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Amado, M, Poggi F.  2012.  Sustentabilidade em edíficios de habitação: um novo sistema de habitação, 26 April. CCRSEEL. , Lisbon: Gabinete de Planeamento Físico e Gestão Ambiental da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da UNL
Gouveia, JP.  2012.  Forecasting energy for residential buildings: contributions from a bottom-up methodology of energy services demand, 22-24 March. Workshop on Energy and Society. , Lisbon, Portugal: Institute of Social Sciences (ICS-UL)
Dias, L, Fortes P, Gouveia J, Seixas J.  2012.   Potencial de Eficiência Energética em Portugal para cenários de Longo Prazo, 22 June. PCEEE – Portugal em Conferência para uma Ecónomia Energéticamente Eficiente. , Coimbra, Portugal: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Horst, M.  2012.  Ambient Intelligence in Home Care in the Netherlands, 2012. :29., Monte de Caparica: IET Abstract

The largest age group in the Netherlands is aging and when they are in need of home care, there will not be enough people to take care of them in the current healthcare system. One solution could be found in Ambient Intelligence, for it could aid in maintaining independency and postpone the time that people have to go to a nursing home. Furthermore, it could make the job of the caretakers easier. There are pros and cons to use Ambient Intelligence in this delicate matter that will be discussed in this paper. Furthermore, the implications of employing Ambient Intelligence strategies in home care situations will be considered. The conclusions of a recent study by the Rathenau Institute will be used as the red thread, critically looked at and taken into consideration for the recommendations of how to implement Ambient Intelligence in home care.

Soares, PIP, Ferreira I, Igreja R, Novo C, Borges JP.  2012.  Application of Hyperthermia for Cancer Treatment: Recent Patents Review, 2012. Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery. 7(1):64-73. AbstractWebsite

Cancer is one of the main causes of death in the world and its incidence increases every day. Current treatments are insufficient and present many breaches. Hyperthermia is an old concept and since early it was established as a cancer treatment option, mainly in superficial cancers. More recently the concept of intracellular hyperthermia emerged wherein magnetic particles are concentrated at the tumor site and remotely heated using an applied magnetic field to achieve hyperthermic temperatures (42-45°C). Many patents have been registered in this area since the year 2000. This review presents the most relevant information, organizing them according to the hyperthermic method used: 1) external Radio- Frequency devices; 2) hyperthermic perfusion; 3) frequency enhancers; 4) apply heating to the target site using a catheter; 5) injection of magnetic and ferroelectric particles; 6) injection of magnetic nanoparticles that may carry a pharmacological active drug. The use of magnetic nanoparticles is a very promising treatment approach since it may be used for diagnostic and treatment. An ideal magnetic nanoparticle would be able to detect and diagnose the tumor, carry a pharmacological active drug to be delivered in the tumor site, apply hyperthermia through an external magnetic field and allow treatment monitoring by magnetic resonance imaging.

Gomes, JF, Albuquerque PC, Miranda RM, Santos TG, Vieira MT.  2012.  Comparison of deposited surface area of airborne ultrafine particles generated from two welding processes, 2012. Inhalation Toxicology. 24(11):774-781. AbstractWebsite
Rosado, LS, Santos TG, Ramos PM, Vilaça P, Piedade M.  2012.  A differential planar eddy currents probe: Fundamentals, modeling and experimental evaluation, 2012. NDT and E International. 51:85-93. AbstractWebsite
Leydet, Y, Gavara R, Petrov V, Diniz AM, Parola AJ, Lima JC, Pina F.  2012.  The effect of self-aggregation on the determination of the kinetic and thermodynamic constants of the network of chemical reactions in 3-glucoside anthocyanins, 2012. Phytochemistry. 83:125-135. AbstractWebsite

