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Krings, B.  2007.  {Wandel der Arbeit: Die Krise der Arbeitsgesellschaft[Change on Work: the crisis of the labour economy]}, Jun. , Number 7130: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

In 1982, at the 21st German Congress of Sociology the discussion was around a new topic: the crisis of the labour economy. Since then the conditions changed and the informatisation and technology development of work environments took place. Here are presented some of the new trends in terms of analisis of changes in the work environment. Der im Jahre 1982 durchgeführte 21. Deutschen Soziologentag in Bamberg mit dem Titel „Krise der Arbeitsgesellschaft?“ wurde sicherlich bewusst mit einem Fragezeichen versehen. Wenn im Rahmen der „Verhandlungen“ in Bamberg noch die Möglichkeit ausgeschlossen wurde, wissensbasierte Tätigkeitsfelder zu „normieren“, so wurden über die beiden organisatorischen Instrumente der Selbstorganisation und der Flexibilisierung höchst effektive Rahmenbedingungen geschaffen, um die Nutzung der Arbeitskraft zu kontrollieren und zu steigern. Aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln und Arbeitskontexten beschäftigen sich alle Beiträge des vorliegenden Schwerpunktes mit dem Wandel der Arbeit.

Moniz, AB, Woll T.  2007.  Main features of the labour policy in Portugal, Dec. , Number 02/2007: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET-Research on Enterprise and Work Innovation, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

In this working paper is presented information on the Portuguese labour market developed with the support of the European project WORKS-“Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society”. Is still a on the process article and thus commentaries are welcome. The structure is based on the following topics: a) The employment policy (Time regimes - time use, flexibility, part-time work, work-life balance -, and the work contracts regimes – wages, contract types, diversity); b) Education and training (skilling outcomes, rules on retraining and further training, employability schemes, transferability of skills); c) Equal opportunities (relevance of equal opportunity regulation for restructuring outcomes, the role of gender and age regulation); d) Restructuring effects (policy on transfer of personnel, policy on redundancies, and participation or voice in restructuring).

Moniz, AB, Woll T.  2007.  Main features of the labour policy in Portugal, Dec. , Number hal-00287900: HAL Abstract

In this working paper is presented information on the Portuguese labour market developed with the support of the European project WORKS-“Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society”. Is still a on the process article and thus commentaries are welcome. The structure is based on the following topics: a) The employment policy (Time regimes - time use, flexibility, part-time work, work-life balance -, and the work contracts regimes – wages, contract types, diversity); b) Education and training (skilling outcomes, rules on retraining and further training, employability schemes, transferability of skills); c) Equal opportunities (relevance of equal opportunity regulation for restructuring outcomes, the role of gender and age regulation); d) Restructuring effects (policy on transfer of personnel, policy on redundancies, and participation or voice in restructuring).

Valenduc, G, Vendramin P, Krings B, Nierling L.  2007.  {How restructuring is changing occupations? Case study evidence from knowledge-intensive, manufacturing and service occupations}, Dec , Number 67055: ZBW - German National Library of Economics Abstract

This report is the final deliverable (D11.1) of the workpackage on occupational case studies of the WORKS project (WP11 – Qualitative research – Case studies on changes in work - Impacts on the individual and the household). In this workpackage, 30 occupational case studies were achieved in 14 countries, between June 2006 and May 2007; in total 246 in-depth individual interviews were carried out, according to common interview guidelines elaborated in May 2006, at the end of the workpackage on qualitative methods (WP6). These occupational case studies are closely related to the organisational case studies that were carried out in a selected number of business functions, during the same time span. In the WORKS project, business functions are at the core of qualitative empirical research, as they provide a relevant framework for analysis of value chain restructuring and changes in work. In order to study changes in work at the individual level, this report focuses on individual workers within occupational groups linked to key business functions. This link is justified in Chapter 2. Six occupational groups are considered in the report: designers in the clothing industry; researchers in information and communication technology; IT professionals in software services; production workers in food or clothing; logistics workers in food or clothing; front office employees in customer relationships in public services. In each occupational group, three to seven case studies were conducted an reported in different countries, covering a variety of socio-economic and institutional contexts. Each case study relies on seven to nine in-depth individual interviews, including a biographical dimension. In the first part of this report (Chapter 2), the research design and methodology are explained and justified. The key research questions are developed, as well as the concrete methodological choices and the practical organisation of the case studies. The second part of the report (Chapter

