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Prezas, P, Melo B, Costa L, Valente M, Lança MC, Ventura J, Pinto L, Prezas M.  2017.  TSDC and impedance spectroscopy measurements on hydroxyapatite, β-tricalcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite/β-tricalcium phosphate biphasic bioceramics. Applied Surface Science. 424(1):28-38. AbstractWebsite

Bone grafting and surgical interventions related with orthopaedic disorders consist in a big business, generating large revenues worldwide every year. There is a need to replace the biomaterials that currently still dominate this market, i.e., autografts and allografts, due to their disadvantages, such as limited availability, need for additional surgeries and diseases transmission possibilities. The most promising replacement materials are biomaterials with bioactive properties, such as the calcium phosphate-based bioceramics group. The bioactivity of these materials, i.e., the rate at which they promote the growth and directly bond with the new host biological bone, can be enhanced through their electrical polarization.
In the present work, the electrical polarization features of pure hydroxyapatite (Hap), pure β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) and biphasic hydroxyapatite/β-tricalcium phosphate composites (HTCP) were analyzed by measuring thermally stimulated depolarization currents (TSDC). The samples were thermoelectrically polarized at 500 °C under a DC electric field with a magnitude of 5 kV/cm. The biphasic samples were also polarized under electric fields with different magnitudes: 2, 3, 4 and 5 kV/cm. Additionally, the depolarization processes detected in the TSDC measurements were correlated with dielectric relaxation processes observed in impedance spectroscopy (IS) measurements.
The results indicate that the β-TCP crystalline phase has a considerable higher ability to store electrical charge compared with the Hap phase. This indicates that it has a suitable composition and structure for ionic conduction and establishment of a large electric charge density, providing great potential for orthopaedic applications.

Hussain, A, Semeano ATS, Palma SICJ, Pina AS, Almeida J, Medrado BF, Pádua ACCS, Carvalho AL, Dionísio M, Li RWC, Gamboa H, Ulijn RV, Gruber J, Roque ACA.  2017.  Tunable Gas Sensing Gels by Cooperative Assembly. Advanced Functional Materials. 1700803:1–9. AbstractPDFWebsite

The cooperative assembly of biopolymers and small molecules can yield functional materials with precisely tunable properties. Here, the fabrication, characterization, and use of multicomponent hybrid gels as selective gas sensors are reported. The gels are composed of liquid crystal droplets self-assembled in the presence of ionic liquids, which further coassemble with biopolymers to form stable matrices. Each individual component can be varied and acts cooperatively to tune gels' structure and function. The unique molecular environment in hybrid gels is explored for supramolecular recognition of volatile compounds. Gels with distinct compositions are used as optical and electrical gas sensors, yielding a combinatorial response conceptually mimicking olfactory biological systems, and tested to distinguish volatile organic compounds and to quantify ethanol in automotive fuel. The gel response is rapid, reversible, and reproducible. These robust, versatile, modular, pliant electro-optical soft materials possess new possibilities in sensing triggered by chemical and physical stimuli.

Hussain, A, Semeano ATS, Palma SICJ, Pina AS, Almeida J, Medrado BF, Pádua ACCS, Carvalho AL, Dionísio M, Li RWC, Gamboa H, Ulijn RV, Gruber J, Roque ACA.  2017.  Tunable Gas Sensing Gels by Cooperative Assembly. Advanced Functional Materials. 27(27):1700803.Website
Echeverria, C, Almeida PL, Gutierrez OAF, Rey AD, Godinho MH.  2017.  Two negative minima of the first normal stress difference in a cellulose-based cholesteric liquid crystal: Helix uncoiling. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics. 55(10):821-830. AbstractWebsite

The shear rate dependence of material functions such as shear viscosity (η) and the first normal stress difference (N1) were given and interpreted earlier by Kiss and Porter. Their widely accepted work revealed the possibility of having a negative minimum of N1 for polymeric liquid crystals. In this work, we disclose for the first time the evidence of two negative N1 minima on a sheared cellulosic lyotropic system. The lower shear rate minimum is ascribed to the uncoiling of the cholesteric helix, as theoretically predicted earlier. Our findings contribute also to the understanding of the other minimum already reported in the literature and attributed to the nematic director tumbling mode. Moreover, the elastic change that the LC-HPC sample undergoes during the helix unwinding of the cholesteric structure is also by means of oscillatory measurements. This study is a contribution for the understanding of the structure-properties relationship linked with the complex rheological behavior of chiral nematic cellulose-based systems and may help to improve their further processing.

