Scientific Snacks (paleo talks)
Scientific Snack: Take a pause, grab a drink, and let's talk with a scientist on his/her latest research, mostly on vertebrate paleontology, evolution and geology. Every Monday 17:00 (Lisbon time)
Online meeting Zoom:
Past talks
July 13th: Benjamin Kear: Evolution of plesiosaurs
July 6th: Miguel Reis Silva: Geoparque Oeste: apresentação da candidatura à UNESCO
June 29th Serjoscha Evers, Ecological transitions to marine lifestyles: evidence from turtles
June 22nd Luis Ceríaco: Répteis e anfíbios de Portugal (in Portuguese; talk in association with Lourambi)
June 15th Miguel Araújo: Understanding Species Diversity: Ecological and Evolutionary Approaches
June 8th Oliver Rauhut: Jurassic theropod dinosaurs
June 1: Cristiano Dal Sasso: Spinosaurus
May 25: Robert DePalma: K-Pg and the extinction of dinosaurs
May 18: João Zilhão: Marine food by Neandertals
May 11: María Ríos Ibáñez: Evolution of giraffids
May 8: Matteo Belvedere, PaleoIchnology
May 4: Verónica Díez Díaz - Reconstructing hypothetical sauropod tails
April 27: Simão Mateus - Museus de paleontologia em Portugal
April 20: Octávio Mateus - Dinossauros em Portugal
April 13: Takehito Ikejiri - Extinction prior to the K-Pg
April 6: Alfio Alessandro Chiarenza - Macroecology in deep time
Mar 30: Erick J. Lundgren - Introduced herbivores restore Late Pleistocene ecological functions
Mar 24: Pedro Costa - Tsunami deposits
The video of previous talks is available here (for those with account only).
Os lanches científicos em que falamos sobre paleontologia
Organized by the paleontologists at:
Last uptade: 2020.06