Moniz, AB, Woll T.  2007.  {Main features of the labour policy in Portugal}, Dec. , Number 02/2007: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

In this working paper is presented information on the Portuguese labour market developed with the support of the European project WORKS-“Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society”. Is still a on the process article and thus commentaries are welcome. The structure is based on the following topics: a) The employment policy (Time regimes - time use, flexibility, part-time work, work-life balance -, and the work contracts regimes – wages, contract types, diversity); b) Education and training (skilling outcomes, rules on retraining and further training, employability schemes, transferability of skills); c) Equal opportunities (relevance of equal opportunity regulation for restructuring outcomes, the role of gender and age regulation); d) Restructuring effects (policy on transfer of personnel, policy on redundancies, and participation or voice in restructuring).

Moniz, AB, Woll T.  2007.  {Main features of the labour policy in Portugal}, Dec. , Number hal-00287900: HAL Abstract

In this working paper is presented information on the Portuguese labour market developed with the support of the European project WORKS-“Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society”. Is still a on the process article and thus commentaries are welcome. The structure is based on the following topics: a) The employment policy (Time regimes - time use, flexibility, part-time work, work-life balance -, and the work contracts regimes – wages, contract types, diversity); b) Education and training (skilling outcomes, rules on retraining and further training, employability schemes, transferability of skills); c) Equal opportunities (relevance of equal opportunity regulation for restructuring outcomes, the role of gender and age regulation); d) Restructuring effects (policy on transfer of personnel, policy on redundancies, and participation or voice in restructuring).

Moniz, AB, Woll T.  2007.  {Main features of the labour policy in Portugal}, Dec. , Number hal-00287900: HAL Abstract

In this working paper is presented information on the Portuguese labour market developed with the support of the European project WORKS-“Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society”. Is still a on the process article and thus commentaries are welcome. The structure is based on the following topics: a) The employment policy (Time regimes - time use, flexibility, part-time work, work-life balance -, and the work contracts regimes – wages, contract types, diversity); b) Education and training (skilling outcomes, rules on retraining and further training, employability schemes, transferability of skills); c) Equal opportunities (relevance of equal opportunity regulation for restructuring outcomes, the role of gender and age regulation); d) Restructuring effects (policy on transfer of personnel, policy on redundancies, and participation or voice in restructuring).

Moniz, A.  2007.  The Collaborative Work Concept and the Information Systems Support: Perspectives for and from Manufacturing Industry. , Number 5627: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

Most of the discussion and controversy on organisation of work concepts has been referenced to the manufacturing industry along the 20th century: it started with the concept of “scientific management” from Taylor, and continued with the new ideas on the importance of human factors as Mayo pointed out in the 1930s. Immediately after the 2nd World War Friedmann studied the human problems related to new manufacturing technologies and automation. And the late 1950 and 1960s were decades of strong debate on the socio-technics with the research at Tavistock Institute of London and the emergence of national programmes on new forms of work organisation. At the end of the last century the concept of collaborative work was developed together with the definition(s) of information systems and organisational design. However, the interest came from other production activities, like the services. This article analyses the approaches developed on these debates on the collaborative work and information system and its application to the manufacturing industry.

Moniz, AB, Silva AV, Woll T, Sampaio JJ.  2007.  {Globalization processes of value chains in clothing industry in Portugal: implication in the working structures}. , Number hal-00256824: HAL Abstract

Some of the phenomena where the “globalization” concept is applied include the internationalization of markets, globalization of culture, polítical hegemony of world by some states, or groups of states, the increasing power of supranational institutions, and the development of a global division of labour. A starting point to understand the global division of work is the study of how companies are re-structuring, once they are the key-actors in the decision on which work should be found and where. The “value chains” describe each step in the productive process of a final product or service. Separated units of value chains can be in the same company (in-house) or in different companies (outsourced). Similarly they can be in a same local, or in other location. Normalization of business processes, combined with digitalization of information and the development of telecommunication networks made possible the tele-mediated work. This paper presents results from the European WORKS project, where are studied Portuguese cases of firms that integrate globalized value chain, and are analized the implications on work organization models and the (new) professional structures.

