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Fischer, M, Krings B-J, Moniz AB, Zimpelmann E.  2017.  Herausforderungen der Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration. Lernen & Lehren. 2017(32):8-14.
Moniz, A.  1994.  Hipóteses para uma hibrida{\c c}ão de um sistema flex{\'ıvel de produ{\c c}ão[Hipothesis for a flexible production system hybridation], Nov. , Number 7192: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

In this paper one presents and discuss the hybridation concept using some aspect that integrate it, as the physical architecture of automated systems (hardware), the information system that integrates that architecture and the working places design. Analyzed are also the inter-dependences of those aspects, and we have as a reference the flexible production and assembly system existent at UNINOVA-CRI. The focus is made on possible problems that can occur with the use of possible development of those systems, namely: a) full automation with centralized human control, b) non-automated process of shop-floor work with a system “one man, one machine”, c) hybrid system of automated cells with “elastic” human jobs.

Moniz, A.  2013.  Human-Robot Interaction in Industrial Working Environments: Results from a Start-up Project. EconStor Open Access Articles. AbstractWebsite

The social dimension of worker-robot interaction in industry is becoming a decisive aspect of robotics development. Many problems and difficulties of robotics research are not only related to technical issues but framed by social aspects. Human-robot interaction (HRI) as a specific research field of robotics tackles this issue. The debate on social involvement in HRI design of a few decades ago must be re-opened. A start-up project was initiated in 2012 at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to define a new research field and establish a conceptual framework on HRI. It was related to recent developments in the manufacturing industry and professional service robotics. The aim was to cooperate with other research teams to establish an expert network in this field. Special focus was placed on the design of work organisation models and issues of robotics technology design for worker (or operator) and robot interaction. In the current paper we present the most important conclusions from these research activities. –

Moniz, A, Oliveira P, Bento S.  1996.  Hibrida{\c c}ão de um sistema flex{\'ıvel de produ{\c c}ão: possibilidades de aplica{\c c}ão do conceito de antropocentrismo[Hybridation of a flexible production system: possibilities for an application of t, Feb. , Number 7193: University Library of Munich, Germany Abstract

Today one can understand the wider use of the anthropocentrism concept applied to the production architectures, emerging a new value of the intuitive capacities and human knowledge in the optimization and flexibilization of the manufacturing processes. Having a flexible production and assembly system architecture that exists at UNINOVA-CRI, we will try to develop some exploratory hypothesis on the applicability of the hybridizing concept and its repercussions in the definition of working places, in their organization and formation of working teams. We will underline some aspects that should be taken into consideration when are design such systems, including some ergonomical aspects.