Paula Nabais

Paula Nabais

CiênciaID: FB10 F205 62C7
ORCID: 0000-0002-7646-7470

Paula Nabais is a Researcher at the Department of Conservation and Restoration and LAQV-Requimte Research Unit, from the NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon. Her Ph.D. project, entitled “Identity and connections within medieval heritage: color in the illuminated manuscript through the eyes of the molecular sciences and humanities,” was granted the award “Estimulo à Investigação” for the Chemistry Area by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. It encompassed the development of innovative methodologies for the identification and characterization of organic colorants in artworks. Recently, she has been dedicated to the study of medieval manuscripts and some of the most challenging materials to characterize in these artworks, iron-gall inks and yellow dyes. She is also a team member in two projects financed by the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology, Stemma and Polyphenols in Art.