Moniz, A, Woll T.  2007.  {Main features of the labour policy in Portugal}. , Number 6967: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

In this working paper is presented information on the Portuguese labour market developed with the support of the European project WORKS-“Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society”. Is still a on the process article and thus commentaries are welcome. The structure is based on the following topics: a) The employment policy (Time regimes - time use, flexibility, part-time work, work-life balance -, and the work contracts regimes – wages, contract types, diversity); b) Education and training (skilling outcomes, rules on retraining and further training, employability schemes, transferability of skills); c) Equal opportunities (relevance of equal opportunity regulation for restructuring outcomes, the role of gender and age regulation); d) Restructuring effects (policy on transfer of personnel, policy on redundancies, and participation or voice in restructuring).

Moniz, AB, Woll T.  2007.  {Main features of the labour policy in Portugal}. , Number 02/2007: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

In this working paper is presented information on the Portuguese labour market developed with the support of the European project WORKS-“Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society”. Is still a on the process article and thus commentaries are welcome. The structure is based on the following topics: a) The employment policy (Time regimes - time use, flexibility, part-time work, work-life balance -, and the work contracts regimes – wages, contract types, diversity); b) Education and training (skilling outcomes, rules on retraining and further training, employability schemes, transferability of skills); c) Equal opportunities (relevance of equal opportunity regulation for restructuring outcomes, the role of gender and age regulation); d) Restructuring effects (policy on transfer of personnel, policy on redundancies, and participation or voice in restructuring).

Moniz, A.  2007.  {The Collaborative Work Concept and the Information Systems Support: Perspectives for and from Manufacturing Industry}. , Number 5627: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

Most of the discussion and controversy on organisation of work concepts has been referenced to the manufacturing industry along the 20th century: it started with the concept of “scientific management” from Taylor, and continued with the new ideas on the importance of human factors as Mayo pointed out in the 1930s. Immediately after the 2nd World War Friedmann studied the human problems related to new manufacturing technologies and automation. And the late 1950 and 1960s were decades of strong debate on the socio-technics with the research at Tavistock Institute of London and the emergence of national programmes on new forms of work organisation. At the end of the last century the concept of collaborative work was developed together with the definition(s) of information systems and organisational design. However, the interest came from other production activities, like the services. This article analyses the approaches developed on these debates on the collaborative work and information system and its application to the manufacturing industry.

Moniz, A.  2006.  Competitividade no sector automóvel e formas inovadoras de gestão do emprego em Portugal[Competitivity in the Portuguese automotive sector and innovative forms of employment management], Sep. , Number 6970: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

If indicators of international competitivity of the Portuguese industry reveal very strong weaknesses in the field of education and vocational training, the achievement of a solution is not based only (and should not!) in a decisive increase of investment and support in the education and training system. It seem not logical to think in that way, once normally when one tries to solve a problem that is done in the context of that same problem. Eventually there are other strategies. Which are, then, the fields where is necessary to orient the investiment to improve an industrial competitivity? To try to answer this question, we analise one of the sectors that have contributed the most for an improvement of the Portuguese economical performance, and for a true innovative process as in terms of industrial product, or in terms of manufacturing and distribution processes. Is the automotive sector where that happens, taken in its two most important sub-sectors: the one of automobile manufacturing and assembly, and the one of components manufacturing.

Moniz, A.  2006.  {Competitividade no sector automóvel e formas inovadoras de gestão do emprego em Portugal[Competitivity in the Portuguese automotive sector and innovative forms of employment management]}, Sep. , Number 6970: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

If indicators of international competitivity of the Portuguese industry reveal very strong weaknesses in the field of education and vocational training, the achievement of a solution is not based only (and should not!) in a decisive increase of investment and support in the education and training system. It seem not logical to think in that way, once normally when one tries to solve a problem that is done in the context of that same problem. Eventually there are other strategies. Which are, then, the fields where is necessary to orient the investiment to improve an industrial competitivity? To try to answer this question, we analise one of the sectors that have contributed the most for an improvement of the Portuguese economical performance, and for a true innovative process as in terms of industrial product, or in terms of manufacturing and distribution processes. Is the automotive sector where that happens, taken in its two most important sub-sectors: the one of automobile manufacturing and assembly, and the one of components manufacturing.

Moniz, A, Leal RP.  2006.  Editorial Note, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:7-8., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

No abstract is available for this item.

