome drug resistance, new strategies, including new antibacterial and antibiofilm agents, have been studied. Interestingly, the use of systems based on nanoparticles have been applied to tackle infection and reduce the emergence of drug resistance. Herein, we present a synopsis of mechanisms associated to drug resistance in (pyogenic) streptococci and discuss some innovative strategies as alternative to conventional antibiotics, such as bacteriocins, bacteriophage, and phage lysins, and metal nanoparticles. We shall provide focused discussion on the advantages and limitations of agents considering application, efficacy and safety in the context of impact to the host and evolution of bacterial resistance.

Alves Ferreira, D, L MMDRS, A FR, Martins M.  2020.  A Tale of Two Ends: Repurposing Metallic Compounds from Anti-Tumour Agents to Effective Antibacterial Activity, 2020. Antibiotics (Basel). 9(6) AbstractWebsite

The rise in antibiotic resistance coupled with the gap in the discovery of active molecules has driven the need for more effective antimicrobials while focusing the attention into the repurpose of already existing drugs. Here, we evaluated the potential antibacterial activity of one cobalt and two zinc metallic compounds previously reported as having anticancer properties. Compounds were tested against a range of Gram-positive and -negative bacteria. The determination of the minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations (MIC/MBC) of the drugs were used to assess their potential antibacterial activity and their effect on bacterial growth. Motility assays were conducted by exposing the bacteria to sub-MIC of each of the compounds. The effect of sub-MIC of the compounds on the membrane permeability was measured by ethidium bromide (EtBr) accumulation assay. Cell viability assays were performed in human cells. Compound TS262 was the most active against the range of bacteria tested. No effect was observed on the motility or accumulation of EtBr for any of the bacteria tested. Cell viability assays demonstrated that the compounds showed a decrease in cell viability at the MIC. These results are promising, and further studies on these compounds can lead to the development of new effective antimicrobials.

Oliveira, AR, Mota C, Mourato C, Domingos RM, Santos MFA, Gesto D, Guigliarelli B, Santos-Silva T, Romão MJ, Pereira IAC.  2020.  Towards the mechanistic understanding of enzymatic CO2 reduction, 2020. ACS CatalysisACS Catalysis. : American Chemical Society AbstractWebsite

Reducing CO2 is a challenging chemical transformation that biology solves easily, with high efficiency and specificity. In particular, formate dehydrogenases are of great interest since they reduce CO2 to formate, a valuable chemical fuel and hydrogen storage compound. The metal-dependent formate dehydrogenases of prokaryotes can show high activity for CO2 reduction. Here, we report an expression system to produce recombinant W/Sec-FdhAB from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough fully loaded with cofactors, its cata-lytic characterization and crystal structures in oxidised and reduced states. The enzyme has very high activi-ty for CO2 reduction and displays remarkable oxygen stability. The crystal structure of the formate-reduced enzyme shows Sec still coordinating the tungsten, supporting a mechanism of stable metal coordination during catalysis. Comparison of the oxidised and reduced structures shows significant changes close to the active site. The DvFdhAB is an excellent model for studying catalytic CO2 reduction and probing the mecha-nism of this conversion.Reducing CO2 is a challenging chemical transformation that biology solves easily, with high efficiency and specificity. In particular, formate dehydrogenases are of great interest since they reduce CO2 to formate, a valuable chemical fuel and hydrogen storage compound. The metal-dependent formate dehydrogenases of prokaryotes can show high activity for CO2 reduction. Here, we report an expression system to produce recombinant W/Sec-FdhAB from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough fully loaded with cofactors, its cata-lytic characterization and crystal structures in oxidised and reduced states. The enzyme has very high activi-ty for CO2 reduction and displays remarkable oxygen stability. The crystal structure of the formate-reduced enzyme shows Sec still coordinating the tungsten, supporting a mechanism of stable metal coordination during catalysis. Comparison of the oxidised and reduced structures shows significant changes close to the active site. The DvFdhAB is an excellent model for studying catalytic CO2 reduction and probing the mecha-nism of this conversion.

Das, K, Datta A, Frontera A, Wen YS, Roma-Rodrigues C, Raposo LR, Fernandes AR, Hung CH.  2020.  Zn(II) and Co(II) derivatives anchored with scorpionate precursor: Antiproliferative evaluation in human cancer cell lines, 2020. J Inorg Biochem. 202:110881. AbstractWebsite

A 'scorpionate' type precursor [bdtbpza=bis(3,5-di-t-butylpyrazol-1-yl)acetate] has been employed to synthesize two mononuclear Zn(II) and Co(II) derivatives, namely [Zn(bdtbpza)2 (H2O)2].2.5CH3OH.2[(CH3)3C-C3H2N2-C(CH3)3] (1) and [Co(bdtbpza)2(CH3OH)4] (2) in good yield. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that in 1, the Zn(II) atom is tetrahedrally surrounded by a pair of Oacetate atoms of two bis(pyrazol-1-yl)acetate units and two water molecules; while in 2, the Co(II) atom shows an octahedral environment coordinating a pair of Oacetate atoms of two bis(pyrazol-1-yl)acetate units along with four methanol molecules. The EPR spectra of 2 recorded at 77 and 298K confirmed the tetragonal symmetry of the high spin Co(II). The DFT (Density functional theory) computation is in good agreement with the geometry proposed for compounds 1 and 2. Both the compounds display a high antiproliferative activity against HCT116 (colorectal carcinoma) and A2780 (ovarian carcinoma) cell lines compared to human normal dermal fibroblasts. In the case of A2780 cells, compounds 1 and 2 exhibit IC50 values that are similar to those described for cisplatin, a widely used chemotherapeutic drug. Exposure of A2780 cells to the IC50 concentration of each compound led to an increase of the number of apoptotic and autophagic cells. In the case of compound 1, the accumulation of intracellular ROS (Reactive oxygen species) is responsible for triggering A2780 cell death.

Araújo, N, Moniz AB.  2020.  Additive Manufacturing in health sector: Bio printing and Bio Manufacturing, 2-4 Oct. 2020. 8th International Conference on Virtual and Networked Organizations Emergent Technologies and Tools - ViNOrg'20. , Guimarães, Portugal: Universidade do Minho