Maia, LB, Moura I, Moura JJG.
Molybdenum and tungsten-containing enzymes: an overview. Molybdenum and Tungsten Enzymes: Biochemistry, RSC Metallobiology Series No. 5 (ISBN: 978-1-78262-089-1). . (
Hille, R., Schulzke, C., Kirk, M.L., Eds.).:1-80.: Royal Society of Chemistry
Ferreira, J, Santos T, Pereira P, Corvo MC, Queiroz JA, Sousa F, Cruz C.
Naphthalene amine support for G-quadruplex isolation. Analyst. 142(16):2982-2994.: Royal Society of Chemistry
AbstractG-quadruplex (G4) is involved in many biological processes, such as telomere function, gene expression and DNA replication. The selective isolation of G4 using affinity ligands that bind tightly and selectively is a valuable strategy for discovering new G4 binders for the separation of G4 from duplexes or the discrimination of G4 structures. In this work, one affinity chromatographic support was prepared using a naphthalene amine as a G4 binder. The ligand was immobilized on epoxy-activated Sepharose CL-6B using a long spacer arm and was characterized by HR-MAS spectroscopy. The supercoiled (sc) isoform of pVAX1-LacZ and pVAX1-G4 was isolated from a native sample. Also, the recovery and isolation of the plasmid isoforms from Escherichia coli lysate samples were achieved using an ionic gradient with different concentrations of NaCl in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4). The retention times of different DNA/single strand sequences that can form G4, such as, c-MYC, c-kit1, c-kit2, tetrameric, telomeric (23AG), thrombin aptamer (TBA) and 58Sγ3 in this support were evaluated. Our experimental results suggest that the support exhibits selectivity for parallel c-MYC and c-kit1 G4s. In vitro transcription was performed using purified sc pVAX1-G4 and pPH600 to induce G4 formation and circular dichroism (CD) analysis confirmed that both transcripts adopt a parallel G4 topology.
Faria, P, Duarte P, Barbosa D, Ferreira I.
New composite of natural hydraulic lime mortar with graphene oxide. Constr Build Mater. 156:1150-1157.
AbstractRecent studies show the incorporation of graphene oxide (GO) in cement composites. But these composites are frequently incompatible with original materials for building rehabilitation. To overcome this limitation, natural hydraulic lime mortars were used as matrix, and the influence of GO percentage and type of mixing was investigated. The influence on the microstructure, mechanical and physical properties was assessed. The best results were obtained with dispersed GO at concentrations of 0.05% and 0.1%. A slight improvement of mechanical and physical characteristics was achieved. This could lead to new mortars with improved properties that can be used for building rehabilitation.
Dantas, JM, Brausemann A, Einsle O, Salgueiro CA.
NMR studies of the interaction between inner membrane-associated and periplasmic cytochromes from Geobacter sulfurreducens. FEBS Letters. 591:1657–1666.
AbstractGeobacter sulfurreducens is a dissimilatory metal reducing bacterium with notable properties and significance in biotechnological applications. Biochemical studies suggest that the inner membrane-associated diheme cytochrome MacA and the periplasmic triheme cytochrome PpcA from G. sulfurreducens can exchange electrons. In this work, NMR chemical shift perturbation measurements were used to map the interface region and to measure the binding affinity between PpcA and MacA. The results show that MacA binds to PpcA in a cleft defined by hemes I and IV, favoring the contact between PpcA heme IV and the MacA high potential heme. The dissociation constant values indicate the formation of a low affinity complex between the proteins, which is consistent with the transient interaction observed in electron transfer complexes.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Machado, MA, Rosado L, Pedrosa N, Vostner A, Miranda RM, Piedade M, Santos TG.
Novel eddy current probes for pipes: Application in austenitic round-in-square profiles of ITER. NDT&E International. 87:111-118.
AbstractNovel eddy current probes were developed to detect sub-millimetre defects with any orientation on the inner surface of pipes. Five different probes were designed, produced and experimentally validated. These probes include arrays of planar trapezoidal coils in a flexible substrate used alone or together with different winded drive coils. Numerical simulations with Finite Element Method were used to predict the probe response to defects with any orientation. Experimental results in austenitic steel jackets used in ITER revealed that the new probes have an improved reliability compared to conventional toroidal bobbin probes, allowing a higher sensitivity to circumferential defects.