Sousa, JR, Silveira CM, Fontes P, Roma-Rodrigues C, Fernandes AR, Van Driessche G, Devreese B, Moura I, Moura JJG, Almeida MG.  2017.  Understanding the response of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 to different electron acceptors - biosynthetic costs modulate substrate selection. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1865:1455-1469.
dos Santos, LM, Ligabue R, Dumas A, Le Roux C, Micoud P, Meunier J-F, Martin F, Corvo M, Almeida P, Einloft S.  2017.  Waterborne polyurethane/Fe3O4-synthetic talc composites: synthesis, characterization, and magnetic properties. Polymer Bulletin. :1-16.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg AbstractWebsite

Nano-Fe3O4-synthetic talc gel was used as filler in the synthesis of waterborne polyurethane/Fe3O4-synthetic talc nanocomposites. This filler presents numerous edges (Si–O and Mg–O) and OH groups easily forming hydrogen bonds and polar interaction with water conferring hydrophilic character, consequently improving filler dispersion within a water-based matrix. Yet, the use of waterborne polyurethane (WPU) as matrix must be highlighted due to its environmentally friendly characteristics and low toxicity compared to solvent-based product. Fe3O4-synthetic talc-nanofillers were well dispersed into the polyurethane matrix even at high filler content as supported by XRD and TEM analyses. NMR indicates the interaction of filler OH groups with the matrix. For all nanocomposites, one can see a typical ferromagnetic behavior below Curie temperature (about 120 K) and a superparamagnetic behavior above this temperature. The use of Fe3O4-synthetic talc for obtaining magnetic nanocomposites resulted in improved materials with superior mechanical properties compared to solvent-based nanocomposites.

Godinho, D, Dias D, Bernardo M, Lapa N, Fonseca I, Lopes H, Pinto F.  2017.  Adding value to gasification and co-pyrolysis chars as removal agents of Cr3+. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 321:173-182. AbstractWebsite

The present work aims to assess the efficiency of chars, obtained from the gasification and co-pyrolysis of rice wastes, as adsorbents of Cr3+ from aqueous solution. GC and PC chars, produced in the gasification and co-pyrolysis, respectively, of rice husk and polyethylene were studied. Cr3+ removal assays were optimised for the initial pH value, adsorbent mass, contact time and Cr3+ initial concentration. GC showed a better performance than PC with about 100% Cr3+ removal, due to the pH increase that caused Cr precipitation. Under pH conditions in which the adsorption prevailed (pH<5.5), GC presented the highest uptake capacity (21.1mg Cr3+ g−1 char) for the following initial conditions: 50mg Cr3+ L−1; pH 5; contact time: 24h;L/S ratio: 1000mLg−1. The pseudo-second order kinetic model showed the best adjustment to GC experimental data. Both the first and second order kinetic models fitted well to PC experimental data. The ion exchange was the dominant phenomenon on the Cr3+ adsorption by GC sample. Also, this char significantly reduced the ecotoxicity of Cr3+ solutions for the bacterium Vibrio fischeri. GC char proved to be an efficient material to remove Cr3+ from aqueous solution, without the need for further activation.

Dupont, J, Simon NM, Zanatta M, dos Santos FP, Corvo MC, Cabrita EJ.  2017.  Carbon dioxide capture by aqueous ionic liquid solutions. ChemSusChem. Abstract
Gomes da Silva, M, Pereira MMA, Franco R, Dionisio M, Ferreira LM, Branco P, Costa C, Lourenco A, Pereira AS, Mata P, Sotomayor J, Lima C, Vilarigues M, Parola AJ, Laia CAT, Coutinho IB, Branco L, Pereira C, Moro A, Gago S, Basilio N, Marques MM.  2017.  CHEMISTRY - AN EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE. 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND NEW LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES (EDULEARN17). (Chova, LG, Martinez, AL, Torres, IC, Eds.).:2548-2556. Abstract

