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Li, K, Haque S, Martins A, Fortunato E, Martins R, Mendes MJ, Schuster CS.  2020.  Light trapping in solar cells: simple design rules to maximize absorption. Optica. 7(10):1377-1384.
dos Santos, R, Iria I, Manuel AM, Leandro AP, Madeira CAC, Gonçalves J, Carvalho AL, Roque ACA.  2020.  Magnetic Precipitation: A New Platform for Protein Purification. Biotechnology Journal. 15(9):2000151.
Rebordão, G, Palma SICJ, Roque ACA.  2020.  Microfluidics in Gas Sensing and Artificial Olfaction. Sensors . 20(20):5742. AbstractPDF

Rapid, real-time, and non-invasive identification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
and gases is an increasingly relevant field, with applications in areas such as healthcare, agriculture,
or industry. Ideal characteristics of VOC and gas sensing devices used for artificial olfaction include
portability and affordability, low power consumption, fast response, high selectivity, and sensitivity.
Microfluidics meets all these requirements and allows for in situ operation and small sample amounts,
providing many advantages compared to conventional methods using sophisticated apparatus such
as gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. This review covers the work accomplished so far
regarding microfluidic devices for gas sensing and artificial olfaction. Systems utilizing electrical
and optical transduction, as well as several system designs engineered throughout the years are
summarized, and future perspectives in the field are discussed.

Sousa, DM, Chiappim W, Leitão JP, Lima JC, Ferreira I.  2020.  Microwave synthesis of silver sulfide and silver nanoparticles: light and time influence. ACS omega. 5:12877-12881.
Fernandes, CSM, Rodrigues AL, Alves VD, Fernandes TG, Pina AS, Roque ACA.  2020.  Natural multimerization rules the performance of affinity-based physical hydrogels for stem cell encapsulation and differentiation. Biomacromolecules. 8(21):3081–3091.
Zanatta, M, Simon NM, Dupont J.  2020.  The Nature of Carbon Dioxide in Bare Ionic Liquid. ChemSusChem. 13:3101-3109. AbstractWebsite

Ionic liquids (ILs) are among the most studied and promising materials for selective CO2 capture and transformation. The high CO2 sorption capacity associated with the possibility to activate this rather stable molecule through stabilization of ionic/radical species or covalent interactions either with the cation or anion has opened new avenues for CO2 functionalization. However, recent reports have demonstrated that another simpler and plausible pathway is also involved in the sorption/activation of CO2 by ILs associated with basic anions. Bare ILs or IL solutions contain almost invariable significant amounts of water and through interaction with CO2 generate carbonates/bicarbonates rather than carbamic acids or amidates. In these cases, the IL acts as a base and not a nucleophile and yields buffer‐like solutions that can be used to shift the equilibrium toward acid products in different CO2 reutilization reactions. In this Minireview, the emergence of IL buffer‐like solutions as a new reactivity paradigm in CO2 capture and activation is described and analyzed critically, mainly through the evaluation of NMR data.

Pereira, M, Deuermeier J, Nogueira R, Carvalho PA, Martins R, Fortunato E, Kiazadeh A.  2020.  Noble‐Metal‐Free Memristive Devices Based on IGZO for Neuromorphic Applications. Advanced electronic Materials. 6(10)
Olalla, S-S, Mendes MJ, Mateus T, Costa J, Nunes D, Águas H, Fortunato E, Martins R.  2020.  Photonic-structured TCO front contacts yielding optical and electrically enhanced thin-film solar cells. Solar Energy. 196(15):92-98.
Honnet, C, Perner-Wilson H, Teyssier M, Fruchard B, Steimle J, Baptista AC, Strohmeier P.  2020.  PolySense: Augmenting Textiles with Electrical Functionality using In-Situ Polymerization. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Strohmeier, P, Honnet C, Pernet-Wilson H, Teyssier M, Fruchard B, Baptista AC, Steimle J.  2020.  PolySense: How to Make Electrically Functional Textiles. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems .
Sousa, EHS, Diógenes ICN, Lopes LGF, Moura JJG.  2020.  Potential therapeutic approaches for a sleeping pathogen: tuberculosis a case for bioinorganic chemistry. J Biol Inorg Chem. 25:685.
Gavinho, SR, Soares MC, Borges JB, Silva JC, Nogueira ISá, Graça MP.  2020.  Preparation and Characterization of Zinc and Magnesium Doped Bioglasses. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Security and Protection against CBRN Threats. :465-475. AbstractWebsite

