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Pereira, MMA.  2012.  Immobilized Ionic Liquids in Organic Chemistry, JUL. CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 16:1680-1710., Number 14 Abstract
Baptista, {PMRV}.  2012.  Could gold nanoprobes be an important tool in cancer diagnostics?, jan Expert Review Of Molecular Diagnostics. 12:541–3., Number 6: Expert Reviews Abstract
Baptista, {PMRV}, Franco R.  2012.  Gold nanoparticle-based fluorescence immunoassay for malaria antigen detection, jan. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 402:1019–27., Number 3: Springer Abstract

The development of rapid detection assays for malaria diagnostics is an area of intensive research, as the traditional microscopic analysis of blood smears is cumbersome and requires skilled personnel. Here, we describe a simple and sensitive immunoassay that successfully detects malaria antigens in infected blood cultures. This homogeneous assay is based on the fluorescence quenching of cyanine 3B (Cy3B)-labeled recombinant Plasmodium falciparum heat shock protein 70 (PfHsp70) upon binding to gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) functionalized with an anti-Hsp70 monoclonal antibody. Upon competition with the free antigen, the Cy3B-labeled recombinant PfHsp70 is released to solution resulting in an increase of fluorescence intensity. Two types of AuNP-antibody conjugates were used as probes, one obtained by electrostatic adsorption of the antibody on AuNPs surface and the other by covalent bonding using protein cross-linking agents. In comparison with cross-linked antibodies, electrostatic adsorption of the antibodies to the AuNPs surfaces generated conjugates with increased activity and linearity of response, within a range of antigen concentration from 8.2 to 23.8 μg.mL(-1). The estimated LOD for the assay is 2.4 μg.mL(-1) and the LOQ is 7.3 μg.mL(-1). The fluorescence immunoassay was successfully applied to the detection of antigen in malaria-infected human blood cultures at a 3% parasitemia level, and is assumed to detect parasite densities as low as 1,000 parasites.μL(-1).

Baptista, {PMRV}.  2012.  RNA quantification using noble metal nanoprobes - application to cancer diagnostics, jan. Nanoparticles in Biology and Medicine - Methods and Applications. :71–87.: Human Press, Springer Abstract
Baptista, {PMRV}.  2012.  RNA quantification with gold nanoprobes for cancer diagnostics, jan. Clinics In Laboratory Medicine. 32:1–13., Number 1: W B Saunders Co Abstract
Baptista, P, Veigas {BMR}, Portugal I, Couto I, Viveiros M.  2012.  Using Au-nanoprobes por point-of-need diagnostics of TB., jan. Magazine da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia. 2012, Number 1 Abstract

Tuberculosis remains one of the most serious infectious diseases worldwide requiring new tools to circumvent current molecular diagnostics limitations. Nanodiagnostics, i.e. nanotechnology based diagnostics, may do just that by decreasing the time needed for the molecular characterisation of the infecting agent, and allowing for miniaturisation and portability for point-of-need adapted to remote regions without suitable lab equipment.

Veigas, B, c}alo Dória G{\c, Baptista {PV}.  2012.  Nanodiagnostics for tuberculosis, feb. Understanding Tuberculosis. (Pere-Joan Cardona, Ed.).:257–276.: InTech – Open Acces Publishers Abstract
c}alo Doria, G{\c, Conde J, Veigas B, Giestas L, Almeida C, c}ão MA{\c, Rosa J, Baptista {PV}.  2012.  Noble metal nanoparticles for biosensing applications, feb. Sensors. 12:1657–1687., Number 2: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Abstract

In the last decade the use of nanomaterials has been having a great impact in biosensing. In particular, the unique properties of noble metal nanoparticles have allowed for the development of new biosensing platforms with enhanced capabilities in the specific detection of bioanalytes. Noble metal nanoparticles show unique physicochemical properties (such as ease of functionalization via simple chemistry and high surface-to-volume ratios) that allied with their unique spectral and optical properties have prompted the development of a plethora of biosensing platforms. Additionally, they also provide an additional or enhanced layer of application for commonly used techniques, such as fluorescence, infrared and Raman spectroscopy. Herein we review the use of noble metal nanoparticles for biosensing strategies-from synthesis and functionalization to integration in molecular diagnostics platforms, with special focus on those that have made their way into the diagnostics laboratory.

