

No âmbito da formação estão previstas palestras proferidas por personalidades de reconhecido mérito na área. Os seminários serão incorporados no horário de várias disciplinas, conforme o tópico abordado.

Objectivos dos seminários

• Proporcionar aos formandos uma visão mais abrangente sobre o conteúdo do curso e áreas afins.
• Motivar os formandos para o trabalho de investigação, participação no desenvolvimento dos artigos científicos, nos projetos de investigação, prosseguir para cursos de doutoramento.


Abaixo resumem-se todos os palestrantes envolvidos no curso.
As palestras que serão proferidas na 2ª edição estão adicionadas diretamente às disciplinas.
Consulte a informação atualizada em cada uma das disciplinas.

Eng. Bernardo Monteiro

Direção de Engenharia e Ambiente
Departamento de Geologia e Geotecnia
Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A.

Title: A utilização de geossintéticos na modernização e reabilitação de plataformas ferroviárias. Desafios e condicionantes
(B. Monteiro)

Dr. Fernanda Bessa Ferreira

Postdoctoral Researcher, Construct-GEO, University of Porto, Portugal
Formerly, Research Fellow, Centre for Geomechanics and Railway Engineering,
University of Wollongong, Australia

Title: Application of geosynthetics and recycled rubber products for rail track stabilisation
Aplicação de geossintéticos e de materiais provenientes de borracha reciclada na estabilização da subestrutura de vias-férreas
(F. B. Ferreira)

Dr. Fernanda Ferreira is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) since 2019. She completed a Masters in Civil Engineering at FEUP in 2010 and then obtained a PhD from the same University in 2016. From 2016-2018, she was a Research Associate at the Centre for Geomechanics and Railway Engineering of the University of Wollongong Australia. Her main areas of interest and expertise include: 1) the reinforcement and stabilisation of earthen structures using geosynthetics; (2) the use of artificial inclusions for enhanced stability of ballasted rail tracks; and (3) the use of recycled construction and demolition wastes in Civil Engineering applications. She is the author of over 50 scientific publications and Editorial Board Member of prestigious international journals, such as Geosynthetics International, an official journal of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS). She has been the recipient of several awards, such as the IGS Students Award, an Honorable Mention from the Portuguese Geotechnical Society (SPG), and most recently the Bright Spark Lecture Award of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). She is a Member of the Portuguese Order of Engineers, Smart Waste Portugal Association, SPG, ISSMGE and IGS, as well as the Portuguese Representative of the IGS Young Members Committee since 2015.

Eng. Francisco Asseiceiro

Vogal na Comissão Portuguesa de Geotecnia nos Transportes
Membro efetivo do Conselho Plenário, do Conselho Superior de Obras Públicas (CSOP)

Title: Aspectos dos estudos de traçado na reabilitação de infraestruturas ferroviárias
(F. Asseiceiro)

Francisco José Poço Marques Asseiceiro
Licenciatura em Engenharia Civil, pelo Instituto Superior Técnico
Pós-graduação em Geotecnia para Engenharia Civil pelo IST, Universidade Nova de Lisboa e Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
Vogal na Comissão Portuguesa de Geotecnia nos Transportes
Membro efetivo do Conselho Plenário, do Conselho Superior de Obras Públicas (CSOP)

Foi Diretor de Estudos e Projetos de infraestruturas ferroviárias durante 25 anos até 2019
na Mota-Engil Railway Engineering
na Mota-Engil Engenharia e Construção
na Ferrovias e Construções, S.A.
na Ferbritas S.A.
e na Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners

Foi Consultor na RAVE, S.A.
Perito em TC256/SC1/WG15 (Parâmetros projeto de via férrea) do CEN
Presidente da Comissão Técnica de Normalização 143 – Aplicações Ferroviárias

Dr. Javier Moreno Robles

Madrid, Espanha

Title: La técnica de las inyecciones de hidrofracturación como mejora del terreno. Aplicación a un relleno ferroviario.
(J. Moreno Robles)

Dr. Konrad Malicki

Chair of Roads, Railways and Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Cracow University of Technology
Cracow, Poland

Title: Application of digital image correlation method for road and railway material testing
(J. Górszczyk, K. Malicki)

Dr. Konrad Malicki is an assistant professor at the Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Chair of Roads, Railways and Traffic Engineering (Poland). He completed his master's degree in 2003 and doctoral degree in 2012, both in the field of structural and transportation engineering at the Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering.

He has about 17 years of experience in road infrastructure designing and maintenance. His research activities are focused primarily on the application of geosynthetics in road pavement structures. He cooperates in laboratory investigations using digital image correlation (DIC) method. In recent years he has also been dealing with topics related to railway structures. He is the author of more than 30 articles in professional journals and papers presented at scientific conferences and several application outputs. He is a member of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) and a member of the scientific committee of the 7th EuroGeo geosynthetic conference organized by IGS in 2020 in Warsaw.

Dr. Leoš Horníček

Department of Railway Structures
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Technical University
Prague, Czech Republic

Title: Geocomposites placed beneath ballast bed to improve railway track stability
(L. Horníček)

Dr. Leoš Horníček is an assistant professor at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Railway Structures (Czech Republic). He completed his master's degree in 1999 and doctoral degree in 2005, both in the field of structural and transportation engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering.

He has nearly 20 years of experience in designing the railway substructure. His research activities are focused primarily on the application of reinforcing and stabilizing geosynthetic products as well as elastic layers (under ballast mats, under sleeper pads). He focuses on physical modeling of structures in laboratory conditions and verification of new technologies and products in operational conditions. He is the author of more than 60 articles in professional journals and papers presented at scientific conferences, 1 monograph and several application outputs. He is a member of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) and secretary of its Technical Committee on Stabilization and also member of the European Committee for Standardization, Technical Committee „Sleepers and bearers“.