The six most common 3-glucoside anthocyanins, pelargonidin-3-glucoside, peonidin-3-glucoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside, malvidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-glucoside and petunidin-3-glucoside were studied in great detail by NMR, UV-vis absorption and stopped flow. For each anthocyanin, the thermodynamic and kinetic constants of the network of chemical reactions were calculated at different anthocyanin concentration, from 6 x 10(-6) M up to 8 x 10(-4) M; an increasing of the flavylium cation acidity constant to give quinoidal base and a decreasing of the flavylium cation hydration constant to give hemiketal were observed by increasing the anthocyanin concentration. These effects are attributed to the self-aggregation of the flavylium cation and quinoidal base, which is stronger in the last case. The UV-vis and H-1 NMR spectral variations resulting from the increasing of the anthocyanin concentration were discussed in terms of two aggregation models; monomer-dimer and isodesmic, the last one considering the formation of higher order aggregates possessing the same aggregation constant of the dimer. The self-aggregation constant of flavylium cation at pH = 1.0, calculated by both models increases by increasing the number of methoxy (-OCH3) or hydroxy (-OH) substituents following the order: myrtillin (2 -OH), oenin (2 -OCH3), 3-OGI-petunidin (1 -OH, 1 -OCH3), kuromanin (1 -OH), 3-OGI-peonidin (1 -OCH3) and callistephin (none). Evidence for flavylium aggregates possessing a shape between J and H was achieved, as well as for the formation of higher order aggregates. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Rondao, R, de Melo JS, Melo MJ, Parola AJ.  2012.  Excited-State Isomerization of Leuco Indigo, 2012. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 116:2826-2832. AbstractWebsite

The photoreaction of indigo and two other derivatives in its reduced (leuco) form was investigated by absorption and fluorescence (steady-state and time-resolved) techniques. The fluorescence quantum yield (phi(F)) dependence with the UV irradiation time was found to increase up to a value of phi(F) approximate to 0.2-0.3 (after 16 min) for indigo and phi(F) = 0.2 (at similar to 150 min) for its derivative 4,4'-dibutoxy-7,7'-dimethoxy-5,5'-dinitroindigo (DBMNI). With a model compound, where rotation around the central C-C bond is blocked, the phi(F) value was found constant with the UV irradiation time. Time-resolved fluorescence revealed that initially the decays are fitted with a biexponential law (with 0.12 and 2.17 ns), ending with an almost monoexponential decay (similar to 2.17 ns). Quantum yields for the isomerization photoreaction (phi(R)) were also obtained for indigo and DBMNI with values of 0.9 and 0.007, respectively. The results are rationalized in terms of a photoisomerization (conversion) reaction occurring in the first excited singlet state of trans to cis forms of leuco indigo.

Trindade, AC, Canejo JP, Patrício P, Brogueira P, Teixeira PI, Godinho MH.  2012.  Hierarchical wrinkling on elastomeric Janus spheres, 2012. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 22(41):22044-22049.: The Royal Society of Chemistry AbstractWebsite

Hierarchical wrinkling on elastomeric Janus spheres is permanently imprinted by swelling, for different lengths of time, followed by drying the particles in an appropriate solvent. First-order buckling with a spatial periodicity (λ11) of the order of a few microns and hierarchical structures comprising of 2nd order buckling with a spatial periodicity (λ12) of the order of hundreds of nanometers have been obtained. The 2nd order buckling features result from a Grinfeld surface instability due to the diffusion of the solvent and the presence of sol molecules.

Petrov, V, Parola AJ, Pina F.  2012.  Isomerization between 2-(2,4-Dihydroxystyryl)-1-benzopyrylium and 7-Hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxystyryl)-1-benzopyrylium, 2012. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 116:8107-8118. AbstractWebsite