Barbosa, J, Barbosa DJ, Capela JP, Oliveira JMA, Silva R, Ferreira LM, Siopa F, Branco PS, Fernandes E, Duarte JA, de Lourdes Bastos M, Carvalho F, Carvalho D.  2012.  Pro-oxidant effects of Ecstasy and its metabolites in mouse brain synaptosomes, FEB. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. 165:1017-1033., Number 4B Abstract
Maia, MJ.  2012.  {Technology governance in radiology: the example of magnetic resonance imaging}, Feb. , Number 02/2012: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

WThis report aims to be the gathering of the main ideas that culminated in the presentation at the 1st Winter School of the PhD Programme on Technology Assessment (FCT-UNL) in December 2010. It is a guideline for future work development regarding Technology Assessment in Radiology, particularly having Magnetic Resonance Imaging, as an example. Therefore, as a background, it is necessary to understand what is “Technology Assessment”, how it developed and what it Europe’s interest in this area. Doing a transposition of this subject to health area, it is also important to understand the particularities of Health Technology Assessment. Portugal framework on this subject will also be addressed. As so, the Portuguese National Health System is characterized and the decision-making stakeholders identified, has well as the competences for the decision-making process in general. More generally, the different stakeholders perception involved in decision making, the mapping skills on technology assessment and decision making, the identification of indicators present in this decision making in Radiology, particularly in Magnetic Resonance area, are subjects to be addressed. To accomplish this, a research methodology was outlined, so that six research questions could be answered and five hypotheses could be accepted or refuted, in the future. With this research methodology, the Portuguese state of the art Magnetic Resonance equipment existence will be studied, using a survey as a resource. In the future, a mapping stakeholder technique will be used to identify the decision making key stakeholders and a survey will be applied to map theirs skills and competences in the process, where a pre-test was already applied.

Cordas, CM, Raleiras P, Auchere F, Moura I, Moura JJ.  2012.  Comparative electrochemical study of superoxide reductases, Dec 6. Eur Biophys J. 41:209-215., Number 12
Marques, JP, Indelicato P, Parente F.  2012.  Relativistic multiconfiguration calculations of the 2s22p 2P3/2 level lifetime along the boron isoelectronic sequence, Dec 27. The European Physical Journal D. 66:324. AbstractWebsite
Santos, JP, Costa AM, Martins MC, Parente F, Indelicato P.  2012.  Modeling praseodymium K X-ray lines in an electron beam ion trap, Aug 16. The European Physical Journal D. 66:202., Number 8 AbstractWebsite

We study the most important processes for the creation of excited states in He-like through C- like praseodymium ions from the ions ground configurations, leading to the emission of K X-ray lines. Theoretical values for inner-shell excitation and ionization cross sections, transition probabilities and energies for the deexcitation processes, are calculated in the framework of the multi-configuration Dirac- Fock method, including QED corrections. Using these calculated values, a theoretical Kα X-ray spectrum is obtained, which is compared to recent experimental data obtained in the Livermore Super-EBIT electron beam ion trap facility.