Moniz, AB.  2006.  Foresight methodologies to understand changes in the labour process. Experience from Portugal, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:105-116., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

The foresight and scenario building methods can be an interesting reference for social sciences, especially in terms of innovative methods for labour process analysis. A scenario – as a central concept for the prospective analysis – can be considered as a rich and detailed portrait of a plausible future world. It can be a useful tool for policy-makers to grasp problems clearly and comprehensively, and to better pinpoint challenges as well as opportunities in an overall framework. The features of the foresight methods are being used in some labour policy making experiences. Case studies developed in Portugal will be presented, and some conclusions will be drawn in order to organise a set of principles for foresight analysis applied to the European project WORKS on the work organisation re-structuring in the knowledge society, and on the work design methods for new management structures of virtual organisations.

Moniz, AB, Woll T.  2006.  International Conference on “Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society“ in Monte de Caparica (FCT-UNL) on 19-20 October 2006, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:153-154., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

On 19 and 20 October 2006, the Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Organisation (IET) organised the first international conference on “Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society”. It took place at the auditorium of the new Library of FCT-UNL and had the support of the research project “CodeWork@VO” (financed by FCT-MCTES and co-ordinated by INESC, Porto). The conference related to the European research project “Work Organisation and Restructuring in the Knowledge Society” (WORKS), which is financed by the European Commission. The main objective of the conference was to analyse and discuss research findings on the trends of work structures in the knowledge society, and to debate on new work organisation models and new forms of work supported by ICT.

Woll, T.  2006.  {Change Processes and Future Perspectives in the Knowledge Society. The Example of Clothing and Textile Industry}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:117-126., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

The paper examines change processes und future perspectives in the knowledge society. It presents the clothing and textile industry as an example for a transforming industry in a global economy. The paper reviews existing future studies, which have surveyed change processes and future developments in the clothing and textile industry. Main goals of the review are the identification of changes in work and the description of the restructuring of global value chains within the clothing and textile sector. The paper also highlights major current trends, drivers of change and future prospects in this sector.

Moniz, A, Leal RP.  2006.  {Editorial Note}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:7-8., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

No abstract is available for this item.

Moniz, AB.  2006.  {Foresight methodologies to understand changes in the labour process. Experience from Portugal}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:105-116., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

The foresight and scenario building methods can be an interesting reference for social sciences, especially in terms of innovative methods for labour process analysis. A scenario – as a central concept for the prospective analysis – can be considered as a rich and detailed portrait of a plausible future world. It can be a useful tool for policy-makers to grasp problems clearly and comprehensively, and to better pinpoint challenges as well as opportunities in an overall framework. The features of the foresight methods are being used in some labour policy making experiences. Case studies developed in Portugal will be presented, and some conclusions will be drawn in order to organise a set of principles for foresight analysis applied to the European project WORKS on the work organisation re-structuring in the knowledge society, and on the work design methods for new management structures of virtual organisations.

Moniz, AB, Woll T.  2006.  {International Conference on “Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society“ in Monte de Caparica (FCT-UNL) on 19-20 October 2006}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:153-154., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

On 19 and 20 October 2006, the Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Organisation (IET) organised the first international conference on “Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society”. It took place at the auditorium of the new Library of FCT-UNL and had the support of the research project “CodeWork@VO” (financed by FCT-MCTES and co-ordinated by INESC, Porto). The conference related to the European research project “Work Organisation and Restructuring in the Knowledge Society” (WORKS), which is financed by the European Commission. The main objective of the conference was to analyse and discuss research findings on the trends of work structures in the knowledge society, and to debate on new work organisation models and new forms of work supported by ICT.

Moniz, AB, Woll T.  2006.  {International Conference on “Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society“ in Monte de Caparica (FCT-UNL) on 19-20 October 2006}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:153-154., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

On 19 and 20 October 2006, the Research Centre on Enterprise and Work Organisation (IET) organised the first international conference on “Foresight Studies on Work in the Knowledge Society”. It took place at the auditorium of the new Library of FCT-UNL and had the support of the research project “CodeWork@VO” (financed by FCT-MCTES and co-ordinated by INESC, Porto). The conference related to the European research project “Work Organisation and Restructuring in the Knowledge Society” (WORKS), which is financed by the European Commission. The main objective of the conference was to analyse and discuss research findings on the trends of work structures in the knowledge society, and to debate on new work organisation models and new forms of work supported by ICT.

