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Fartaria, RPS, Pereira F, Bonifácio VDB, Mata P, Aires-de-Sousa J, Lobo AM.  2013.  NavMol 2.0 – A Molecular Structure Navigator/Editor for Blind and Visually Impaired Users. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 8:1415–1419.Website
Teixiera, SS, Dias CJ, Dionísio M, Costa LC.  2013.  New method to analyze dielectric relaxation processes: a study on polymethacrylate series. Polymer International. 62:1744-1749.Website
C., C, M. R, C.M. S, J.J.G. M, E. O, E. J, M.G. A.  2013.  Nitrite biosensing using cytochrome c nitrite reductase: Towards a disposable strip electrode. Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Communications in Computer and Information Science. :41-51., DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-38256-7_3: Springer, Heidelberg
Dell’Acqua, S, Pauleta SR, Moura I, Moura JG.  2013.  Nitrous Oxide Reductase. Encyclopedia of Metalloproteins - Copper. : Springer
Pauleta, SR, Dell’Acqua S, Moura I.  2013.  Nitrous Oxide Reductase. Coord Chem Rev. 257:332-249.
Pimenta, J, Viegas A, Sardinha J, Martins IC, Cabrita EJ, Fontes CMGA, Prates JAM, Pereira RMLN.  2013.  NMR Solution Structure and SRP54M predicted interaction of the N-Terminal sequence (1-30) of the ovine Doppel protein. Peptides. 49:32-40. AbstractWebsite

Prion protein (PrPC) biosynthesis involves a multi-step process that includes translation and post-translational modifications. While PrP has been widely investigated, for the homolog Doppel (Dpl), limited knowledge is available. In this study, we focused on a vital step of eukaryotic protein biosynthesis: targeting by the signal recognition particle (SRP). Taking the ovine Dpl (OvDpl(1-30)) peptide as a template, we studied its behavior in two different hydrophobic environments using CD and NMR spectroscopy. In both trifluoroethanol (TFE) and dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DHPC), the OvDpl(1-30) peptide revealed to fold in an alpha-helical conformation with a well-defined central region extending from residue Cys8 until Ser22. The NMR structure was subsequently included in a computational docking complex with the conserved M-domain of SRP54 protein (SRP54M), and further compared with the N-terminal structures of mouse Dpl and bovine PrPC proteins. This allowed the determination of (i) common predicted N-terminal/SRP54M polar contacts (Asp331, Gln335, Glu365 and Lys432) and (ii) different N–C orientations between prion and Dpl peptides at the SRP54M hydrophobic groove, that are in agreement with each peptide electrostatic potential. Together, these findings provide new insights into the biosynthesis of prion-like proteins. Besides they also show the role of protein conformational switches in signalization toward the endoplasmic membrane, a key event of major significance in the cell cycle. They are thus of general applicability to the study of the biological function of prion-like as well as other proteins.

Vale, TM, Dias RJ, Lourenço JM.  2013.  On the Relevance of Total-Order Broadcast Implementations in Replicated Software Transactional Memories. Multicore Software Engineering, Performance, and Tools. 8063(João M. Lourenço, Farchi, Eitan, Eds.).:49–60.: Springer Berlin Heidelberg Abstract2013-musepat.pdf


M, E, B.A. S, I.C. V, R.C.C. M, J.P. V, L. G, I. F, R. I.  2013.  Optical and structural characterization of samarium and europium-doped phosphate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 369:55-60. AbstractWebsite

The work deals with optical and structural properties of aluminophosphate glasses from Li2O–BaO–Al2O3–La2O3–P2O5 system containing Sm3+ and Eu3+ ions. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) has been used to establish the elemental composition of these materials. The influence of Sm3+ and Eu3+ ions on the optical properties of these glasses has been investigated in relation with their structural characteristics. The optical behavior of these materials has been studied by ultra-violet–visible (UV–Vis) spectroscopy, revealing absorption maxima specific to the doping ions. Structural information via vibration modes was provided by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) absorption spectra evidenced as P–O–P symmetrical and asymmetrical stretching vibration modes, P–O–P bend, PO2- symmetrical and asymmetrical stretching vibration modes, P=O stretching vibration mode and P–O–H water absorbance. Raman spectra acquired by 514.5 nm laser excitation disclosed peaks specific to metaphosphate network. Information about the elemental compositional homogeneity of Sm3+ and Eu3+ -containing glasses as well as about the defects of the doped-glasses is revealed by scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM/EDS). Fluorescence spectroscopy measurements put in evidence important fluorescence peaks found at 596 nm and 643 nm for Sm3 + ions in phosphate matrix and 611 nm and 700 nm in the case of Eu3+ -doped glass.