Mancio-Silva, L, Slavic K, Ruivo MGT, Grosso AR, Modrzynska KK, Vera IM, Sales-dias J, Gomes AR, Macpherson CR, Crozet P, Adamo M, Baena-gonzalez E, Tewari R, Llinás M, Billker O, Mota MM.
Nutrient sensing modulates malaria parasite virulence. Nature. : Nature Publishing Group
AbstractThe lifestyle of intracellular pathogens, such as malaria parasites, is intimately connected to that of their host, primarily for nutrient supply. Nutrients act not only as primary sources of energy but also as regulators of gene expression, metabolism and growth, through various signalling networks that enable cells to sense and adapt to varying environmental conditions. Canonical nutrient-sensing pathways are presumed to be absent from the causative agent of malaria, Plasmodium, thus raising the question of whether these parasites can sense and cope with fluctuations in host nutrient levels. Here we show that Plasmodium blood-stage parasites actively respond to host dietary calorie alterations through rearrangement of their transcriptome accompanied by substantial adjustment of their multiplication rate. A kinome analysis combined with chemical and genetic approaches identified KIN as a critical regulator that mediates sensing of nutrients and controls a transcriptional response to the host nutritional status. KIN shares homology with SNF1/AMPKα, and yeast complementation studies suggest that it is part of a functionally conserved cellular energy-sensing pathway. Overall, these findings reveal a key parasite nutrient-sensing mechanism that is critical for modulating parasite replication and virulence.
Figueira, J, Loureiro J, Marques J, Bianchi C, Duarte P, Ruoho M, Tittonen I, Ferreira I.
Optimization of Cuprous Oxides Thin Films to be used as Thermoelectric Touch Detectors. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 9(7):6520-6529.
AbstractThe electronic and optical properties of p-type copper oxides (CO) strongly depend on the production technique as it influences the obtained phases: cuprous oxide (Cu2O) or cupric oxide (CuO), the most common ones. Cu films deposited by thermal evaporation have been annealed in air atmosphere, with temperature between 225 and 375 °C and time between 1 and 4 h. The resultant CO films have been studied to understand the influence of processing parameters in the thermoelectric, electrical, optical, morphological, and structural properties. Films with a Cu2O single phase are formed when annealing at 225 °C, while CuO single phase films can be obtained at 375 °C. In between, both phases are obtained in proportions that depend on the film thickness and annealing time. The positive sign of the Seebeck coefficient (S), measured at room temperature (RT), confirms the p-type behavior of both oxides, showing values up to 1.2 mV·°C–1and conductivity up to 2.9 (Ω·m)−1. A simple detector using Cu2O have been fabricated and tested with fast finger touch events
Almeida, T.
Pintura com vidro – diálogos de luz e cor. Pensar o fazer da pintura. 31 teses sobre investigar e criar em Pintura. (
António Quadros Ferreira, Ed.).:374-381., Porto: i2ADS - Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade & Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto
Mano, F, Martins M, Sá-Nogueira I, Barreiros S, Borges JP, Reis R, Duarte AR, Paiva A.
Production of Electrospun Fast-Dissolving Drug Delivery Systems with Therapeutic Eutectic Systems Encapsulated in Gelatin. AAPS PharmSciTech. 18(7):2579-2585.
AbstractFast-dissolving delivery systems (FDDS) have received increasing attention in the last years. Oral drug delivery is still the preferred route for the administration of pharmaceutical ingredients. Nevertheless, some patients, e.g. children or elderly people, have difficulties in swallowing solid tablets. In this work, gelatin membranes were produced by electrospinning, containing an encapsulated therapeutic deep-eutectic solvent (THEDES) composed by choline chloride/mandelic acid, in a 1:2 molar ratio. A gelatin solution (30% w/v) with 2% (v/v) of THEDES was used to produce electrospun fibers and the experimental parameters were optimized. Due to the high surface area of polymer fibers, this type of construct has wide applicability. With no cytotoxicity effect, and showing a fast-dissolving release profile in PBS, the gelatin fibers with encapsulated THEDES seem to have promising applications in the development of new drug delivery systems.