Trabalho, forma{\c c}ão e inova{\c c}ão: Novos problemas para a Sociedade da Informa{\c c}ão<BR>[Work, training and innovation: new problems for the information society]

Moniz, A.  2000.  Trabalho, forma{\c c}ão e inova{\c c}ão: Novos problemas para a Sociedade da Informa{\c c}ão[Work, training and innovation: new problems for the information society], Feb. , Number 8624: University Library of Munich, Germany


In this paper for a public debate promoted by the Portuguese President of Republic in 2000, we start from the basic definitions of information society and discuss the main measures proposed as targets in the firld of work and employment. Structural changes are analysed related with the economical and social dimensions of the information society, especially those related to the work organisation, education and training, and the labour markets. Finally recommendations are made on the topics of innovation, employment and development of information society.



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