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Krings, B-J, Weinberger N.  2018.  Assistant without Master? Some Conceptual Implications of Assistive Robotics in Health Care Technologies. 18(1) AbstractWebsite

The subject of “technical assistants” in inpatient care is currently being widely discussed in scientific and public circles. In many cases, though, it has become apparent that the umbrella term “assistive technologies”, also in the context of robotics, is very contrived. Against this background, the authors of this article reflect on the meaning of “assistance” in socio-technical systems, and critically review its relevance. To understand and demonstrate “assistive” functions, it is essential to establish a frame of reference. The re-evaluation of an empirical study of people with dementia in inpatient care has revealed the functional character of technical assistance systems. The results, however, show that the theoretical debate on the social and organisational function of “assistance” in these technical fields is still lacking. Therefore, the reflections in this paper may also provide some starting points for this debate.

Peters, J, Baumann M, Zimmermann B, Braun J, Weil M.  2017.  The environmental impact of Li-Ion batteries and the role of key parameters - A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017(67):491-506. AbstractWebsite

The increasing presence of Li-Ion batteries (LIB) in mobile and stationary energy storage applications has triggered a growing interest in the environmental impacts associated with their production. Numerous studies on the potential environmental impacts of LIB production and LIB-based electric mobility are available, but these are very heterogeneous and the results are therefore difficult to compare. Furthermore, the source of inventory data, which is key to the outcome of any study, is often difficult to trace back. This paper provides a review of LCA studies on Li-Ion batteries, with a focus on the battery production process. All available original studies that explicitly assess LIB production are summarized, the sources of inventory data are traced back and the main assumptions are extracted in order to provide a quick overview of the technical key parameters used in each study. These key parameters are then compared with actual battery data from industry and research institutions. Based on the results from the reviewed studies, average values for the environmental impacts of LIB production are calculated and the relevance of different assumptions for the outcomes of the different studies is pointed out. On average, producing 1 Wh of storage capacity is associated with a cumulative energy demand of 328 Wh and causes greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 110 gCO2eq. Although the majority of existing studies focus on GHG emissions or energy demand, it can be shown that impacts in other categories such as toxicity might be even more important. Taking into account the importance of key parameters for the environmental performance of Li-Ion batteries, research efforts should not only focus on energy density but also on maximizing cycle life and charge-discharge efficiency.

Baumann, M, Marcelino C, Peters J, Weil M, Almeida P, Wanner E.  2017.  Environmental impacts of different battery technologies in renewable hybrid micro-grids. IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies. , Turin: IEEE
Versteeg, T, Baumann M, Weil M, Moniz AB.  2017.  Exploring emerging battery technology for grid-connected energy storage with Constructive Technology Assessment. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 115:99-110. AbstractWebsite

The last decades have shown an increasing amount of research into expectations of science and technology. Especially for emerging technologies, expectations held by different stakeholder are guiding the direction of research and development. In this article the results of an investigation into the expectations of specific actors regarding the development of emerging battery technology for applications in the power grid are presented. It is set up as an explorative study within the framework of Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA). A number of studies since the 1990s have indicated a growing need for energy storage options in the power grid, where batteries appear to be capable of providing a range of valuable services to the grid. Cost-effectiveness on a large scale will however require considerable technical improvements. The configuration of energy storage may differ in the specific location and exploitation of the storage assets, as well as in the investments in new storage capacity. In this study the visions and expectations of several relevant actors are analysed using interviews and surveys in terms of expectations of technological development, expectations concerning stakeholder roles, and channels of interaction between the relevant actors. The results indicate a divide in expectations between the user side of the technology (the electric power industry) and the development side (academic researchers). Opinions differ with respect to the obstacles to technological development, the actors relevant in early technological development, and the most suitable channels for interaction between these actors. It follows from the theoretical background that conflicts in expectations provide the opportunity for the acceleration of technological development and adoption through stakeholder participation. Small interactive workshops, where conflicts identified in this paper are discussed, were identified as a suitable channel in order to reach consensus in visions and expectations for battery technology.

Fischer, M, Krings B-J, Moniz AB, Zimpelmann E.  2017.  Herausforderungen der Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration. Lernen & Lehren. 2017(32):8-14.
Krings, B-J, Decker M, Weinberger N, Hirsch J.  2017.  Imagined technology futures in demand-oriented technology assessment. Journal of Responsible Innovation. 4(2):177-196.
Boavida, NFFG.  2017.  The role of indicators in decisions of technology innovation. , Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing AbstractWebsite

There are thousands of indicators produced to understand and govern our societies. Studies about the way indicators are used in technological innovation are significantly rare, despite the centrality of these decisions to promote growth in our technology-intensive civilization. This book presents what is known and what was discovered in a doctoral research, which analysed innovative business leaders, policymakers and public researchers responsible for technological innovations.