2-Phenyl-1-benzopyrylium (flavylium) and 2-styryl-1-benzopyrylium (styrylflavylium) cations establish in aqueous solution a series of equilibria defining chemical reaction networks responsive to several stimuli (pH, light, redox potential). Control over the mole fraction distribution of species by applying the appropiate stimuli defines a horizontal approach to supramolecular chemistry, in agreement with the customary bottom-up approach toward complex systems. In this work, we designed an asymmetric styrylchalcone able to cyclize in two different ways, producing two isomeric styrylflavylium cations whose chemical reaction networks are thus interconnected. The chemical reaction networks of 2-(2,4-dihydroxystyryl)-1-benzopyrylium (AH(+)) and 7-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxystyryl)-1-benzopyrylium (AH(iso)(+)) comprise the usual species observed in flavylium-derived networks, in this case, the styryl derivatives of quinoidal bases, hemiketals, and chalcones. The thermodynamics and kinetics of the crossed networks were characterized by the use of UV-vis absorption and NMR spectroscopy as well as time-resolved pH jumps followed by stopped-flow. The two styrylflavylium cations are connected (isomerize) through two alternative intermediates, the asymmetric trans-styrylchalcone (Ct) and a spiropyran-type intermediate (SP). At pH = 1, AH(+) slowly evolves (k(obs) approximate to 10(-5) s(-1)) to a mixture containing 62% AH(iso)(+),s0 through the Ct intermediate, while at pH = 5, the SP intermediate is involved. The observed rate constants for the conversion of the styrylflavylim cations into equilibrium mixtures containing essentially Ct follow a pH-dependent bell-shaped curve in both networks. While at pH = 1 in the dark, AH(+) evolves to an equilibrium mixture containing predominantly AH(iso)(+) irradiation at lambda > 435 nm induces the opposite conversion.

Matos Filipe, L, Santos TG, Valtchev S, Pamies Teixeira J, Miranda RM.  2012.  New method employing the electrical impedance for monitoring mechanical damage evolution in glass-reinforced: Applications to riveted joints, 2012. Materials and Design. 42:25-31. AbstractWebsite
Chohan, ZH, Shad HA, Supuran CT.  2012.  Synthesis, characterization and biological studies of sulfonamide Schiff’s bases and some of their metal derivatives, 2012. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal ChemistryJournal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry. 27(1):58-68.: Taylor & Francis AbstractWebsite
Gago, S, Petrov V, Parola AJ, Pina F.  2012.  Synthesis, characterization and photochromism of 3 '-butoxyflavylium derivatives, 2012. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a-Chemistry. 244:54-64. AbstractWebsite

The compounds 3'-butoxy-7-methoxyflavylium and 3'-butoxy-7-hydroxyflavylium were synthesized and the respective equilibrium and rate constants determined by two complementary techniques, pH jumps and flash photolysis. An experimental strategy based on these two techniques allowed calculation of all the equilibrium and rate constants of the system carried out for the first time in flavylium compounds lacking of the high cis-trans isomerization barrier. Irradiation of the trans-chalcone gives rise to the formation of the cis-chalcone still during the lifetime of the flash, which disappears through two parallel reactions: (i) one leading to the recovery of the trans-chalcone and the other, (ii) forming flavylium cation via hemiketal. This last reaction is globally dependent on pH and at less acidic pH the system reverts back to the trans-chalcone. The highest yield of colour production upon the flash takes place in the pH range 2-3.5. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Gago, S, Petrov V, Diniz AM, Parola AJ, Cunha-Silva L, Pina F.  2012.  Unidirectional Switching between Two Flavylium Reaction Networks by the Action of Alternate Stimuli of Acid and Base, 2012. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 116:372-380. AbstractWebsite

The introduction of an ester group in the flavylium core allowed the reversible conversion between two different flavylium compounds each one exhibiting its own reaction network. An unidirectional switching cycle between 7-diethylamino-2-(4-(methoxy-carbonyl)phenyl)-1-benzopyrylium and 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-7-diethylamino-1-benzopyrylium was achieved by means of alternate acid and base stimuli. Addition of base to a methanolic solution of the ester derivative gives rise to the trans-chalcone of the parent carboxylic acid, which upon acidification of the solution forms the respective flavylium cation. This species esterifies under very acidic conditions to restore the original methyl ester derivative. The chemical reaction networks of both compounds were fully characterized from their thermodynamic and kinetic aspects, by a series of pH jumps followed by UV-vis absorption and emission spectroscopy, stopped flow and H-down arrow NMR. The crystal structure of the trans-chalcone of the ester derivative was unveiled showing a supramolecular structure involving hydrogen bonding.

