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Krings, B-J, Weinberger N.  2018.  Assistant without Master? Some Conceptual Implications of Assistive Robotics in Health Care Technologies. 18(1) AbstractWebsite

The subject of “technical assistants” in inpatient care is currently being widely discussed in scientific and public circles. In many cases, though, it has become apparent that the umbrella term “assistive technologies”, also in the context of robotics, is very contrived. Against this background, the authors of this article reflect on the meaning of “assistance” in socio-technical systems, and critically review its relevance. To understand and demonstrate “assistive” functions, it is essential to establish a frame of reference. The re-evaluation of an empirical study of people with dementia in inpatient care has revealed the functional character of technical assistance systems. The results, however, show that the theoretical debate on the social and organisational function of “assistance” in these technical fields is still lacking. Therefore, the reflections in this paper may also provide some starting points for this debate.

Fischer, M, Krings B-J, Moniz AB, Zimpelmann E.  2017.  Herausforderungen der Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration. Lernen & Lehren. 2017(32):8-14.
Krings, B-J, Decker M, Weinberger N, Hirsch J.  2017.  Imagined technology futures in demand-oriented technology assessment. Journal of Responsible Innovation. 4(2):177-196.
Krings, B-J, Weinberger N, Decker M.  2016.  Enabling a mobile and independent way of life for people with dementia - Needs-oriented technology development. Ageing and technology. Perspectives from the social sciences. :183-204., Bielefeld: transcript
Moniz, AB, Krings B-J.  2016.  Robots Working with Humans or Humans Working with Robots? Searching for Social Dimensions in New Human-Robot Interaction in Industry Societies. 2016(6):23. AbstractWebsite

The focus of the following article is on the use of new robotic systems in the manufacturing industry with respect to the social dimension. Since “intuitive” human–machine interaction (HMI) in robotic systems becomes a significant objective of technical progress, new models of work organization are needed. This hypothesis will be investigated through the following two aims: The first aim is to identify relevant research questions related to the potential use of robotic systems in different systems of work organization at the manufacturing shop-floor level. The second aim is to discuss the conceptualization of (old) organizational problems of human–robot interaction (HRI). In this context, the article reflects on the limits of cognitive and perceptual workload for robot operators in complex working systems. This will be particularly relevant whenever more robots with different “roles” are to be increasingly used in the manufacturing industry. The integration of such complex socio-technical systems needs further empirical and conceptual research with regard to “social” aspects of the technical dimension. Future research should, therefore, also integrate economic and societal issues to understand the full dimensions of new human–robot interaction in industry today.

Krings, B-J, Rodriguez H, Schleisiek A.  2016.  Scientific knowledge and the transgression of boundaries. , Wiesbaden: Springer VS Abstract

The aim of this book is to understand and critically appraise science-based transgression dynamics in their whole complexity. It includes contributions from experts with different disciplinary backgrounds, such as philosophy, history and sociology. Thus, it is in itself an example of boundary transgession. Scientific disciplines and their objects have tended to be seen as permanent and distinct. However, science is better conceived as an activity that constantly surpasses, erases and rebuilds all kinds of boundaries, either disciplinary, socio-ethical or ecological. This transgressive capacity, a characteristic trait of science and its applications, defines us as "knowledge societies." However, scientific and technological developments are also sources of serious environmental and social concerns.

Moniz, AB, Krings B-J.  2016.  Special issue on robots and the work environment. Societies. 2016(4):31.Website
Krings, B-J.  2016.  Strategien der Individualisierung. Neue Konzepte und Befunde zur soziologischen Individualisierungsthese. , Bielefeld: transcript Abstract

Der Begriff der Individualisierung trägt in der Regel negative Konnotationen: sei es im Hinblick auf eine zunehmende Vereinzelung und Vereinsamung von Individuen oder hinsichtlich der Zunahme egoistisch anmutender Handlungen von Menschen, die das Gemeinwohl aus dem Blick verlieren. Prozesse der Individualisierung werden daher häufig als Bedrohung für die Konstituierung moderner Gesellschaften diskutiert. Diese Studie hingegen präsentiert eine neue Lesart der Individualisierung. Orientiert an Niklas Luhmanns Arbeiten und gestützt auf Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie legt Bettina-Johanna Krings eine soziologische Betrachtung vor, die die Aufforderung zur Individualisierung als eine notwendige Herausforderung in modernen Gesellschaften interpretiert.