In the last two decades, it has been observed an increasing low enrolment of students in chemistry teaching courses in secondary schools. On the one hand, because of the negative connotation of chemistry, associated with the potentially toxic and pollutant chemical industry, and on the other hand, that the teaching of this subject is exclusively carried out only in a theoretical classroom environment with almost non-existent practical/experimental component, despite chemistry is an experimental science in its essence. This state of affairs has been reflected in chemistry degrees offered by Portuguese universities throughout the country, which in the application process for each academic year, ended up by never completely fulfilling the number of offered nunerus clausus. Considering that the pedagogical mission of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCT-NOVA), in particular its Department of Chemistry (DQ), aims to contribute to the human, scientific and technical development of students, a project has been settled in the last nine years in order to offer to high school students a unique opportunity to arouse in them the interest in Science in general and Chemistry in particular, to stimulate impart on them the joy of curiosity, while at the same time conferring the necessary skills for their future activity as students of higher education or in the labour market. It is also through the close contact with students that method, discipline, and intellectual honesty are transmitted and cultivated. The aim of this Project was thus to promote the study and taste interest for Chemistry, through experimental activities, fitting the Portuguese High School Education curricula, offered to students enrolled in Chemistry subjects attending the 10th, 11th and 12th grades (the latter, compulsory high school degree to apply to University Throughout 2016/17 academic year, DQ-FCT-NOVA will receive, from October to May, 1888 students visits from eleven High Schools distributed among Physical Chemistry for 10th/11th grade and of the 12th grade attending the Chemistry subject. The former are offer one single laboratory activity while the latter participate up to 10 different experimental activities. During 70 practical sessions of 2.5 hours each, with an average attendance of 27 students, the number of higher education school staff involved are 22. Each high school class is accompanied by 1 teacher, who's also proactively contributing to the design of the practical session. The session is carried out in groups of 2/3 students, and the laboratories have a capacity of 24/48 according onto classes sizes. A quality questionnaire is filled by the students in order to monitor the action. In 2015/16, 63 % of the students answered the questionnaire in which more than 90% students were very satisfied with the action. This project has already been implemented for 9 years reflecting a growing collaboration between FCT-NOVA and in High Schools in the vicinity (Setubal District). Above all, this Project allowed most of these schools to continue to motivate students to enrol in 12th grade Chemistry subject. Actually, in the first year of the initiative, many of these schools did not have enough students to open chemistry classes for the 12th grade. After the first initiative, almost all high schools have been able to maintain open 12th grade chemistry classes. On the other hand, FCT-NOVA, namely, the Applied Chemistry course, has been able to fill 100% of the numerus clausus available in the first phase of the application period, which is not the case for other higher education schools courses in Portugal for the same domain - Chemistry.

Viveiros, R, Karim K, Piletsky SA, Heggie W, Casimiro T.  2017.  Development of a molecularly imprinted polymer for a pharmaceutical impurity in supercritical CO2: Rational design using computational approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. 168:1025-1031. AbstractWebsite
Peixoto, D, Figueiredo M, Gawande MB, Corvo MC, Vanhoenacker G, Afonso CAM, Ferreira LM, Branco PS.  2017.  Developments in the Reactivity of 2-Methylimidazolium Salts. The Journal of organic chemistry. 82:6232–6241., Number 12: American Chemical Society Abstract
Watson, C, Niks D, Hille R, Vieira M, Schoepp-Cothenet B, Marques AT, Romão MJ, Santos-Silva T, Santini JM.  2017.  Electron transfer through arsenite oxidase: Insights into Rieske interaction with cytochrome c. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics. 1858:865-872., Number 10 AbstractWebsite

Arsenic is a widely distributed environmental toxin whose presence in drinking water poses a threat to >140 million people worldwide. The respiratory enzyme arsenite oxidase from various bacteria catalyses the oxidation of arsenite to arsenate and is being developed as a biosensor for arsenite. The arsenite oxidase from Rhizobium sp. str. NT-26 (a member of the Alphaproteobacteria) is a heterotetramer consisting of a large catalytic subunit (AioA), which contains a molybdenum centre and a 3Fe-4S cluster, and a small subunit (AioB) containing a Rieske 2Fe-2S cluster. Stopped-flow spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) have been used to better understand electron transfer through the redox-active centres of the enzyme, which is essential for biosensor development. Results show that oxidation of arsenite at the active site is extremely fast with a rate of >4000s−1 and reduction of the electron acceptor is rate-limiting. An AioB-F108A mutation results in increased activity with the artificial electron acceptor DCPIP and decreased activity with cytochrome c, which in the latter as demonstrated by ITC is not due to an effect on the protein-protein interaction but instead to an effect on electron transfer. These results provide further support that the AioB F108 is important in electron transfer between the Rieske subunit and cytochrome c and its absence in the arsenite oxidases from the Betaproteobacteria may explain the inability of these enzymes to use this electron acceptor.