Figueiredo, V., Pinto, Joana, Deuermeier, J., Barros, R., Alves, C, Martins, Fortunato E.  2013.  p-Type CuxO Thin-Film Transistors Produced by Thermal Oxidation. Journal of Display Technology. 9(9):735-740.
Parthiban, S., Elangovan, E., Nayak, Pradipta K., Gonçalves, G., Nunes, D., Pereira, Barquinha, Busani, Tito, Fortunato, Martins R.  2013.  Performances of Microcrystalline Zinc Tin Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Processed by Spray Pyrolysis. Journal of Display Technology, . 9(10):825-831.
Amado, MP, Poggi F.  2013.  PLANNING FOR SOLAR SMART CITIES. CISBAT 2013. :1017-1022., Lausanne, CH: EPFL, CH
Dias, RJ, Pessanha V, Lourenço JM.  2013.  Precise Detection of Atomicity Violations. Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing. 7857(Biere, Armin, Nahir, Amir, Vos, Tanja, Eds.).:8-23.: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg Abstract2012-hvc.pdf


Ramos, A.M., Pereira, Cidade, M.T., Pereira, Branquinho, R., Pereira, Martins, Fortunato E.  2013.  Preparation and characterization of cellulose nanocomposite hydrogels as functional electrolytes. Solid State Ionics. 242:26-32.
Rodrigues, L. C., Silva, M. A. G., Smith, Michael J., Gonçalves, G., Fortunato E.  2013.  Preparation and Characterization of Hybrid Oxyethylene/Siloxane Electrolyte Systems. Electroanalysis. 25(2):515–522.
B.A, S, M. E, L. B, R.C.C. M.  2013.  Preparation method and thermal properties of samarium andeuropium-doped alumino-phosphate glasses. Materials Science and Engineering: B. AbstractWebsite

The present work investigates alumino-phosphate glasses from Li2O–BaO–Al2O3–La2O3–P2O5 system containing Sm3+ and Eu3+ ions, prepared by two different ways: a wet raw materials mixing route followed by evaporation and melt-quenching, and by remelting of shards. The linear thermal expansion coefficient measured by dilatometry is identical for both rare-earth-doped phosphate glasses. Comparatively to undoped phosphate glass the linear thermal expansion coefficient increases with 2 × 10−7 K−1 when dopants are added. The characteristic temperatures very slowly decrease but can be considered constant with atomic weight, atomic number and f electrons number of the doping ions in the case of Tg (vitreous transition temperature) and Tsr (high annealing temperature) but slowly increase in the case of Tir (low annealing temperature–strain point) and very slowly increase, being practically constant in the case of TD (dilatometric softening temperature). Comparatively to undoped phosphate glass the characteristic temperatures of Sm and Eu-doped glasses present lower values. The higher values of electrical conductance for both doped glasses, comparatively to usual soda-lime-silicate glass, indicate a slightly reduced stability against water. The viscosity measurements, showed a quasi-linear variation with temperature the mean square deviation (R2) being ranged between 0.872% and 0.996%. The viscosity of doped glasses comparatively to the undoped one is lower at the same temperature. Thermogravimetric analysis did not show notable mass change for any of doped samples. DSC curves for both rare-earth-doped phosphate glasses, as bulk and powdered samples, showed Tg values in the range 435–450 °C. Bulk samples exhibited a very weak exothermic peak at about 685 °C, while powdered samples showed two weak exothermic peaks at about 555 °C and 685 °C due to devitrification of the glasses. Using designed melting and annealing programs, the doped glasses were improved regarding bubbles and cords content and strain elimination.

