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Pereira, Z, Kovács I, Moniz A.  1994.  Quality and work organization with advanced automation in Portugal, Jul. , Number 7567: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

In this paper it is analysed the relationships between work organisation and quality systems in firms that uses some forms of advanced automation. Are characterised the existing quality control structures in the Portuguese industry, and the main factors that hidden or fosters the development of sociotechnical methods of quality control organisation strategies. Are analysed some industrial cases that explains more clearly the critical issues of the implementation of quality systems and work organisation systems. A few recommendations are given about the possibilities for the development of new forms of work organisation and the quality systems associated to automated manufacturing systems.

Pereira, Z, Moniz A, Kovács I.  1994.  Quality and work organisation in Portuguese industry, Sep. , Number 7412: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The present communication analyses the relationships between work organisation and quality systems. The analysis is based on results from a study funded by the "Specific Programme for the Development of Portuguese Industry" (PEDIP). The main issues which have been currently associated with work organisation and quality control in the Portuguese industry are characterized. Critical features related to the implementation of quality systems and new methods of work organisation for industrial development are also discussed. A few recommendations are given in order to promote appropriate methods of work organisation for quality improvement within Portuguese industry.

Sampaio, J, Moniz AB.  2007.  Qualifica{\c c}ão e Competência Profissional Num Sistema Complexo De Trabalho (Qualification and professional competence in a complex working system), Mar. , Number hal-00291729: HAL Abstract

Nesta comunica{\c c}ão em que se discutem, numa perspectiva de complementaridade, os conceitos de qualifica{\c c}ão e de competência profissional, dá-se conta da metodologia adoptada para a identifica{\c c}ão e valida{\c c}ão de um conjunto de competências profissionais num sistema complexo de trabalho. O estudo incidiu sobre os Servi{\c c}os de Controlo de Tráfego Aéreo da Região de Informa{\c c}ão de Voo de Lisboa e permitiu concluir pela existência de uma dimensão integrativa das componentes trabalho e tecnologia, enquanto elementos estruturantes dos mapas de competências profissionais, indispensáveis à integra{\c c}ão sistémica dos diferentes agentes (humanos e tecnológicos) no processo produtivo.