Peri-implantitis is an infectious disease that affects about one of five patients who receive a dental implant within 5 years after the surgery. To minimize this reaction the development of new biomaterials with antibacterial action is needed that can be used as a coating material in orthodontic implants. In addition, these biomaterials can be doped with several ions, which add specific properties that may act at the cellular level, such as increasing the angiogenesis efficiency. In this work, 45S5 Bioglass® has been used as the base material because it presents higher bioactivity compared to other biomaterials. To add antibacterial function and increase positive effects on bone metabolism, zinc and magnesium ions were introduced in the glass network. The main objective was the synthesis of the 45S5 glass by melt-quenching and study the biological performance as function of the zinc and magnesium concentrations. The structural and biological properties of the prepared samples are discussed.

Matos, MJB, Pina AS, Roque ACA.  2020.  Rational design of affinity ligands for bioseparation. Journal of Chromatography A. (460871)
Inácio, M, Isufi B, Lapi M, Ramos AP.  2020.  Rational Use of High-Strength Concrete in Flat Slab-Column Connections under Seismic Loading. ACI Structural Journal. 117(6) Abstractmanuscript_aci_accepted.pdfWebsite

High Strength Concrete (HSC) slab–column connections with relatively low concrete strengths compared to today’s capabilities have been tested under seismic-type loading in the past. Herein, the hybrid use of HSC with compressive strength around 120 MPa and Normal Strength Concrete (NSC) is investigated through three reversed horizontal cyclic loading tests with different geometries of the HSC region and a reference NSC specimen. The results show that HSC applied in the vicinity of the column can significantly enhance the seismic performance of slab–column connections. The best result in terms of drift capacity and economic use of HSC was achieved in the case of full-depth HSC extended from the column’s face up to 2.5 times the effective depth. Drift ratios up to 3.0% were achieved. A comparison with previous tests showed that the hybrid use of HSC and NSC can achieve similar results to the provision of punching shear reinforcement.

Santos, TG, Oliveira JP, Machado MA.  2020.  Reliability and NDT Methods. Advanced Structured Materials. :265-295. Abstract

Composites are finding increased use in structural high demanding and high added value applications in advanced industries. A wide diversity exists in terms of matrix type, which can be either polymeric or metallic and type of reinforcements (ceramic, polymeric or metallic). Several technologies have been used to produce these composites; among them, additive manufacturing (AM) is currently being applied. In structural applications, the presence of defects due to fabrication is of major concern, since it affects the performance of a component with negative impact, which can affect, ultimately, human lives. Thus, the detection of defects is highly important, not only surface defects but also barely visible defects. This chapter describes the main types of defects expected in composites produced by AM. The fundamentals of different non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques are briefly discussed, as well as the state of the art of numerical simulation for several NDT techniques. A multiparametric and customized inspection system was developed based on the combination of innovative techniques in modelling and testing. Experimental validation with eddy currents, ultrasounds, X-ray and thermography is presented and analysed, as well as integration of distinctive techniques and 3D scanning characterization.

  2020.  Sauropode.
Esteves, C, Ramou E, Porteira ARP, Barbosa AJM, Roque ACA.  2020.  Seeing the Unseen: The Role of Liquid Crystals in Gas‐Sensing Technologies. Advanced Optical Materials. 1902117:1-29. AbstractPDF

