Publications in the Year: 2011

Book Chapter

Veigas, B, Doria G, Baptista PV.  2011.  Nanodiagnostics for tuberculosis. Understanding Tuberculosis - Global Experiences and Innovative Approaches to the Diagnosis. (Pere-Joan Cardona, Ed.).: InTech

Conference Proceedings

Baptista, PV, Doria G, Conde J.  2011.  Alloy metal nanoparticles for multicolor cancer diagnostics. Colloidal Quantum Dots/Nanocrystals for Biomedical Applications VI. , San Francisco, CA, USA: Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7909, SPIE 2011

Journal Article

Baptista, PV, Doria G, Quaresma P, Cavadas M, Neves CS, Gomes I, Eaton P, Pereira E, Franco R.  2011.  Nanoparticles in molecular diagnostics. Prog. Mol. Biol. Transl. Sci.. 104:427-488.
Rosa, JP, Lima JC, Baptista PV.  2011.  Experimental photophysical characterization of fluorophores in the vicinity of gold nanoparticles. Nanotechnology. 22, Number 41 Abstract


Giestas, L, Lima JC, Baptista PV.  2011.  Coupling single base extension to a spectral codification tool for increased throughput screening. J Biotechnol. 154:199-204., Number 4 AbstractWebsite


Giestas, L, Lima JC, Baptista PV.  2011.   Coupling single base extension to a spectral codification tool for increased throughput screening. J. Biotechnol.. 154:199-204.
Branquinho, R, Veigas B, Pinto JV, Martins R, Fortunato E, Baptista PV.  2011.  Real-time monitoring of PCR amplification of proto-oncogene c-MYC using a Ta₂O₅ electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor sensor. Biosens Bioelectron. 28:44-9., Number 1 AbstractWebsite


Baptista, PV, Doria G, Quaresma P, Cavadas M, Neves CS, Gomes I, Eaton P, Pereira E, Franco R, Villaverde A.  2011.  Nanoparticles in Molecular Diagnostics. Nanoparticles in Translational Science and Medicine. 104:427-488. Abstract


Baptista, PV, Doria G, Quaresma P, Cavadas M, Neves CS, Gomes I, Eaton P, Pereira E, Franco R.  2011.  Nanoparticles in molecular diagnostics. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 104:427-88. AbstractWebsite


Silva, LB, Veigas B, Doria G, Costa P, Inácio J, Martins R, Fortunato E, Baptista PV.  2011.  Portable optoelectronic biosensing platform for identification of mycobacteria from the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Biosens Bioelectron. 26:2012-7., Number 5 AbstractWebsite