Krings, B-J, Nierling L.  2015.  About the attraction of machine logic. The field of elderly care.. he next horizon of technology assessment. :217-221., Prague: Technology Centre ASCR
Maia, MJ, Krings B-J.  2015.  Robots in surgery: Transformation of work in the operation room. Practices of innovation and responsibility: Insights from methods, governance and action. :111-128., Berlin: AKA
Krings, B-J, Hülsken-Giesler M.  2015.  Technik und Pflege in einer Gesellschaft des langen Lebens - Einführung in den Schwerpunkt. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis. 24(2):4-11.
Nierling, L, Krings B.  2010.  {The impact of global forces on the individual: empirical evidence from the German clothing industry}, Aug. , Number 08/2010: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

Starting from theoretical perspectives on globalisation, the following article analyses how current working conditions are affected by globalisation processes. For this purpose, recent developments in the German clothing sector are traced back to the power of economic globalisation processes. Characterising the German clothing sector as pioneer in economic globalisation, we use empirical findings to illustrate how current processes of globalisation influence the work place: At organisational level, corporate strategies aim at rationalisation, standardisation and flexibilisation of work in order to response to the economic pressure of global markets. At individual level these strategies, in turn, speed up working processes and intensify working processes for the employees. Although these developments form strong trends, we conclude that the local embeddedness of companies is still of high importance with regard to organisational and individual consequences of globalisation.

Krings, B.  2009.  {Global restructuring and its effects on occupations: towards a new division of labor?}, Dec , Number 12/2009: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

The following contribution considers whether global restructuring creates new forms of the division of labor. On the basis of empirical data from a comparative project in 14 European countries, the author supports the hypothesis that in addition to the ongoing process of the internationalization of work, there are ‘hidden’ effects at the local level. From the perspective of three occupational clusters, dynamics can be observed which have differing impacts on the occupational groups. Thus, there is a simultaneous process of restructuring and redefining skills, labor processes and the working organization which forms the daily reality of working men and women.

Meil, P, Stratigaki M, Linardos P, Tengblad P, Docherty P, Bannink D, Moniz A, Paulos M, Krings B, Nierling L.  2009.  Challenges for Europe under value chain restructuring: Contributions to policy debates. , Number Abstract


Meil, P, Stratigaki M, Linardos P, Tengblad P, Docherty P, Bannink D, Moniz A, Paulos M, Krings B, Nierling L.  2009.  {Challenges for Europe under value chain restructuring: Contributions to policy debates}. , Number Abstract


Krings, B.  2007.  {Wandel der Arbeit: Die Krise der Arbeitsgesellschaft[Change on Work: the crisis of the labour economy]}, Jun. , Number 7130: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

In 1982, at the 21st German Congress of Sociology the discussion was around a new topic: the crisis of the labour economy. Since then the conditions changed and the informatisation and technology development of work environments took place. Here are presented some of the new trends in terms of analisis of changes in the work environment. Der im Jahre 1982 durchgeführte 21. Deutschen Soziologentag in Bamberg mit dem Titel „Krise der Arbeitsgesellschaft?“ wurde sicherlich bewusst mit einem Fragezeichen versehen. Wenn im Rahmen der „Verhandlungen“ in Bamberg noch die Möglichkeit ausgeschlossen wurde, wissensbasierte Tätigkeitsfelder zu „normieren“, so wurden über die beiden organisatorischen Instrumente der Selbstorganisation und der Flexibilisierung höchst effektive Rahmenbedingungen geschaffen, um die Nutzung der Arbeitskraft zu kontrollieren und zu steigern. Aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln und Arbeitskontexten beschäftigen sich alle Beiträge des vorliegenden Schwerpunktes mit dem Wandel der Arbeit.

Valenduc, G, Vendramin P, Krings B, Nierling L.  2007.  {How restructuring is changing occupations? Case study evidence from knowledge-intensive, manufacturing and service occupations}, Dec , Number 67055: ZBW - German National Library of Economics Abstract

This report is the final deliverable (D11.1) of the workpackage on occupational case studies of the WORKS project (WP11 – Qualitative research – Case studies on changes in work - Impacts on the individual and the household). In this workpackage, 30 occupational case studies were achieved in 14 countries, between June 2006 and May 2007; in total 246 in-depth individual interviews were carried out, according to common interview guidelines elaborated in May 2006, at the end of the workpackage on qualitative methods (WP6). These occupational case studies are closely related to the organisational case studies that were carried out in a selected number of business functions, during the same time span. In the WORKS project, business functions are at the core of qualitative empirical research, as they provide a relevant framework for analysis of value chain restructuring and changes in work. In order to study changes in work at the individual level, this report focuses on individual workers within occupational groups linked to key business functions. This link is justified in Chapter 2. Six occupational groups are considered in the report: designers in the clothing industry; researchers in information and communication technology; IT professionals in software services; production workers in food or clothing; logistics workers in food or clothing; front office employees in customer relationships in public services. In each occupational group, three to seven case studies were conducted an reported in different countries, covering a variety of socio-economic and institutional contexts. Each case study relies on seven to nine in-depth individual interviews, including a biographical dimension. In the first part of this report (Chapter 2), the research design and methodology are explained and justified. The key research questions are developed, as well as the concrete methodological choices and the practical organisation of the case studies. The second part of the report (Chapter

