Rafael Javier Dìaz Hidalgo

Rafael J. Dìaz Hidalgo

ORCID: 0000-0003-0857-3383

Rafael Javier Díaz Hidalgo is a researcher for the Project Polyphenol in Art. He has a bachelor in History from the University of Córdoba and a Master in Heritage Management from the same University. His main research interests are the Medieval Iberian Peninsula and Medieval Archeology. He received a scholarship from the Project HAR2012-37357 “El Conocimiento Científico y Técnico en la Península Ibérica (Siglos XIII-XVI): Producción, difusión y aplicaciones, en el Departamento de Ciencias de la Antigüedad y de la Edad Media”. He is currently finishing his PhD tesis entitled: “Experimentación arqueológica de recetas científico-técnicas de la Península Ibérica (siglos XIV-XVI)”, dedicated to the reconstruction of medieval recipes and how they were applied. For his work he was awarded the «Antonio Jaén Morente» award for Young historians in 2013, as well as the best Master tesis award from the University of Córdoba, in 2014.