Fast, real-time detection of gases and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is
an emerging research field relevant to most aspects of modern society, from
households to health facilities, industrial units, and military environments.
Sensor features such as high sensitivity, selectivity, fast response, and low
energy consumption are essential. Liquid crystal (LC)-based sensors fulfill
these requirements due to their chemical diversity, inherent self-assembly
potential, and reversible molecular order, resulting in tunable stimuliresponsive soft materials. Sensing platforms utilizing thermotropic uniaxial
systems—nematic and smectic—that exploit not only interfacial phenomena,
but also changes in the LC bulk, are demonstrated. Special focus is given to
the different interaction mechanisms and tuned selectivity toward gas and
VOC analytes. Furthermore, the different experimental methods used to
transduce the presence of chemical analytes into macroscopic signals are discussed and detailed examples are provided. Future perspectives and trends
in the field, in particular the opportunities for LC-based advanced materials in
artificial olfaction, are also discussed.

Centeno, P, Alexandre M, Chapa M, Pinto JV, Deuermeier J, Mateus T, Fortunato E, Martins R, Águas H, Mendes MJ.  2020.  Self-Cleaned Photonic-Enhanced Solar Cells with Nanostructured Parylene-C. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 7(15):2000264.
Pappas, CG, Wijerathne N, Sahoo JK, Jain A, Kroiss D, Sasselli IR, Pina AS, Lampel A, Ulijn RV.  2020.  Spontaneous Aminolytic Cyclization and Self-Assembly ofDipeptide Methyl Esters in Water. ChemSystemsChem. 2(e2000013):1-7.
Rodrigues, R, Palma SICJ, Correia VJ, Padrao I, Pais J, Banza M, Alves C, Deuermeier J, Martins C, Costa HMA, Ramou E, Silva Pereira C, Roque ACA.  2020.  Sustainable plant polyesters as substrates for optical gas sensors. Materials Today Bio. 8:100083. AbstractPDF

The fast and non-invasive detection of odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by gas sensors and electronic
noses is a growing field of interest, mostly due to a large scope of potential applications. Additional drivers for the
expansion of the field include the development of alternative and sustainable sensing materials. The discovery
that isolated cross-linked polymeric structures of suberin spontaneously self-assemble as a film inspired us to
develop new sensing composite materials consisting of suberin and a liquid crystal (LC). Due to their stimuliresponsive and optically active nature, liquid crystals are interesting probes in gas sensing. Herein, we report
the isolation and the chemical characterization of two suberin types (from cork and from potato peels) resorting to
analyses of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS), solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and Xray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The collected data highlighted their compositional and structural differences. Cork suberin showed a higher proportion of longer aliphatic constituents and is more esterified than potato
suberin. Accordingly, when casted it formed films with larger surface irregularities and a higher C/O ratio. When
either type of suberin was combined with the liquid crystal 5CB, the ensuing hybrid materials showed distinctive
morphological and sensing properties towards a set of 12 VOCs (comprising heptane, hexane, chloroform,
toluene, dichlormethane, diethylether, ethyl acetate, acetonitrile, acetone, ethanol, methanol, and acetic acid).
The optical responses generated by the materials are reversible and reproducible, showing stability for 3 weeks.
The individual VOC-sensing responses of the two hybrid materials are discussed taking as basis the chemistry of
each suberin type. A support vector machines (SVM) algorithm based on the features of the optical responses was
implemented to assess the VOC identification ability of the materials, revealing that the two distinct suberin-based
sensors complement each other, since they selectively identify distinct VOCs or VOC groups. It is expected that
such new environmentally-friendly gas sensing materials derived from natural diversity can be combined in arrays
to enlarge selectivity and sensing capacity.

Shlapa, Yu.; Solopan, TBS; I;.  2020.  Synthesis of Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Aqueous Solution at Controlled pH Values. 1st International Research and Practice Conference “Nanoobjects & Nanostructuring” N&N-2020. , Lviv, Ukraine
https://www.mdpi.com/2673-3978/2/1/1/htm.  2020.  Ta2O5/SiO2 Multicomponent Dielectrics for Amorphous Oxide TFTs . Electronic Materials. 2(1)
Peixoto, J.  2020.  Tensile behaviour characterization of a high performance fiber reinforced concrete. FEUP - Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. (Sandra Nunes, Amin Abrishambaf, Eds.)., Porto, Portugal: FEUP