Correa, CR, Bernardo M, Ribeiro RPPL, Esteves IAAC, Kruse A.  2017.  Evaluation of hydrothermal carbonization as a preliminary step for the production of functional materials from biogas digestate. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 124:461-474. AbstractWebsite

Digestate from a biogas plant that uses solely biomass for biogas production was used as precursor material for the production of activated carbon as an alternative to increase its added value. The digestate was converted into hydrochar by hydrothermal carbonization varying the temperature (190–250°C), residence time (3 and 6h), and pH (5 and 7). Temperature followed by residence time had the strongest influence on the chemical composition and thermal stability of the hydrochars. A significant effect of the pH was not observed. The hydrochars were chemically activated to enhance the surface area and use them as activated carbon. As a consequence, the surface areas increased from 8 to 14m2/g (hydrochars) to 930–1351m2/g (activated carbons). Furthermore, large micropore volumes were measured (0.35–0.50cm3/g). The activated carbons were studied as adsorbents in gas phase applications, showing that the product of digestate is a very effective adsorbent for carbon dioxide (CO2). Especially the activated carbon obtained from the hydrochar produced at 250°C for 6h, which adsorbed 8.80mol CO2/kg at 30°C and 14.8bar. Additionally, the activated carbons showed a stronger affinity towards CO2 compared to methane (CH4), which makes this material suitable for the upgrading of raw biogas to biomethane.

Fernandes, {AR}, Baptista {PV}.  2017.  Gene silencing using multifunctionalized gold nanoparticles for cancer therapy. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1530:319–336., United States: Humana Press Abstract

Multifunctionalized gold nanobeacons (Au-nanobeacon) combine, in a single and unique platform, targeting, detection and silencing providing an effective impact in clinics boosting cancer theranostics. Here, we describe a nano-integrated platform based on Au-nanobeacons able to detect and inhibit gene expression specifically in cancer cells. The surfaces of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are functionalized with targeting peptides to enhance tumor cell recognition and uptake, and with fluorescently labeled antisense DNA hairpin oligonucleotides to detect AuNPs. These oligonucleotides, upon recognition and hybridization to the target, open their structure resulting in separating apart the dye and the quencher allowing the fluorophore to emit light and to monitor the intracellular interactions of AuNPs with the target and the specific silencing of gene expression. This strategy allows inhibiting KRAS gene expression in colorectal carcinoma cell lines with no relevant toxicity for healthy fibroblasts. Importantly, this nano-integrated platform can be easily adapted to hybridize with any specific target thus providing real benefits for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Cordeiro, M, Carvalho L, Silva J, Saúde L, Fernandes AR, Baptista. PV.  2017.  Gold nanobeacons for tracking gene silencing in Zebrafish. Nanomaterials. AbstractWebsite

The use of gold nanoparticles for effective gene silencing has demonstrated its potential as a tool for gene expression experiments and for the treatment of several diseases. Here, we used a gold nanobeacon designed to specifically silence the enhanced green fluorescence protein (EGFP) mRNA in embryos of a fli-EGFP transgenic zebrafish line, while simultaneously allowing the tracking and localization of the silencing events via the beacon’s emission. Fluorescence imaging measurements demonstrated a decrease of the EGFP emission with a concomitant increase in the fluorescence of the Au-nanobeacon. Furthermore, microinjection of the Au-nanobeacon led to a negligible difference in mortality and malformations in comparison to the free oligonucleotide, indicating that this system is a biocompatible platform for the administration of gene silencing moieties. Together, these data illustrate the potential of Au-nanobeacons as tools for in vivo zebrafish gene modulation with low toxicity which may be used towards any gene of interest.

