Moniz, A, c}as JMC{\c.
Editorial Note, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 7:7-8., Number 7
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Moniz, A, c}as JMC{\c.
Editorial Note, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 6:7-8., Number 6
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Moniz, A, c}as JMC{\c.
Editorial Note, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 5:7-9., Number 5
AbstractNo abstract is available for this item.
Moniz, A, c}as JMC{\c.
Editorial Note, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 4:7-8., Number 4
AbstractNo abstract is available for this item.
Moniz, A.
Editorial Note, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 3:10-11., Number 3
AbstractNo abstract is available for this item.
Moniz, A, Leal RP.
Editorial Note, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:7-8., Number 2
AbstractNo abstract is available for this item.
Moniz, A, Leal RP.
Editorial Note, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 1:7., Number 1
AbstractNo abstract is available for this item.
Krings, B, Moniz A.
El desarrollo socio-cultural de la sociedad de la información: Competencia o cooperación?[Socio-cultural development of information society: competition or co-operation?], Jun , Number 6885: University Library of Munich, Germany
AbstractThe results presented in this article are related to the field of investigation defined inside the European TSER project on "Information Society, Work and Generation of New Forms of Social Exclusion " (SOWING). The thematic center of the project is connected with the question of the relations that exist between the introduction of information technologies (IT) and the changes in the waged labour as well as in the organisation of work systems. The introduction of these technologies transformed specially the activities on services as well as certain branches, where great changes of the organization of work for the next future assume, which are discussed within the margin of the debate on future forms of work. The tendencies within the occupational structures indicate an individualisation of the insecurities and an opening of the occupational carreers. For these reasons, the development of the occupational carreers is more and more bound to the biographical planning. The institutionalised occupational model is changing very strongly, which in the long term will take to social and cultural changes, not only in the professional life, but also in the private life.
Moniz, A.
Elementos para o estudo de um caso de sucesso na montagem automóvel em Portugal: a Opel Portugal[Elements for the study of a success case in automobile assembly: the Opel Portugal]. , Number 5938: University Library of Munich, Germany
AbstractThe interest to study this factory of GM group in Portugal is due to the facto of being one of the oldest assembly lines of the automotive sector still operating in Portugal (it was founded in 1963). Besides that, it went recently across a very intensive technological change, and then would be interesting to know the organisation of work model chose. The Opel factory occupies at the moment the former one that belonged to Ford Lusitana. There it has being under production some modules that feed the assembly line on JIT and in sequence. Although there were severe difficulties to implement the case study at Opel, this report could be done using secondary information and several interviews at the factory and initial visits. This Opel factory was recently closed down in the frame of a GM European strategy for re-structuring.
Peters, J, Baumann M, Zimmermann B, Braun J, Weil M.
The environmental impact of Li-Ion batteries and the role of key parameters - A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017(67):491-506.
AbstractThe increasing presence of Li-Ion batteries (LIB) in mobile and stationary energy storage applications has triggered a growing interest in the environmental impacts associated with their production. Numerous studies on the potential environmental impacts of LIB production and LIB-based electric mobility are available, but these are very heterogeneous and the results are therefore difficult to compare. Furthermore, the source of inventory data, which is key to the outcome of any study, is often difficult to trace back. This paper provides a review of LCA studies on Li-Ion batteries, with a focus on the battery production process. All available original studies that explicitly assess LIB production are summarized, the sources of inventory data are traced back and the main assumptions are extracted in order to provide a quick overview of the technical key parameters used in each study. These key parameters are then compared with actual battery data from industry and research institutions. Based on the results from the reviewed studies, average values for the environmental impacts of LIB production are calculated and the relevance of different assumptions for the outcomes of the different studies is pointed out. On average, producing 1 Wh of storage capacity is associated with a cumulative energy demand of 328 Wh and causes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 110 gCO2eq. Although the majority of existing studies focus on GHG emissions or energy demand, it can be shown that impacts in other categories such as toxicity might be even more important. Taking into account the importance of key parameters for the environmental performance of Li-Ion batteries, research efforts should not only focus on energy density but also on maximizing cycle life and charge-discharge efficiency.
Moniz, A.
Estratégias de constru{\c c}ão da Sociedade da Informa{\c c}ão[Strategies of construction of Information Society], Jun. , Number 6633: University Library of Munich, Germany
AbstractThe most significative text of the European Commission on the construction of a strategy for an Information Society is, undoubtly the document on “Job Opportunities in the Information Society”. The major dimension of the change process was not anymore the technological evolution one. Information society should integrate the social-economical dimensions with industries that use information and communication products and services, beside those of so-called “Information Society industries”. Is not only this sector that is growing in terms of employment, but also the other sectors can be also important ICT users. Employment in the information society leads the employment growth in EU. In this study are analysed the different national programs and strategies, and with particular relevance the Portuguese case.
Versteeg, T, Baumann M, Weil M, Moniz AB.
Exploring emerging battery technology for grid-connected energy storage with Constructive Technology Assessment. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 115:99-110.
AbstractThe last decades have shown an increasing amount of research into expectations of science and technology. Especially for emerging technologies, expectations held by different stakeholder are guiding the direction of research and development. In this article the results of an investigation into the expectations of specific actors regarding the development of emerging battery technology for applications in the power grid are presented. It is set up as an explorative study within the framework of Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA). A number of studies since the 1990s have indicated a growing need for energy storage options in the power grid, where batteries appear to be capable of providing a range of valuable services to the grid. Cost-effectiveness on a large scale will however require considerable technical improvements. The configuration of energy storage may differ in the specific location and exploitation of the storage assets, as well as in the investments in new storage capacity. In this study the visions and expectations of several relevant actors are analysed using interviews and surveys in terms of expectations of technological development, expectations concerning stakeholder roles, and channels of interaction between the relevant actors. The results indicate a divide in expectations between the user side of the technology (the electric power industry) and the development side (academic researchers). Opinions differ with respect to the obstacles to technological development, the actors relevant in early technological development, and the most suitable channels for interaction between these actors. It follows from the theoretical background that conflicts in expectations provide the opportunity for the acceleration of technological development and adoption through stakeholder participation. Small interactive workshops, where conflicts identified in this paper are discussed, were identified as a suitable channel in order to reach consensus in visions and expectations for battery technology.