Palma, SICJ, Roque ACA.
Hybrid Magnetic-Polymeric Iron Oxide Nanoprobes for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Volume 17(Number 7):4410-4431(22).
AbstractIn the last decades, the advent of nanotechnology has driven the study and application of nanoscale versions of magnetic materials. Among the various nanoparticles under research, iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (MNP), namely iron oxides magnetite (Fe3O4) and maghemite (γ-Fe2O3), have attracted particular interest due to their superparamagnetism, biocompatibility and biodegradability. MNP are thus ideal platforms to work on a cellular and molecular level in several biomedical applications. In particular, the use of MNP as contrast agents for biomedical imaging through Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been explored extensively in the last 30 years, taking advantage of the versatility of MNP functionalization due to the available large surface-to-volume ratio. Polymers, either synthetic or natural, are the most common class of materials employed as coatings for MNP, allowing to customize nanoprobes properties such as size, shape, magnetic relaxation, as well as cell-nanoprobe interactions (for example, specificity towards tissue types, responsiveness to cellular environment features), therapeutic effects or combination with other imaging modalities. While most biopolymers have intrinsic biocompatibility and biodegradability properties and are greener products, synthetic polymers offer engineering versatility and possibility of being tailor-made with specific properties. This review covers the properties of nanoscale iron oxides, production and stabilization methods of such nanoparticles, and their biomedical applications, mainly focusing on the engineering of polymeric-MNP assemblies towards the development of new hybrid magnetic-polymeric MRI nanoprobes.
Soares, PIP, Echeverria C, Baptista AC, João C, Fernandes S, Almeida A, Silva JC, Godinho MH, Borges JP.
Hybrid polysaccharide-based systems for biomedical applications. Hybrid Polymer Composite Materials: Applications. (
Manju Kumari Thakur, Thakur, Vijay Kumar, Asokan Pappu, Eds.).:107-149., USA: Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier
AbstractHybrid materials have been widely studied for structural applications. Polysaccharide-based fibers, especially cellulosic fibers, have been explored in the last two decades as substitutes of the traditional reinforcements made of glass or carbon fibers due to their mechanical properties. However, their biocompatibility, biodegradability, and chemistry have attracted the researchers and new developments in the field of smart and functional materials arise in diverse applications. This chapter will focus on the biomedical applications of polysaccharide-based smart and functional materials, namely those concerning biosensors and actuators, theranostic systems, and tissue-engineering applications. Special attention will be given to cellulose- and chitin/chitosan-based hybrid materials because these are the two most abundant polysaccharides and probably the most promising for the development of hybrid materials for biomedical applications. Biomimetic strategies for the development of smart and functional hybrid materials will also be highlighted.
Dajkovic, A, Tesson B, Chauhan S, Courtin P, Keary R, Flores P, Marliere C, Filipe SR, Chapot-Chartier M-P, Carballido-Lopez R.
Hydrolysis of Peptidoglycan is Modulated by Amidation of meso-Diaminopimelic Acid and Mg2+ in Bacillus subtilis. Mol. Microbiol. 104:972-988.
Faghihi, P, Almeida T, Quintas F.
The Impact of the Evolution of Modern Technology on Public Glass Art. Arte Pública na Era da Criatividade Digital. Atas do Colóquio Internacional 2017. Public Art in the Digital Creativity Era. International Conference Proceedings 2017. :482-489., Porto, Portugal: Universidade Católica Edutora / CITAR
Loureiro, J, Mateus T, Filonovich S, Ferreira M, Figueira J, Rodrigues A, Donovan BF, Hopkins PE, Ferreira I.
Improved thermoelectric properties of nanocrystalline hydrogenated silicon thin films by post-deposition thermal annealing. Thin Solid Films. 642:276-280.
AbstractThe influence of post-deposition thermal annealing on the thermoelectric properties of n-and p-type nanocrystalline hydrogenated silicon thin films, deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition, was studied in this work. The Power Factor of p-type films was improved from 7× 10− 5 to 4× 10− 4 W/(mK 2) as the annealing temperature, under vacuum, increased up to 400° C while for n-type films it has a minor influence. Optimized Seebeck coefficient values of 460 μV/K and− 320 μV/K were achieved for p-and n-type films, respectively, with crystalline size in the range of 10 nm, leading to remarkable low thermal conductivity values (< 10 Wm− 1. K− 1) at room temperature.
Pauleta, SR, Carreira C, Moura I.
Insights into nitrous oxide reductase. Metalloenzymes in Denitrification: Applications and Environmental Impacts, RSC Metallobiology Series No. 9 (ISBN: 978-1-78262-376-2).. (
Moura, I., Moura, J. J. G., Pauleta, S. R., Maia, L. B., Eds.).:141-169.: Royal Society of Chemistry
Maia, LB, Moura JJG.
Lessons from denitrification to the human metabolism of signalling nitric oxide. Metalloenzymes in Denitrification: Applications and Environmental Impacts, RSC Metallobiology Series No. 9 (ISBN: 978-1-78262-376-2).. (
Moura, I., Moura, J. J. G., Pauleta, S. R., Maia, L. B., Eds.).:419-443.: Royal Society of Chemistry
Fernandes, CSM, Pina AS, Batalha ÍL, Roque ACA.
Magnetic fishing of recombinant green fluorescent proteins and tagged proteins with designed synthetic ligands. Separation Science and Technology.
AbstractBiomimetic ligands have emerged to overcome disadvantages inherent in biological ligands. In particular, the Ugi reaction can generate scaffolds where molecular diversity can be introduced, allowing the synthesis and screening of ligand libraries in a high-throughput manner against a variety of biological targets. Two adsorbents bearing Ugi-based synthetic ligands, coined A4C7 and A7C1, were previously developed for the selective recovery of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and RKRKRK-tagged GFP directly from Escherichia coli crude extracts. This work describes, for the first time, the in situ synthesis of Ugi-based ligands on magnetic beads and their application in the magnetic recovery of cognate proteins.