Gokulakrishnan, V., Parthiban, S., Elangovan, E., Jeganathan, K., Kanjilal, D., Asokan, K., Martins, Fortunato, Ramamurthi K.
Investigation of O7+ swift heavy ion irradiation on molybdenum doped indium oxide thin films. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 81(6):589-593.
Vale, TM.
A Modular Distributed Transactional Memory Framework. : Universidade Nova de Lisboa
AbstractThe traditional lock-based concurrency control is complex and error-prone due to its low-level nature and composability challenges. Software transactional memory (STM), inherited from the database world, has risen as an exciting alternative, sparing the programmer from dealing explicitly with such low-level mechanisms. In real world scenarios, software is often faced with requirements such as high availability and scalability, and the solution usually consists on building a distributed system. Given the benefits of STM over traditional concurrency controls, Distributed Software Transactional Memory (DSTM) is now being investigated as an attractive alternative for distributed concurrency control. Our long-term objective is to transparently enable multithreaded applications to execute over a DSTM setting. In this work we intend to pave the way by defining a modular DSTM framework for the Java programming language. We extend an existing, efficient, STM framework with a new software layer to create a DSTM framework. This new layer interacts with the local STM using well-defined interfaces, and allows the implementation of different distributed memory models while providing a non-intrusive, familiar, programming model to applications, unlike any other DSTM framework. Using the proposed DSTM framework we have successfully, and easily, implemented a replicated STM which uses a Certification protocol to commit transactions. An evaluation using common STM benchmarks showcases the efficiency of the replicated STM, and its modularity enables us to provide insight on the relevance of different implementations of the Group Communication System required by the Certification scheme, with respect to performance under different workloads.
Bahubalindruni, Ganga, Duarte, Candido, Tavares, Vitor Grade, Barquinha, Martins, Fortunato, de Oliveira PG.
Multipliers with transparent a-GIZO TFTs using a neural model. 20th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR). , Belgrade
Fournier, G, Hinderer H, Schmid D, Seign R, Baumann M.
The new mobility paradigm: Transformation of value chain and business models. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 8:9-40.
AbstractFour categories of innovations have been identified by Freeman and Perez: incremental innovations, radical innovations, new technological systems (systemic innovations), and technological revolutions or new techno-economic paradigms. New techno-economic paradigms represent changes in technological systems that are so far-reaching in their effects that they have a major influence on the behaviour of the entire economy. Scarcity of oil and external costs like global warming are the key arguments and the main drivers of the change of the current paradigm. They will affect especially the mobility of individuals and the interlinked business models. Novel business models within newly created markets will raise e.g. extended mobility services, activities aiming at the infrastructure, new opportunities in the field of energy transmission and supply and even new strategies of recycling, reusing or reducing the use of resources in order to address global scarcity issues. Especially for the established players of the automotive industry like original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or 1st and 2nd tier suppliers this implicates opportunities and risks at the same time. But also new players will get the chance to create and enter new markets with new or extended products or services and lead the new value chain. This paper compiles and evaluates current approaches and business models of selected OEMs together with upcoming players. Additionally their positions within the existing value chain are being analyzed and classified. Bringing together the identified drivers of changes with current trends within the automotive industry the authors also show new concepts of extended business models, e.g. the idea of an ecosystem, that have the potential to cause an additional shift of power within the global mobility value chain.
Morgado, L, Fernandes AP, Dantas JM, Silva MA, Salgueiro CA.
On the road to improve the bioremediation and electricity-harvesting skills of Geobacter sulfurreducens: functional and structural characterization of multihaem cytochromes. Biochemical Society transactions. 40(6):1295-1301.
AbstractExtracellular electron transfer is one of the physiological hallmarks of Geobacter sulfurreducens, allowing these bacteria to reduce toxic and/or radioactive metals and grow on electrode surfaces. Aiming to functionally optimize the respiratory electron-transfer chains, such properties can be explored through genetically engineered strains. Geobacter species comprise a large number of different multihaem c-type cytochromes involved in the extracellular electron-transfer pathways. The functional characterization of multihaem proteins is particularly complex because of the coexistence of several microstates in solution, connecting the fully reduced and oxidized states. NMR spectroscopy has been used to monitor the stepwise oxidation of each individual haem and thus to obtain information on each microstate. For the structural study of these proteins, a cost-effective isotopic labelling of the protein polypeptide chains was combined with the comparative analysis of 1H-13C HSQC (heteronuclear single-quantum correlation) NMR spectra obtained for labelled and unlabelled samples. These new methodological approaches allowed us to study G. sulfurreducens haem proteins functionally and structurally, revealing functional mechanisms and key residues involved in their electron-transfer capabilities. Such advances can now be applied to the design of engineered haem proteins to improve the bioremediation and electricity-harvesting skills of G. sulfurreducens.
Cândido, AC.
Open Innovation and Social Network Analysis. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 8:41-55.
AbstractIn this work we propose the use of Social Network Analysis to understand the positioning of the concept of Open Innovation in the literature, offering thereby a complementary approach to existing literature review up to now. The main motivation of this network analysis is to contribute to the understanding of the concept of Open Innovation, with its spread to different areas of knowledge over the years and its relationship with other concepts in the literature. Some 403 articles published in the database of the Science Direct during the years 2003 to 2011 were analyzed. The data was collected separately by year, considering the following information: journals in which the articles were published; countries of origin of the articles’ authors, keywords of these articles and year of publication. The results reveal the intense growth of the use of the words "Open Innovation" in articles from different areas of knowledge, as well as its increasing interconnection with other concepts, allowing the understanding of its diffusion in the literature.