Sousa, DG.  2013.  Preventing atomicity violations with contracts. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. 2013-diogo_sousa.pdf
Gouveia, JP, Seixas J, Labriet M, Fortes P, Gargiulo M.  2013.  Prospective scenarios for the adoption of CCS technologies in the Iberian Peninsula. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments. 2:31–41. AbstractWebsite


Baumann, M.  2013.  Prospective system analysis of stationary battery systems under the frame of Constructive Technology Assessment. Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies. 9(9):9-27. AbstractWebsite

The ongoing German energy transition causes a higher demand for reliable energy storage in the future. This increasing demand for sustainable, cheap, safe and efficient energy storage systems has caused a stronger public debate about the potential benefits of grid battery storage according to sustainability. This circumstance led to the preposition that there is a need for the development of a proper ex-ante assessment strategy to support technology uptake. The developed approach represents a framework for prospective system analysis (PSA) using the heuristics of constructive technology assessment to identify consequences, application possibilities or threats in the technological trajectory of grid battery storage. Within this framework PSA is used to quantitatively assess economic, environmental and social aspects along the entire life cycle of electrochemical energy storage technologies in order to identify hotspots according to sustainability. The Analytic Hierarchic Process (AHP) supports multiple methods in data collection and enables the analyst to combine results from PSA with qualitative actor notions about technology according to the “world” where it is embodied. In this sense AHP enables to achieve an optimum construct of technology from a stakeholder view point. The developed approach represents an efficient research strategy to shape technology in a sustainable way in frame of „Responsible Research and Innovation“.

Lanca, T, Costa MF, Goncalves-Sousa N, Rei M, Grosso AR, Penido C, Silva-Santos B.  2013.  Protective role of the inflammatory CCR2/CCL2 chemokine pathway through recruitment of type 1 cytotoxic γδ T lymphocytes to tumor beds. J Immunol. 190:6673–6680., Number 12 AbstractWebsite

Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are important prognostic factors in cancer progression and key players in cancer immunotherapy. Although γδ T lymphocytes can target a diversity of tumor cell types, their clinical manipulation is hampered by our limited knowledge of the molecular cues that determine γδ T cell migration toward tumors in vivo. In this study we set out to identify the chemotactic signals that orchestrate tumor infiltration by γδ T cells. We have used the preclinical transplantable B16 melanoma model to profile chemokines in tumor lesions and assess their impact on γδ TIL recruitment in vivo. We show that the inflammatory chemokine CCL2 and its receptor CCR2 are necessary for the accumulation of γδ TILs in B16 lesions, where they produce IFN-γ and display potent cytotoxic functions. Moreover, CCL2 directed γδ T cell migration in vitro toward tumor extracts, which was abrogated by anti-CCL2 neutralizing Abs. Strikingly, the lack of γδ TILs in TCRδ-deficient but also in CCR2-deficient mice enhanced tumor growth in vivo, thus revealing an unanticipated protective role for CCR2/CCL2 through the recruitment of γδ T cells. Importantly, we demonstrate that human Vδ1 T cells, but not their Vδ2 counterparts, express CCR2 and migrate to CCL2, whose expression is strongly deregulated in multiple human tumors of diverse origin, such as lung, prostate, liver, or breast cancer. This work identifies a novel protective role for CCL2/CCR2 in the tumor microenvironment, while opening new perspectives for modulation of human Vδ1 T cells in cancer immunotherapy.

Maiti, BK, Avilés T, Carepo MS, Moura I, S.R. P, Moura JJG.  2013.  Rearrangement of Mo-Cu-S Cluster Reflects the Structural Instability of Orange Protein Cofactor. Z Anorg Allg Chem. 639:1361-1364.
Martins, Ahnood, Arman, Correia, Nuno, Pereira, Barros, R., Barquinha, Costa, Ferreira, Nathan, Arokia, Fortunato E.  2013.  Recyclable, Flexible, Low-Power Oxide Electronics. Advanced Functional Materials. 23(17):2153-2161.
Amado, MP, Almeida H, Ribeiro R, Gameiro AP.  2013.  REGENERAÇÃO DA CIDADE ATRAVÉS DO PROCESSO DE REABILITAÇÃO DO PATRIMÓNIO EDIFICADO Regeneration of the city trough the process of rehabilitation of built heritage. 2º Congresso Internacional da habitação no Espaço Lusófono. :168-169., Lisboa, PT: LNEC