Krings, B-J.  2006.  {The sociological perspective on the knowledge-based society: assumptions, facts and visions}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:9-19., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

The paper will present the central discourse of the knowledge-based society. Already in the 1960s the debate of the industrial society already raised the question whether there can be considered a paradigm shift towards a knowledge-based society. Some prominent authors already foreseen ‘knowledge’ as the main indicator in order to displace ‘labour’ and ‘capital’ as the main driving forces of the capitalistic development. Today on the political level and also in many scientific disciplines the assumption that we are already living in a knowledge-based society seems obvious. Although we still do not have a theory of the knowledge-based society and there still exist a methodological gap about the empirical indicators, the vision of a knowledge-based society determines at least the perception of the Western societies. In a first step the author will pinpoint the assumptions about the knowledge-based society on three levels: on the societal, on the organisational and on the individual level. These assumptions are relied on the following topics: a) The role of the information and communication technologies; b) The dynamic development of globalisation as an ‘evolutionary’ process; c) The increasing importance of knowledge management within organisations; d) The changing role of the state within the economic processes. Not only the differentiation between the levels but also the revision of the assumptions of a knowledge-based society will show that the ‘topics raised in the debates’ cannot be considered as the results of a profound societal paradigm shift. However what seems very impressive is the normative and virtual shift towards a concept of modernity, which strongly focuses on the role of technology as a driving force as well as on the global economic markets, which has to be accepted. Therefore – according to the official debate - the successful adaptation of these processes seems the only way to meet the knowledge-based society. Analysing the societal changes on the

Fiedeler, U, Krings B.  2006.  {Naturalness and Neuronal Implants – Changes in the perception of human beings}. , Number 8501: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

With our contribution we would like to refer to the debate on nanotechnology (NT) and its implications for the public discourse on the relationship of human beings and technologies. Within NT the convergence of some technologies has been considered as a crucial step towards the long term objective of “enhancing human performance”. The discussion was initiated with an US-American workshop in the year 2002, where the innovative character of converging technology (CT) was strongly underlined (Roco 2002). In the final document of the workshop futuristic and far reaching scenarios on technical development based on NT and on CT were presented. First we address the implications of the mentioned document for research policy in general and especially of NT. Based on the example of neural implants we second qualify the normative expectations within the debate without however denying the helpfulness of these innovations especially in the field of medicine. But we third agree on a critical discussion, which consider a new quality of technological penetration into social and human processes.

Krings, B.  2006.  {The sociological perspective on the knowledge-based society: assumptions, facts and visions}. , Number 7110: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The paper will present the central discourse of the knowledge-based society. Already in the 1960s the debate of the industrial society already raised the question whether there can be considered a paradigm shift towards a knowledge-based society. Some prominent authors already foreseen ‘knowledge’ as the main indicator in order to displace ‘labour’ and ‘capital’ as the main driving forces of the capitalistic development. Today on the political level and also in many scientific disciplines the assumption that we are already living in a knowledge-based society seems obvious. Although we still do not have a theory of the knowledge-based society and there still exist a methodological gap about the empirical indicators, the vision of a knowledge-based society determines at least the perception of the Western societies. In a first step the author will pinpoint the assumptions about the knowledge-based society on three levels: on the societal, on the organisational and on the individual level. These assumptions are relied on the following topics: a) The role of the information and communication technologies; b) The dynamic development of globalisation as an ‘evolutionary’ process; c) The increasing importance of knowledge management within organisations; d) The changing role of the state within the economic processes. Not only the differentiation between the levels but also the revision of the assumptions of a knowledge-based society will show that the ‘topics raised in the debates’ cannot be considered as the results of a profound societal paradigm shift. However what seems very impressive is the normative and virtual shift towards a concept of modernity, which strongly focuses on the role of technology as a driving force as well as on the global economic markets, which has to be accepted. Therefore – according to the official debate - the successful adaptation of these processes seems the only way to meet the knowledge-based society. Analysing the societal changes on the

Krings, B.  2005.  {Hen or Egg? The relationship between IC-technologies and social exclusion}, Jun , Number 9568: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