Pereira, MMA.  2012.  Chiral Ionic Liquids from Carbohydrates: Synthesis and Properties, AUG. MINI-REVIEWS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 9:243-260., Number 3 Abstract
Conde, J, c}alo Doria G{\c, {de la Fuente} {JM }, Baptista {PV}.  2012.  RNA quantification using noble metal nanoprobes: Simultaneous identification of several different mrna targets using color multiplexing and application to cancer diagnostics, aug. Nanoparticles in Biology and Medicine: Methods and Protocols. (Mikhail Soloviev, Ed.).:71–87., United States: Humana Press Abstract

Nanotechnology provides new tools for gene expression analysis that allow for sensitive and specific characterization of prognostic signatures related to cancer. Cancer is a multigenic complex disease where multiple gene loci contribute to the phenotype. The ability to simultaneously monitor differential expression originating from each locus allows for a more accurate indication of degree of cancerous activity than either locus alone. Metal nanoparticles have been widely used as labels for in vitro identification and quantification of target sequences. Here we describe the synthesis of nanoparticles with different noble metal compositions in an alloy format that are then functionalized with thiol-modified ssDNA (nanoprobes). We also show how to use such nanoprobes in a non-cross-linking colorimetric method for the direct detection and quantification of specific mRNA targets, without the need for enzymatic amplification or reverse transcription steps. The different metals in the alloy provide for distinct absorption spectra due to their characteristic plasmon resonance peaks. The color multiplexing allows for simultaneous identification of several different mRNA targets involved in cancer development. Comparison of the absorption spectra of the nanoprobes mixtures taken before and after induced aggregation of metal nanoparticles allows to both identify and quantify each mRNA target. We describe the use of gold and gold:silver-alloy nanoprobes for the development of the non-cross-linking method to detect a specific BCR-ABL fusion gene (e.g., e1a2 and e14a2) mRNA target associated with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) using 10 ng μL -1 of unamplified total human RNA. This simple methodology takes less than 50 min to complete after total RNA extraction with comparable specificity and sensitivity to the more commonly used methods.

Guerra, M, Parente F, Indelicato P, Santos JP.  2012.  Modified binary encounter Bethe model for electron-impact ionization, Apr 01. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 313:1.: Elsevier B.V. AbstractWebsite

Theoretical expressions for ionization cross sections by electron impact based on the binary encounter Bethe (BEB) model, valid from ionization threshold up to relativistic energies, are proposed.The new modified BEB (MBEB) and its relativistic counterpart (MRBEB) expressions are simpler than the BEB (nonrelativistic and relativistic) expressions because they require only one atomic parameter, namely the binding energy of the electrons to be ionized, and use only one scaling term for the ionization of all sub-shells.The new models are used to calculate the K-, L- and M-shell ionization cross sections by electron impact for several atoms with Z from 6 to 83. Comparisons with all, to the best of our knowledge, available experimental data show that this model is as good or better than other models, with less complexity.

Moniz, AB.  2012.  Avaliação participativa de tecnologia e sustentabilidade organizacional [Participative technology assessment and organisational sustainability], Apr. , Number 06/2012: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET-Research on Enterprise and Work Innovation, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

Technology Assessment (TA) considers the knowledge on (possible ou probable) technological effects in the processes of decision making and exploring potencial technological risks with secondary effects. Besides that, it is a scientific process with the aim of contributing the public and political opinion formation relative to social aspects of science and technology. That formation is done in an interactive and communicational mode. It overtakes the legitimacy and technology conflicts problems. TA is dealing with a political process either it is related with a parliamentary level decision on the introduction or limitation of new technologies, or at the level of participative processes of entities interested in the labour sphere. In this study, it is concluded that the TA processes at the level of organization of work can aim to fulfill higher levels of productivity and performance of installed equipment, or even to increase the quality of the product or the production process. That does not mean necessarily increases in income of workers and employees. That is why the participation of these actors is also so fundamental to this process.