Eng.ª Maria Manuel Pinheiro

Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A.

Title: Princípios e metodologias de gestão de ativos na reabilitação das infraestruturas ferroviárias - aplicação na IP
(M.M. Pinheiro)

Maria Manuel Pinheiro
Licenciada em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa em 2003, concluiu posteriormente, em 2007, a pós-graduação em Engenharia Ferroviária pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Desde 2004 até 2015 desenvolveu a sua atividade profissional na área da manutenção ferroviária, na REFER, tendo integrado posteriormente a IP – Infraestruturas de Portugal na sequência do processo de fusão com a empresa Estradas de Portugal . Desde 2015 até hoje tem desempenhado funções na área de Gestão de Ativos, Direção de Asset Management, de âmbito rodoviário e ferroviário, tendo desenvolvido metodologias comuns e ferramentas de gestão orientadas para o apoio à tomada de decisão na gestão de infraestruturas de transportes.

Prof. Michaël Steenbergen

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Delft University of Technology
the Netherlands
Home page

Title: Rail degradation: mechanisms and control
(M. Steenbergen)

Michaël Steenbergen (1979) is assistant professor in the Engineering Structures Department of Delft University of Technology, with specialization in railway engineering. Besides, he also works as a private consultant. He has a background in Structural Dynamics and Material Engineering. He leads a small academic research group with a specific focus on the long-term performance of mechanical/infrastructural assets subject to contact loading processes of a dynamic nature. Applications are: dynamic train-track-soil interaction in relation to track degradation mechanisms and dynamic aspects of wheel-rail contact mechanics in relation to surface damage mechanisms. Both topics typically involve the study of mechanical and material behavior on different spatial scales (macro and micro) and time scales (instantaneous versus long-term) as well as their interaction. Michaël Steenbergen holds an MSc and PhD degree, both cum laude, from Delft University of Technology.

Prof. Nuno Bravo de Faria Cruz

Doutor em Engenharia Civil pela FEUP
Diretor Técnico no Nucleo de Geotecnia da MOTA-ENGIL
Professor Convidado no Departamento de Geociências da Universidade de Aveiro
Página pessoal

Title: Caracterização Geotécnica de linhas férreas em operação. Os casos do corredor de Nacala e da linha do Sena (Moçambique)
(N. Cruz)

Prof. Piotr Koziol

Chair of Roads, Railways and Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland

Title: Nonlinear and stochastic properties of rail track
(P. Koziol)

Title: Modelling approaches to rail track condition analysis
(P. Koziol)

Prof. Piotr Koziol is an associate professor at the Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering (Poland). He is a vice-head of the Chair of Roads, Railways and Traffic Engineering. He completed his doctoral degree in mechanical engineering at Brunel University London in 2008 and obtained a DSc in Civil Engineering (with specialization in Railways) at Cracow University of Technology in 2017.

He has nearly 25 years of experience in railway mechanics and modelling of dynamic systems. His research activities are focused primarily on analytical modelling, semi-analytical solutions and analysis of dynamic systems associated with moving loads, including rail track behaviour. In recent years he is also being involved in research activities associated with laboratory investigations and practical applications of geosynthetics to railway maintenance and reinforcement, including non-destructive methods of analysis based on wavelet applications. The main area of his activity remains modelling and prediction of railway track behaviour, mainly due to HSR. He is a member of national project related to the development of innovative design solutions leading to reduction of vibrations and noise generated by passing trains. Piotr Koziol published more than 70 research papers and gave more than 90 speeches at various conferences, mainly recognized international meetings. He is also an author of book presenting fundamentals of the developed by him wavelet based semi-analytical approach to the analysis of beam-foundation systems subjected to moving loads. This approach finds several railway applications, especially in its nonlinear case which is currently being improved and developed. Prof. Koziol also works actively as a member of many scientific committees of internationally recognized conferences organising special sessions or mini-symposia devoted mainly to railway engineering, e.g. Railways - International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, ICEDyn – International Conference on Engineering Dynamics, ICoEV – International Conference on Engineering Vibrations etc.

Eng.ª Sofia Santos

Departamento de Ambiente e Sustentabilidade
Direção de Engenharia e Ambiente
Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A.

Title: Gestão Ambiental na Manutenção Ferroviária – Exemplificação e modelo de aplicação em duas Empreitadas
(S. Santos)

Sofia Santos
Engenheira do Ambiente pela Universidade de Aveiro, com especializações em Ordenamento do Território e Sustentabilidade e em Energias Renováveis. Técnica de Ambiente há 15 anos, após entrada na REFER, em 2004, e após fusão, nas Infraestruturas de Portugal, tem como principal área de trabalho a Manutenção ferroviária. Assume como principias funções a preparação ou revisão de licenciamentos ambientais, em fase de projeto; o desenvolvimento de PPGRCD; o acompanhamento ambiental e fiscalização de Empreitadas e Prestações de Serviço e o apoio e estruturação da área dos resíduos resultantes das atividades IP. Participou igualmente na conceção e desenvolvimento dos requisitos ambientais para os Cadernos de Encargos tipo de Empreitada, bem como, na criação de normativos de Ambiente, dos quais se destacam os Procedimentos Ambientais, na REFER e o Manual de Gestão de Resíduos IP. Assume ainda atividades no âmbito da inovação, dos quais se destaca o Projeto Eco Sustainable Rail. É igualmente auditora de Ambiente há mais de 10 anos e formadora na IP.

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