Flexible random lasers in dye-doped bio-degradable cellulose nanocrystalline needles

Germano, GCM, Machado YDR, Martinho L, Fernandes SN, Costa AMLM, Pecoraro E, Gomes ASL, Carvalho ICS.  2020.  Flexible random lasers in dye-doped bio-degradable cellulose nanocrystalline needles, 2020. Journal of the Optical Society of America BJournal of the Optical Society of America B. 37(1):24-29.: OSA


In this work, we developed and investigated a random laser based on rhodamine6G (Rh6G) in ethylene glycol (EG) solution with varying cellulose nanocrystalline (CNC) needles as scatterers in the lasing media. Besides the suspension-in-cuvette scheme, an alternative configuration was also employed: a dye-CNC flexible self-supported thick-film (70 µm) random laser made by drop casting of the ${\rm CNCs}+{\rm Rh6G}+{\rm hydroxypropyl}$CNCs+Rh6G+hydroxypropyl cellulose suspension. In relation to conventional scatterers, the biodegradable cellulose nanocompounds showed a comparable reduction in both the spectral full width at half-maximum and the energy threshold values, with an optimal concentration of 5 mg [CNC]/ml[EG] in suspension. Its performance was also compared with other cellulose-based random lasers, presenting advantages for some parameters. The flexible film configuration showed similar results, but contained 10% less Rh6G than the suspension.



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