Moniz, AB.  2017.  Transformações no mercado de trabalho e robótica. Cadernos de Economia. 30:30-34.
Moretto, S, Robinson D, Schippl J, Moniz AB.  2016.  Beyond Visions: Survey to the High-speed Train Industry. 6th Transport Research Arena. :1839-1846. Abstract

In Europe, the technology development of high-speed trains is increasingly exposed to societal needs, driven by ICT advancements, external to traditional design. Together with the liberalisation of the rail markets and increase pressures from other transport modes leads to an unprecedented situation where planers, operators and suppliers of high-speed have to take decision in this complex and competitive environment.
In such broadening of elements influencing design and, thus, product development process, from the survey here to be presented, it was not observed technology options assessment or strategic agenda setting from visions shifting in the same way.
For the high-speed train industry this new trend requires going beyond the visions of the past 15 to 20 years’ practices of “sector endogenous” and structurally closed strategic methods approaches to a broader interaction with the widening of societal actors now capable of being active contributors to innovation from digitalization.
This way to understand the European industry readiness for undertaking such supra systemic challenge, this paper presents the results from a survey conducted by the authors to 74 representatives of the high-speed train innovation chain regarding to which extent societal embedding is considered in the drafting of their visions and technology development projects.
This work becomes even more pertinent if considered that the debate is now open in the railway industry (not exclusive to high-speed trains) as they are launching the joint initiative SHIFT2RAIL, revise ERRAC (the European Rail Research Advisory Council) mandate and enter in a new research cycle with the European research framework Horizon 2020.

Moretto, S, Robinson D, Schippl J, Moniz AB.  2016.  Beyond Visions: Survey to the High-speed Train Industry. Transportation Research Procedia. 14:1839-1846. AbstractWebsite

In Europe, the technology development of high-speed trains is increasingly exposed to societal needs, driven by ICT advancements, external to traditional design. Together with the liberalisation of the rail markets and increase pressures from other transport modes leads to an unprecedented situation where planers, operators and suppliers of high-speed have to take decision in this complex and competitive environment.
In such broadening of elements influencing design and, thus, product development process, from the survey here to be presented, it was not observed technology options assessment or strategic agenda setting from visions shifting in the same way.
For the high-speed train industry this new trend requires going beyond the visions of the past 15 to 20 years’ practices of “sector endogenous” and structurally closed strategic methods approaches to a broader interaction with the widening of societal actors now capable of being active contributors to innovation from digitalization.
This way to understand the European industry readiness for undertaking such supra systemic challenge, this paper presents the results from a survey conducted by the authors to 74 representatives of the high-speed train innovation chain regarding to which extent societal embedding is considered in the drafting of their visions and technology development projects.
This work becomes even more pertinent if considered that the debate is now open in the railway industry (not exclusive to high-speed trains) as they are launching the joint initiative SHIFT2RAIL, revise ERRAC (the European Rail Research Advisory Council) mandate and enter in a new research cycle with the European research framework Horizon 2020.

Krings, B-J, Weinberger N, Decker M.  2016.  Enabling a mobile and independent way of life for people with dementia - Needs-oriented technology development. Ageing and technology. Perspectives from the social sciences. :183-204., Bielefeld: transcript
Moniz, AB, Krings B-J.  2016.  Robots Working with Humans or Humans Working with Robots? Searching for Social Dimensions in New Human-Robot Interaction in Industry Societies. 2016(6):23. AbstractWebsite

The focus of the following article is on the use of new robotic systems in the manufacturing industry with respect to the social dimension. Since “intuitive” human–machine interaction (HMI) in robotic systems becomes a significant objective of technical progress, new models of work organization are needed. This hypothesis will be investigated through the following two aims: The first aim is to identify relevant research questions related to the potential use of robotic systems in different systems of work organization at the manufacturing shop-floor level. The second aim is to discuss the conceptualization of (old) organizational problems of human–robot interaction (HRI). In this context, the article reflects on the limits of cognitive and perceptual workload for robot operators in complex working systems. This will be particularly relevant whenever more robots with different “roles” are to be increasingly used in the manufacturing industry. The integration of such complex socio-technical systems needs further empirical and conceptual research with regard to “social” aspects of the technical dimension. Future research should, therefore, also integrate economic and societal issues to understand the full dimensions of new human–robot interaction in industry today.

Krings, B-J, Rodriguez H, Schleisiek A.  2016.  Scientific knowledge and the transgression of boundaries. , Wiesbaden: Springer VS Abstract

The aim of this book is to understand and critically appraise science-based transgression dynamics in their whole complexity. It includes contributions from experts with different disciplinary backgrounds, such as philosophy, history and sociology. Thus, it is in itself an example of boundary transgession. Scientific disciplines and their objects have tended to be seen as permanent and distinct. However, science is better conceived as an activity that constantly surpasses, erases and rebuilds all kinds of boundaries, either disciplinary, socio-ethical or ecological. This transgressive capacity, a characteristic trait of science and its applications, defines us as "knowledge societies." However, scientific and technological developments are also sources of serious environmental and social concerns.