If we take a look at developments on the labour market, we find that the rate of employment stands in a close relationship to the introduction of new technologies and their social and cultural consequences. The immediate effects of new technologies on new forms of work-structures are, in fact, difficult to determine empirically. In order to avoid a strong technological bias in the scientific perspective, it seems important to consider carefully the normative objectives and goals, which are connected with the introduction of IC-technologies. But nevertheless it is difficult to define clearly the causes and the effects of new technologies as well as the technical changes and its social consequences. The intention of the article is to present the concept of social exclusion within the SOWING-project. Of course this concept is embedded in the scientific debate of the Information Society, which has a strong technological focus and represents the discussion of the Western, highly industrialized societies. But nevertheless the empirical findings of the SOWING project come to the general conclusion, that the rise of new forms of social exclusion cannot be considered as the result of the introduction of ICT, but as the result of the normative idea of a more effective and global organized economy. The social consequences of this development depend strongly on the establishment of a democratic procedure, which integrates the concerning social groups.

Helberger, N, Kerényi K, Krings B, Lambers R, Orwat C, Riehm U, van Gompel S, Dufft N.  2004.  {Digital Rights Management and Consumer Acceptability: A Multi-Disciplinary Discussion of Consumer Concerns and Expectations}. , Number 6641: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

The INDICARE project – the Informed Dialogue about Consumer Acceptability of DRM Solutions in Europe – has been set up to raise awareness about consumer and user issues of Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions. One of the main goals of the INDICARE project is to contribute to the consensus-building among multiple players with heterogeneous interests in the digital environment. To promote this process and to contribute to the creation of a common level of understanding is the aim of the present report. It provides an overview of consumer concerns and expectations regarding DRMs, and discusses the findings from a social, legal, technical and business perspective. A general overview of the existing EC initiatives shows that questions of consumer acceptability of DRM have only recently begun to draw wider attention. A review of the relevant statements, studies and reports confirms that awareness of consumer concerns is still at a low level. Five major categories of concerns have been distinguished so far: (1) fair conditions of use and access to digital content, (2) privacy, (3) interoperability, (4) transparency and (5) various aspects of consumer friendliness. From the legal point of view, many of the identified issues go beyond the scope of copyright law, i.e. the field of law where DRM was traditionally discussed. Often they are a matter of general or sector-specific consumer protection law. Furthermore, it is still unclear to what extent technology and an appropriate design of technical solutions can provide an answer to some of the concerns of consumers. One goal of the technical chapter was exactly to highlight some of these technical possibilities. Finally, it is shown that consumer acceptability of DRM is important for the economic success of different business models based on DRM. Fair and responsive DRM design can be a profitable strategy, however DRM-free alternatives do exist too.

Kovács, I, Moniz A.  2002.  The Sociology of Work and the work of sociologists in Portugal, Apr. , Number 7891: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

A propose for this article is to present information on the emergence of the knowledge field of sociology of work and labor studies in Portugal. The period of 1974-1984 produced an interesting bibliography in the fields of social stratification, labor conflicts and social history. However, and since the mid-1980s, significant changes have emerged. There took place an increased theoretical diversity and also there was a major preoccupation with the development of a more professional teaching of the discipline. At this time, the first graduated specialists in Sociology appeared in the labor market since 1980, working in municipalities, industrial firms, public health institutions, schools, or even in research and development (R&D) units. The Portuguese association in this field (APSIOT) organized many scientific meetings, debates with unionists, managers and politicians, beside the regular publication of review “Organiza{\c c}ões e Trabalho” (Organization and Work) since 1989. It started the diffusion of a professional culture of sociologists who associate science and their occupation concerning themselves not only with scientific quality, but also with technical competence and social responsibility. At the same time, one could assist to the participation of sociologists in the social and organizational molding of new technologies in order to promote alternative production systems.

Kovács, I, Moniz A.  2002.  {The Sociology of Work and the work of sociologists in Portugal}, Apr. , Number 7891: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

A propose for this article is to present information on the emergence of the knowledge field of sociology of work and labor studies in Portugal. The period of 1974-1984 produced an interesting bibliography in the fields of social stratification, labor conflicts and social history. However, and since the mid-1980s, significant changes have emerged. There took place an increased theoretical diversity and also there was a major preoccupation with the development of a more professional teaching of the discipline. At this time, the first graduated specialists in Sociology appeared in the labor market since 1980, working in municipalities, industrial firms, public health institutions, schools, or even in research and development (R&D) units. The Portuguese association in this field (APSIOT) organized many scientific meetings, debates with unionists, managers and politicians, beside the regular publication of review “Organizações e Trabalho” (Organization and Work) since 1989. It started the diffusion of a professional culture of sociologists who associate science and their occupation concerning themselves not only with scientific quality, but also with technical competence and social responsibility. At the same time, one could assist to the participation of sociologists in the social and organizational molding of new technologies in order to promote alternative production systems.