Publications in the Year: 2012

Book Chapter

Baptista, PV, Doria G, Quaresma P, Cavadas M, Neves CS, Gomes I, Eaton P, Pereira E, Franco R.  2012.  Nanoparticles in molecular diagnostics. Nanoparticles in Translational Science and Medicine. Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science. (A. Villaverde, P. Michael Conn, Eds.).: Elsevier

Journal Article

Guirgis, BSS, Sa e Cunha C, Gomes I, Cavadas M, Silva I, Doria G, Blatch GL, Baptista PV, Pereira E, Azzazy HME, Mota MM, Prudencio M, Franco R.  2012.  Gold nanoparticle-based fluorescence immunoassay for malaria antigen detection. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 402:1019-1027., Number 3 Abstract


Baptista, PV.  2012.  RNA quantification with gold nanoprobes for cancer diagnostics. Clinics in Laboratory Medicine. 32:1-13.
Doria, G, Conde J, Veigas B, Giestas L, Almeida C, Assunção M, Rosa J, Baptista PV.  2012.  Noble metal nanoparticles for biosensing applications. Sensors (Basel). 12:1657-87., Number 2 AbstractWebsite


Larguinho, M, Baptista PV.  2012.  Gold and silver nanoparticles for clinical diagnostics - from genomics to proteomics. J. Proteomics. 75:2811-2823.
Sanz, V, Conde J, Hernández Y, Baptista PV, Ibarra MR, de la Fuente JM.  2012.  Effect of PEG biofunctional spacers and TAT peptide on dsRNA loading on gold nanoparticles. J. Nanoparticles Res.. 14:917.
Conde, J, Ambrosone A, Sanz V, Hernandez Y, Marchesano V, Tian F, Child H, Berry CC, Ibarra RM, Baptista PV, Tortiglione C, de la Fuente JM.  2012.  Design of Multifunctional Gold Nanoparticles for In Vitro and In Vivo Gene Silencing. Acs Nano. 6:8316-8324., Number 9 Abstract


Conde, J, Rosa J, Lima JC, Baptista PV.  2012.  Nanophotonics for Molecular Diagnostics and Therapy Applications. Int. J. Photoenergy. 619530
Veigas, B, Jacob JM, Costa MN, Santos DS, Viveiros M, Inacio J, Martins R, Barquinha P, Fortunato E, Baptista PV.  2012.  Gold on paper-paper platform for Au-nanoprobe TB detection. Lab on a Chip. 12:4802-4808., Number 22 Abstract


dos Santos, MM, Queiroz MJ, Baptista PV.  2012.  Enhancement of antibiotic effect via gold:silver alloy nanoparticles. J. Nanopar. Res.. 14:859.
Conde, J, Doria G, Baptista P.  2012.  Noble metal nanoparticles applications in cancer.. Journal of drug delivery. 2012:751075. Abstract


Sanz, V, Conde J, Ambrosone A, Hernandez Y, Marchesasno V, Estrada GG, Ibarra MR, Baptista PV, Tian F, Tortiglione C, de la Fuente JM.  2012.  Multifunctional gold nanoparticles for gene silencing. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 243 Abstract


Conde, J, Baptista PV, Hernández Y, Sanz V, de la Fuente JM.  2012.  Modification of plasmid DNA topology by ‘histone-mimetic’ gold nanoparticles. Nanomedicine.
Conde, J, Rosa J, Lima JC, Baptista PV.  2012.  Nanophotonics for Molecular Diagnostics and Therapy Applications. International Journal of Photoenergy. Abstract


Rosa, J, Conde J, de la Fuente JM, Lima JC, Baptista PV.  2012.  Gold-nanobeacons for real-time monitoring of RNA synthesis. Biosens Bioelectron. 36:161-7., Number 1 AbstractWebsite


Machado, D, Couto I, Perdigão J, Rodrigues L, Portugal I, Baptista P, Veigas B, Amaral L, Viveiros M.  2012.  Contribution of efflux to the emergence of isoniazid and multidrug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. PLoS ONE. 7(4):e34538.
Baptista, PV.  2012.  Could gold nanoprobes be an important tool in cancer diagnostics? Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics. 12:541-543., Number 6 Abstract