Vinhas, R, Fernandes A, Baptista PV.  2017.  Gold Nanoparticles for BCR-ABL1 Gene Silencing: Improving Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Efficacy in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids. 7:408-416. AbstractWebsite

Introduction of tyrosine kinase inhibitors for chronic myeloid leukemia treatment is associated with a 63% probability of maintaining a complete cytogenetic response, meaning that over 30% patients require an alternative methodology to overcome resistance, tolerance, or side effects. Considering the potential of nanotechnology in cancer treatment and the benefits of a combined therapy with imatinib, a nanoconjugate was designed to achieve BCR-ABL1 gene silencing. Gold nanoparticles were functionalized with a single-stranded DNA oligonucleotide that selectively targets the e14a2 BCR-ABL1 transcript expressed by K562 cells. This gold (Au)-nanoconjugate showed great efficacy in gene silencing that induced a significant increase in cell death. Variation of BCL-2 and BAX protein expression, an increase of caspase-3 activity, and apoptotic bodies in cells treated with the nanoconjugate demonstrate its aptitude for inducing apoptosis on K562 BCR-ABL1-expressing cells. Moreover, the combination of the silencing Au-nanoconjugate with imatinib prompted a decrease of imatinib IC50. This Au-nanoconjugate was also capable of inducing the loss of viability of imatinib-resistant K562 cells. This strategy shows that combination of Au-nanoconjugate and imatinib make K562 cells more vulnerable to chemotherapy and that the Au-nanoconjugate alone may overcome imatinib-resistance mechanisms, thus providing an effective treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia patients who exhibit drug tolerance.

Viveiros, R, Lopes MI, Heggie W, Casimiro T.  2017.  Green approach on the development of lock-and-key polymers for API purification. Chemical Engineering Journal. 308:229-239. AbstractWebsite
Viveiros, R, Dias FM, Maia LB, Heggie W, Casimiro T.  2017.  Green strategy to produce large core–shell affinity beads for gravity-driven API purification processes. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 54:341-349. AbstractWebsite
Kowacz, M, Marchel M, Juknaité L, Esperança JMSS, Romão MJ, Carvalho AL, Rebelo LPN.  2017.  Infrared light-induced protein crystallization. Structuring of protein interfacial water and periodic self-assembly. Journal of Crystal Growth. 457:362-368. AbstractWebsite

Abstract We show that a physical trigger, a non-ionizing infrared (IR) radiation at wavelengths strongly absorbed by liquid water, can be used to induce and kinetically control protein (periodic) self-assembly in solution. This phenomenon is explained by considering the effect of İR\} light on the structuring of protein interfacial water. Our results indicate that the İR\} radiation can promote enhanced mutual correlations of water molecules in the protein hydration shell. We report on the radiation-induced increase in both the strength and cooperativeness of H-bonds. The presence of a structured dipolar hydration layer can lead to attractive interactions between like-charged biomacromolecules in solution (and crystal nucleation events). Furthermore, our study suggests that enveloping the protein within a layer of structured solvent (an effect enhanced by İR\} light) can prevent the protein non-specific aggregation favoring periodic self-assembly. Recognizing the ability to affect protein-water interactions by means of İR\} radiation may have important implications for biological and bio-inspired systems.

Fernandes, AP, Nunes TC, Paquete CM, Salgueiro CA.  2017.  Interaction studies between periplasmic cytochromes provide insights into extracellular electron transfer pathways of Geobacter sulfurreducens. Biochemical Journal. 474:797–808., Number 5: Portland Press Limited AbstractWebsite

Accepted Manuscript online January 16, 2017.Geobacter bacteria usually prevail among other microorganisms in soils and sediments where Fe(III) reduction has a central role. This reduction is achieved by extracellular electron transfer (EET), where the electrons are exported from the interior of the cell to the surrounding environment. Periplasmic cytochromes play an important role in establishing an interface between inner and outer membrane electron transfer components. In addition, periplasmic cytochromes, in particular nanowire cytochromes that contain at least 12 haem groups, have been proposed to play a role in electron storage in conditions of an environmental lack of electron acceptors. Up to date, no redox partners have been identified in Geobacter sulfurreducens, and concomitantly, the EET and electron storage mechanisms remain unclear. In this work, NMR chemical shift perturbation measurements were used to probe for an interaction between the most abundant periplasmic cytochrome PpcA and the dodecahaem cytochrome GSU1996, one of the proposed nanowire cytochromes in G. sulfurreducens. The perturbations on the haem methyl signals of GSU1996 and PpcA showed that the proteins form a transient redox complex in an interface that involves haem groups from two different domains located at the C-terminal of GSU1996. Overall, the present study provides for the first time a clear evidence for an interaction between periplasmic cytochromes that might be relevant for the EET and electron storage pathways in G. sulfurreducens.1D, one-dimensional; CbcL, c- and b-type cytochrome for low potential; EET, extracellular electron transfer; HP, His-patch; ImcH, inner membrane c-type cytochrome; MacA, metal-reduction-associated cytochrome; NaPi, sodium phosphate; NBAF, acetate-fumarate medium; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; PpcA, periplasmic c-type cytochrome; SDS–PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; STC, small tetrahaem cytochrome.