Machado, D, dos Couto {IMSL}, Perdigão J, Rodrigues L, Portugal I, Baptista P, Veigas B, Amaral L, Bettencourt {MV}.  2012.  Contribution of Efflux to the Emergence of Isoniazid and Multidrug Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis., apr. PLoS ONE. 7, Number 4: PLOS - Public Library of Science Abstract
Martins, SMA, Branco PCS, Pereira AMDRL.  2012.  An Efficient Methodology for the Synthesis of 3-Styryl Coumarins, APR. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 23:688-693., Number 4 Abstract
Moniz, AB.  2012.  {Avaliação participativa de tecnologia e sustentabilidade organizacional [Participative technology assessment and organisational sustainability]}, Apr. , Number 06/2012: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET/CICS.NOVA-Interdisciplinary Centre on Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology Abstract

Technology Assessment (TA) considers the knowledge on (possible ou probable) technological effects in the processes of decision making and exploring potencial technological risks with secondary effects. Besides that, it is a scientific process with the aim of contributing the public and political opinion formation relative to social aspects of science and technology. That formation is done in an interactive and communicational mode. It overtakes the legitimacy and technology conflicts problems. TA is dealing with a political process either it is related with a parliamentary level decision on the introduction or limitation of new technologies, or at the level of participative processes of entities interested in the labour sphere. In this study, it is concluded that the TA processes at the level of organization of work can aim to fulfill higher levels of productivity and performance of installed equipment, or even to increase the quality of the product or the production process. That does not mean necessarily increases in income of workers and employees. That is why the participation of these actors is also so fundamental to this process.

Fortes, P, Seixas J, Dias L, Gouveia JP.  2012.  Low Carbon Roadmap for Portugal: Technology Analysis, 9-12 September. 2th IAEE European Conference, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability. , Venice, Italy: International Association of Energy Economics
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Labriet M, Fortes P, Gargiulo M.  2012.  The Role of CCS in the Iberian Peninsula: Contribution for a regional roadmap, 9-12 September. 12th IAEE European Conference, Energy challenge and environmental sustainability. , Venice, Italy: International Association of Energy Economics
Baltazar, LG, Henriques FMA, Cidade MT.  2012.  Influence of different types of admixtures on the rheological properties of hydraulic lime grouts, 5th-10th August . Proceedings of the XVIth international Congress on Rheology. , Lisbon, Portugal
Jorne, F, Henriques FMA, Baltazar LG.  2012.  Grout injection in porous media with different internal structures, 3rd – 5th July . Proceedings of the 14th International Conference - Structural Faults & Repair. , Edinburgh, Scotland
Amado, M, Lopes T.  2012.  Pré-Fabricação Aplicada ao Contexto de Reabilitação de EdifíciosS, 26 April. CCRSEEL. , Lisbon: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Abstractprefabricacao_aplicada_ao_contexto_da_reabilitacao.pdf

O sector da construção enfrenta actualmente um momento de crise na sua produção. Esta situação tem levado as empresas nacionais a apostar mais no mercado da reabilitação de edifícios. A acrescentar a esta mudança de mercado alvo, o ambiente conturbado que envolve as empresas de construção tem também estimulado, pelo menos as mais competitivas, a implementarem acções que conduzam à melhoria contínua da sua produtividade.
A industrialização do sector, através da utilização da pré-fabricação, mostra-se como uma possível solução para atingir esta melhoria desejada, considerando as significativas vantagens que a aplicação deste tipo de soluções introduz numa obra.
Existem contudo, ainda algumas barreiras no sector da construção que levam a uma reduzida utilização de
soluções de pré-fabricação, sendo a falta de conhecimento dos intervenientes das variedades de tecnologias existentes no mercado e em desenvolvimento, o principal obstáculo à sua adopção.
O presente artigo pretende, tornar evidentes as vantagens que esta tecnologia construtiva traz para o processo de construção e reabilitação, tanto ao nível de eficiência económica como ao nível dos seus benefícios ambientais e sociais, bem como, evidenciar as possibilidades de aplicação de sistemas de pré-fabricação existentes e em desenvolvimento, em detrimento das tecnologias construtivas convencionais, para diversas acções de
reabilitação habitualmente realizadas num edifício.