Moniz, AB, Krings B-J.  2016.  Special issue on robots and the work environment. Societies. 2016(4):31.Website
Krings, B-J.  2016.  Strategien der Individualisierung. Neue Konzepte und Befunde zur soziologischen Individualisierungsthese. , Bielefeld: transcript Abstract

Der Begriff der Individualisierung trägt in der Regel negative Konnotationen: sei es im Hinblick auf eine zunehmende Vereinzelung und Vereinsamung von Individuen oder hinsichtlich der Zunahme egoistisch anmutender Handlungen von Menschen, die das Gemeinwohl aus dem Blick verlieren. Prozesse der Individualisierung werden daher häufig als Bedrohung für die Konstituierung moderner Gesellschaften diskutiert. Diese Studie hingegen präsentiert eine neue Lesart der Individualisierung. Orientiert an Niklas Luhmanns Arbeiten und gestützt auf Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie legt Bettina-Johanna Krings eine soziologische Betrachtung vor, die die Aufforderung zur Individualisierung als eine notwendige Herausforderung in modernen Gesellschaften interpretiert.

Maia, MJ.  2016.  Technology and the creative disruption of health care. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis. 25(2):79-84.
Moniz, AB, Okuwada K.  2016.  Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe. , Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing AbstractWebsite

The goal of technology assessment (TA) is to lend support to society and policy making by promoting understanding of the problems related to the grand sociotechnical challenges of our time, as well as to assess the available options for managing them. Researchers from Japan and Europe reflected together in this book on country-specific developments to identify the conditions that must be present to anchor TA in science, politics, and society. This book helps us to learn about different cultures.

Boavida, NFFG, Moniz AB.  2016.  Technology Assessment in Non-PTA Countries: An Overview of Recent Developments in Europe. Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe. :75-88., Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing
Moniz, A.  2015.  Assessing Technologies: Global Patterns of Trust and Distrust. Report on one session at the XVIII World Congress of Sociology, jan. Technikfolgenabschätzung –{} Theorie und Praxis. 24, Number 1 119-121, Karlsruhe: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology AbstractWebsite

Technology assessment (TA) had never been treated as a relevant topic within the International Sociological Association (ISA) before. The first steps towards establishing this association were taken in 1948, at the initiative of the Social Science Department of UNESCO. Its formal foundation was in 1949. The World Congress of Sociology in Japan was hopefully the beginning of continuous integration of TA into the thematic sessions within the ISA.

Krings, B-J, Nierling L.  2015.  About the attraction of machine logic. The field of elderly care.. he next horizon of technology assessment. :217-221., Prague: Technology Centre ASCR
Moniz, AB.  2015.  Intuitive Interaction Between Humans and Robots in Work Functions at Industrial Environments: The Role of Social Robotics. Social Robots from a Human Perspective. (Vincent, Jane, Taipale, Sakari, Sapio, Bartolomeo, Lugano, Giuseppe, Fortunati, Leopoldina, Eds.).:67-76., Heidelberg: Springer
Böhle, K, Moniz A.  2015.  No Countries for Old Technology Assessment? Sketching the Efforts and Opportunities to Establish Parliamentary TA in Spain and Portugal EconStor Open Access Articles. :29-44. AbstractWebsite

If the question is whether there is a parliamentary technology assessment (PTA) unit in Portugal or Spain, the clear answer is that there is still no such unit at the central state level at the present time, neither in Portugal nor in Spain. The question then has to be modified addressing previous and current efforts to establish PTA and the current framework conditions and opportunities. Practices of PTA are framed here as a democratic innovation in the context of changes in representative democracies. Against this backdrop, the efforts and opportunities to establish PTA in Spain and Portugal are studied. By sketching these developments and outlining the opportunities in these countries, our aim is to contribute to the debate about the likelihood of a new wave of PTA in Europe (Hennen/Nierling 2014).

Moniz, AB, Decker M.  2015.  Robotics Technology Assessment: New Challenges, Implications and Risks. The Next Horizon of Technology Assessment. :249-252., Prague: Technology Centre ASCR
Maia, MJ, Krings B-J.  2015.  Robots in surgery: Transformation of work in the operation room. Practices of innovation and responsibility: Insights from methods, governance and action. :111-128., Berlin: AKA
Krings, B-J, Hülsken-Giesler M.  2015.  Technik und Pflege in einer Gesellschaft des langen Lebens - Einführung in den Schwerpunkt. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis. 24(2):4-11.