Jorne, F, Henriques FMA, Baltazar LG.  2012.  Avaliação da técnica de injecção de grout recorrendo ao ensaio de ultra-sons e tomografia ultra-sónica (in portuguese), 18th-20th Decemb. Proceedings of the 4th National Congress on Construction. , Coimbra, Portugal
Baltazar, LG, Henriques FMA, Jorne F.  2012.  Grout optimisation for old masonry consolidation, 18th-20th Decemb. Proceedings of the 4th National Congress on Construction. , Coimbra, Portugal
Kanudia, A, Boavida D, van den Broek M, Cabal H, Gargiulo M, Gouveia JP, Labriet M, Seixas J, Tosato GC.  2012.  CCS infrastructure development scenarios for the integrated Iberian Peninsula and Morocco energy system, 18-22 November. GHGT_11, Conference session #9 on “CCS technology assessment and system integration”. , Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan
van den Broek, M, Mesquita P, Carneiro J, Silva J, Berghout N, Ramirez A, Gouveia JP, Seixas J, Cabal H, Martinez R, Rimi A, Boavida D, Tosato GC.  2012.  Region specific challenges of a CO2 pipeline infrastructure in the West Mediterranean area - Model results versus stakeholder views., 18-22 November. GHGT_11, on “CCS technology assessment and system integration”. , Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan.
Baltazar, LG, Henriques FMA, Jorne F.  2012.  Hydraulic lime grouts for masonry injection – effects of admixtures on the fresh grout properties, 15th - 17th Octo. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. , Wroclaw, Poland
Amado, M, Montalvão D, Santana P, Lopes T.  2012.  Sustainability assessment – An applied sustainability method energy supply in informal settlements, 1 June. IAIA 2012. , Porto: International Association of Impact Asssessment
Santana, SDF, Pina AS, Roque ACA.  2012.   Immobilization of enterokinase on magnetic supports for the cleavage of fusion proteins. Journal of Biotechnology. 161:378–382. AbstractWebsite

Magnetic nanobiocatalysts for tag cleavage on fusion proteins have been prepared by immobilizing
enterokinase (EK) onto iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles coated with biopolymers. Two different
chemistries have been explored for the covalent coupling of EK, namely carbodiimide (EDC coupling)
and maleimide activation (Sulfo coupling). Upon immobilization, EK initial activity lowered but EDC coupling lead to higher activity retention. Regarding the stability ofthe nanobiocatalysts,thesewere recycled
up to ten times with the greater activity losses observed in the first two cycles. The immobilized EK also
proved to cleave a control fusion protein and to greatly simplify the separation of the enzyme from the
reaction mixture.

Brás, A, Henriques FMA, Cidade MT.  2012.  - Rheological behaviour of hydraulic lime-based grouts. Shear-time and temperature dependence. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. DOI 10.1007/s11043-012-9202-0
Tana, M, Bianchi A, Sclocco R, Franchin T, Cerutti S, Leal A.  2012.  . Parcel-Based Connectivity Analysis of fMRI Data for the Study of Epileptic Seizure Propagation.. Brain Topography . (DOI:10.1007/s10548-012-0225-2)
Brecher, C, Breitbach T, Müller S, Mayer MP, Odenthal B, Schlick C, Herfs W.  2012.  3D Assembly Group Analysis for Cognitive Automation. Journal of Robotics. 2012(1):1-18. AbstractWebsite

A concept that allows the cognitive automation of robotic assembly processes is introduced. An assembly cell comprised of two robots was designed to verify the concept. For the purpose of validation a customer-defined part group consisting of Hubelino bricks is assembled. One of the key aspects for this process is the verification of the assembly group. Hence a software component was designed that utilizes the Microsoft Kinect to perceive both depth and color data in the assembly area. This information is used to determine the current state of the assembly group and is compared to a CAD model for validation purposes. In order to efficiently resolve erroneous situations, the results are interactively accessible to a human expert. The implications for an industrial application are demonstrated by transferring the developed concepts to an assembly scenario for switch-cabinet systems.