Bechmann, M, Nierling L, Woll T.  2006.  {The First WORKS Conference on Transformation of Work in a Global Knowledge Economy}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:137-142., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

The relationship between the changes of the global economy and individual working conditions formed the background of the first WORKS conference “The transformation of work in a global knowledge economy: towards a conceptual framework”, held in Chania, Greece from 21st – 22nd September, 2006 and attended by around 50 European researchers. Experts from academia and trade unions from all over the world were invited to give insights into their field of research, contributing to one of the main topics of the conference: (i) globalisation and organisational restructuring, (ii) workers’ organisation, the quality of working life and the gender dimension and (iii) global experiences and recommendations.

Krings, B-J.  2006.  {The sociological perspective on the knowledge-based society: assumptions, facts and visions}, November. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 2:9-19., Number 2 AbstractWebsite

The paper will present the central discourse of the knowledge-based society. Already in the 1960s the debate of the industrial society already raised the question whether there can be considered a paradigm shift towards a knowledge-based society. Some prominent authors already foreseen ‘knowledge’ as the main indicator in order to displace ‘labour’ and ‘capital’ as the main driving forces of the capitalistic development. Today on the political level and also in many scientific disciplines the assumption that we are already living in a knowledge-based society seems obvious. Although we still do not have a theory of the knowledge-based society and there still exist a methodological gap about the empirical indicators, the vision of a knowledge-based society determines at least the perception of the Western societies. In a first step the author will pinpoint the assumptions about the knowledge-based society on three levels: on the societal, on the organisational and on the individual level. These assumptions are relied on the following topics: a) The role of the information and communication technologies; b) The dynamic development of globalisation as an ‘evolutionary’ process; c) The increasing importance of knowledge management within organisations; d) The changing role of the state within the economic processes. Not only the differentiation between the levels but also the revision of the assumptions of a knowledge-based society will show that the ‘topics raised in the debates’ cannot be considered as the results of a profound societal paradigm shift. However what seems very impressive is the normative and virtual shift towards a concept of modernity, which strongly focuses on the role of technology as a driving force as well as on the global economic markets, which has to be accepted. Therefore – according to the official debate - the successful adaptation of these processes seems the only way to meet the knowledge-based society. Analysing the societal changes on the

{Moniz, A, Silva A, Woll T, Samapaio J.  2006.  Procesos de globalización de las cadenas de valor en la industria de vestuario en Portugal: implicación en las estructuras de trabajo, Nov. , Number 5629: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

Algunos de los fenómenos donde el concepto de “globalización” es aplicado incluyen la internacionalización de los mercados, la globalización de la cultura, el dominio pol{\'ıtico hegemónico del mundo por algunos estados poderosos, o grupos de estados, el poder creciente de organismos supranacionales, y el desarrollo de una división global de trabajo. De acuerdo con Radice, la globalización é generalmente definida como “un proceso a través de lo cual una proporción creciente de transacciones económicas, sociales e culturales ocurre directamente o indirectamente entre partners de pa{\'ıses distintos” (Radice, 2004: 154). Un ponto de partida para entender la división global del trabajo debe ser la investigación de los modos como las empresas se reestructuran, una vez que son los actores-llave en la decisión sobre que trabajo debe ser encontrado y donde. Las “cadenas de valor” descriven cada etapa en el proceso productivo de un producto o un servicio final. La palabra “valor” en la frase “cadena de valor” dice respecto al valor añadido. Cada etapa en la cadena de valor implica recibir inputs, procesarlos, y entonces pasarlos a la unidad siguiente en la cadena, con el valor que está sendo adicionado no proceso. As unidades separadas da cadena de valor pueden estar dentro da misma empresa (in-house) o en distintas empresas (outsourced). Similarmente pueden estar en un mismo local, o en otra localización. La normalización de muchos procesos del negocio, combinada con la digitalización da información y el desarrollo de redes de telecomunicaciones de elevada capacidad ha tornado posible el trabajo tele-mediado, pudiendo este ser externalizado y/o re-localizado, conduciendo à introducción de una división de trabajo internacional no trabajo de procesamiento de información. Esta comunicación presentará algunos resultados derivados do proyecto europeo WORKS, donde son estudiados casos portugueses de empresas que justamente se integran en