Ferreira, MR, Dantas JM, Salgueiro CA.  2017.  Molecular interactions between Geobacter sulfurreducens triheme cytochromes and the electron acceptor Fe(iii) citrate studied by NMR. Dalton Trans.. 46:2350-2359.: The Royal Society of Chemistry AbstractWebsite

Proteomic and genetic studies have identified a family of five triheme cytochromes (PpcA-E) that are essential in the iron respiratory pathways of Geobacter sulfurreducens. These include the reduction of Fe(iii) soluble chelated forms or Fe(iii) oxides{,} which can be used as terminal acceptors by G. sulfurreducens. The relevance of these cytochromes in the respiratory pathways of soluble or insoluble forms of iron is quite distinct. In fact{,} while PpcD had a higher abundance in the Fe(iii) oxides supplanted G. sulfurreducens cultures{,} PpcA{,} PpcB and PpcE were important in Fe(iii) citrate supplanted cultures. Based on these observations we probed the molecular interactions between these cytochromes and Fe(iii) citrate by NMR spectroscopy. NMR spectra were recorded for natural abundance and 15N-enriched PpcA{,} PpcB or PpcE samples at increasing amounts of Fe(iii) citrate. The addition of this molecule caused pronounced perturbations on the line width of the protein{'}s NMR signals{,} which were used to map the interaction region between each cytochrome and the Fe(iii) citrate molecule. The perturbations on the NMR signals corresponding to the backbone NH and heme methyl substituents showed that complex interfaces consist of a well-defined patch{,} which surrounds the more solvent-exposed heme IV methyl groups in each cytochrome. Overall{,} this study provides for the first time a clear illustration of the formation of an electron transfer complex between Fe(iii) citrate and G. sulfurreducens triheme cytochromes{,} shown to be crucial in this respiratory pathway.

Fernandes, AR, Jesus J, Martins P, Figueiredo S, Rosa D, Martins L{\'ısa, Corvo ML{\'ısa, Carvalheiro MC, Costa PM, Baptista PV.  2017.  Multifunctional gold-nanoparticles: A nanovectorization tool for the targeted delivery of novel chemotherapeutic agents. Journal Control Release. 245:52-61. AbstractWebsite

Due to their small size and unique properties, multifunctional nanoparticles arise as versatile delivery systems easily grafted with a vast array of functional moieties, such as anticancer cytotoxic chemotherapeutics and targeting agents. Here, we formulated a multifunctional gold-nanoparticle (AuNP) system composed of a monoclonal antibody against epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) (anti-EGFR D-11) for active targeting and a Co(II) coordination compound [CoCl(H2O)(phendione)2][BF4] (phendione =1.10-phenanthroline-5.6-dione) (TS265) with proven antiproliferative activity towards cancer cells (designated as TargetNanoTS265). The efficacy of this nanoformulation, and the non-targeted counterpart (NanoTS265), were evaluated in vitro using cancer cell models and in vivo using mice xenografts. Compared to the free compound, both nanoformulations (TargetNanoTS265 and NanoTS265) efficiently delivered the cytotoxic cargo in a controlled selective manner due to the active targeting, boosting tumor cytotoxicity. Treatment of HCT116-derived xenographs tumors with TargetNanoTS265 led to 93% tumor reduction. This simple conceptual nanoformulation demonstrates the potential of nanovectorization of chemotherapeutics via simple assembly onto AuNPs of BSA/HAS-drug conjugates that may easily be expanded to suit other cargo of novel compounds that require optimized controlled delivery to cancer target.

Faria, P, Duarte P, Barbosa D, Ferreira I.  2017.  New composite of natural hydraulic lime mortar with graphene oxide. Construction and Building Materials. 156:1150-1157. AbstractWebsite

Recent studies show the incorporation of graphene oxide (GO) in cement composites. But these composites are frequently incompatible with original materials for building rehabilitation. To overcome this limitation, natural hydraulic lime mortars were used as matrix, and the influence of GO percentage and type of mixing was investigated. The influence on the microstructure, mechanical and physical properties was assessed. The best results were obtained with dispersed GO at concentrations of 0.05% and 0.1%. A slight improvement of mechanical and physical characteristics was achieved. This could lead to new mortars with improved properties that can be used for building rehabilitation.