Faria, MR, Cruz MM, Goncalves MC, Carvalho A, Feio G, Martins MB.
Synthesis and characterization of magnetoliposomes for MRI contrast enhancement. Int J Pharm. 446:183-90., Number 1-2
AbstractThis work assesses the characteristics of magnetoliposomes of soybean phosphatidylcholine (SPC):cholesterol (Chol) loaded with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) stabilized with tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAOH) and their capacity to enhance magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast. Magnetoliposomes of SPC were used for comparative studies. IONPs and magnetoliposomes were characterized using transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, SQUID magnetometry, FTIR and MRI. The saturation magnetization at 10K was 0.06 Am(2)/kg for SPC:Chol magnetoliposomes with 7 g iron oxide/mol of lipid and 0.05 Am(2)/kg for SPC magnetoliposomes with 21 g iron oxide/mol of lipid. As these values are associated with the number of incorporated magnetic IONPs, the saturation magnetization is 1.2 times higher for magnetoliposomes of SPC:Chol as compared with magnetoliposomes of SPC alone. The behavior of temperature dependence in both cases is typical of superparamagnetic particles. FTIR spectra evidence the increase of magnetoliposome membrane ordering with the presence of Chol. Principal component analysis (PCA) applied to FTIR spectra evidenced a clear distinction between scores for SPC:Chol, and SPC magnetoliposomes and for SPC empty liposomes. PCA applied to FTIR data differentiate magnetoliposomes from empty liposomes. MR images of aqueous phantoms obtained with and without magnetoliposomes, clearly evidence their effect on T2 image weighting.
Casimiro, MH, Corvo M, Ramos AM, Cabrita EJ, Ramos AM, Ferreira LM.
Synthesis and characterization of novel gamma-induced porous PHEMA-IL composites. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 138:11-16., Number 1
AbstractA novel porous polymer-ionic liquid composite with poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (BMIPF6) has been synthesized by gamma-irradiation without heat or chemical initiators. The products can be reversibly converted into organogels. The composites are potential candidates for electrochemical applications. The use of gamma-radiation can be a simple and versatile alternative way to obtain these materials. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Casimiro, MH, Corvo MC, Ramos AM, Cabrita EJ, Ramos AM, Ferreira LM.
Synthesis and characterization of novel γ-induced porous PHEMA–IL composites. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 138:11-16.
AbstractA novel porous polymer-ionic liquid composite with poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (BMIPF6) has been synthesized by γ-irradiation without heat or chemical initiators. The products can be reversibly converted into organogels. The composites are potential candidates for electrochemical applications. The use of γ-radiation can be a simple and versatile alternative way to obtain these materials.
Geng, Y, Almeida PL, Feio GM, Figueirinhas JL, Godinho MH.
Water-Based Cellulose Liquid Crystal System Investigated by Rheo-NMR. Macromolecules. 46:4296-4302., Number 11
AbstractWater-based cellulose cholesteric liquid crystalline phases at rest can undergo structural changes induced by shear flow. This reflects on the deuterium spectra recorded when the system is investigated by rheo-nuclear magnetic resonance (rheo-NMR) techniques. In this work, the model system hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC)+water is revisited using rheo-NMR to clarify unsettled points regarding its behavior under shear and in relaxation. The NMR spectra allow the identification of five different stable ordering states, within shear and relaxation, which are well integrated in a mesoscopic picture of the system's structural evolution under shear and relaxation. This picture emerging from the large body of studies available for this system by other experimental techniques, accounts well for the NMR data and is in good agreement with the three distinct regions of steady shear flow recognized for some lyotropic LC polymers. Shear rates in between 0.1 and 1.0 s(-1) where investigated using a Taylor-Couette flow and deuterated water was used as solvent for the deuterium NMR (DNMR) analysis.
Nandy, S, Gonçalves G, Pinto JV, Busani T, Figueiredo V, Pereira LÍ, {Paiva Martins} RF, Fortunato E.
{Current transport mechanism at metal-semiconductor nanoscale interfaces based on ultrahigh density arrays of p-type NiO nano-pillars.}. Nanoscale. 5:11699–709., Number 23
AbstractThe present work focuses on a qualitative analysis of localised I-V characteristics based on the nanostructure morphology of highly dense arrays of p-type NiO nano-pillars (NiO-NPs). Vertically aligned NiO-NPs have been grown on different substrates by using a glancing angle deposition (GLAD) technique. The preferred orientation of as grown NiO-NPs was controlled by the deposition pressure. The NiO-NPs displayed a polar surface with a microscopic dipole moment along the (111) plane (Tasker's type III). Consequently, the crystal plane dependent surface electron accumulation layer and the lattice disorder at the grain boundary interface showed a non-uniform current distribution throughout the sample surface, demonstrated by a conducting AFM technique (c-AFM). The variation in I-V for different points in a single current distribution grain (CD-grain) has been attributed to the variation of Schottky barrier height (SBH) at the metal-semiconductor (M-S) interface. Furthermore, we observed that the strain produced during the NiO-NPs growth can modulate the SBH. Inbound strain acts as an external field to influence the local electric field at the M-S interface causing a variation in SBH with the NPs orientation. This paper shows that vertical arrays of NiO-NPs are potential candidates for nanoscale devices because they have a great impact on the local current transport mechanism due to its nanostructure morphology.
Alves, RD, Rodrigues L\'ısaC, Andrade JR, Fernandes M, Pinto JV, Pereira L\'ıs, Pawlicka A, Martins R, Fortunato E, {de Zea Bermudez} V, Silva MM.
{Gelatin n Zn(CF 3 SO 3 ) 2 Polymer Electrolytes for Electrochromic Devices}. Electroanalysis. 25:1483\{$\backslash$textendash\}1490., Number 6